Summoner of Miracles

~: 179 and (for subscription)

For Matthew, Laner and Beerker are not ignorant.

Not to mention that Laner was involved in the battlefield when Matthew was in danger. He worked side by side and acted together, saying that beerker was good, even though he met Matthew this morning, but also knows that Matthew is a follower. How powerful it is, otherwise it will not be so unscrupulous.

In other words, both riders have a certain degree of understanding of Matthew's combat effectiveness.

Now, seeing the momentum of Matthew's body soaring, and feeling that Luo's magic is constantly being injected into the body of Matthew, how can the two women not be surprised?

"Are you, the lord that the little squirrel mentioned?"

Laner is now looking forward to Luo Zhen, while looking at Luo Zhen, and asked curiously.

"The lord of mankind...?"

Beerker also glanced at Luo Zhen, his eyes showing a little strange.

Not only the two riders, but even the three of Jude, Mary, and Amadeus were a little surprised.


“I can feel that the power of Matthew has improved a lot.”

"Is this the difference between the lord's follower and the lord's follower?"

Jude, Mary, and Amadeus re-recognize that Luo is really capable. After a horror, it becomes praise. After a horror, it becomes excitement, and another one finally calms down.

Luo Zhen, who successfully attracted the attention of some people at the place, converges a little magic.

"Slightly calm down?"

Luo Zhen bluntly questioned.

"That can tell me, why are you arguing like this?"

Luo really has this question, but in exchange for an unanimous answer.

"" Not because of her! ""

The two girls pointed at each other in unison, and immediately glared at them.

Luo Zhen suddenly had a headache.

"You said first." Luo Zhen pointed to Elizabeth, saying: "Why is it noisy?"

Wen Yan, Laner snorted.

"Not because she insulted me and said that I am a miscellaneous dragon."

Laner is very angry.


"You are."

Beerker said so.

"You just turned into a dragon because you didn't have a good product? Elizabeth? Bartoli!"

The names that appeared in the mouth of Beerker made everyone present on the scene move.


"You are the female count?"

Jude and Mary looked at the Laner with horror.

"What?" Laner suddenly said: "Is it famous?"

Is it famous?

Of course famous!

Elizabeth Bartoli.

The name, there may not be many people who know, but if it mentions another name, then its popularity is relatively large.


He was named the female vampire of the Countess of Blood, the Countess of Dracula, and the Lady of Chachtis.

She is the earl of the famous Bartoli family. The family has been a well-known aristocrat who defended Hungary from Turks invading for generations. This led to the power of the female count, and believed that her power is supreme, and even the law can not take her. Like, pampered, and eventually become lawless.

The female count is convinced that the blood of the girl can keep her young and beautiful, so she kills about 650 young girls, and the blood is used by her to drink and bathe. Even the innocent people are loved and tortured. She was tortured to death, making her the female murderer with the largest number of murders in history. She was finally sentenced to life imprisonment and died in her own castle.

Because of too many cruel behaviors during his lifetime, the people of later generations have been fabricated, often describing the female count as a vampire, described as a dragon.

This fabrication finally became the world's cognition of the female count, and was mentioned by many biographies and operas, which turned into faith, causing the female count's existence to be distorted and become a real dragon. Kind.

Unfortunately, Elizabeth’s character as a dragon is the lower of the lower ranks. Will other dragons not recognize her as a similar one?

Now, beerker shows this.

Because, beerker is also a dragon.


"I don't know that I am a real dragon. What are you proud of?"

Laner Elizabeth tells the real name of beerker.

"Qing Ji!"

This name, if it is in the East Island country, will definitely cause a burst of exclamation?

Because the owner of this name is not a well-known figure in history, it is not a legendary hero in mythology, but a smoke smog that Luo Zhen once saw, but a Japanese monster.

Legend has it that she is a half-human and half-snake monster. The source comes from the allusion of Daocheng Temple Bell. The story itself comes from the bird's "The Past and the Ghosts? The Clouds of the World".

According to the records of "The Story of the Past and the Present", in ancient times, there were one old and one young and two ascetic monks went to Xiongye to practice, and the local hostess who provided them to stay was Qing Ji.

She fell in love with the young monks of the two ascetic monks in a short night.

The name of the monk is Anzhen.

The hostess used all kinds of methods and wanted Anzhen to stay, but she was rejected by the coldness, and only got a promise of returning to her home.

However, this agreement was made because it was not allowed by the old monks.

Qing Ji, who did not realize this, felt desperate, lamented and angry at Anzhen’s breach of his promise.

These accumulated feelings will transform Qing Ji into a wonderful gesture.

In order to catch up with Anzhen like a snake, Qing Ji grew his tail, his legs disappeared, and his anger turned into a snake, and finally turned into a huge dragon, swallowed the flame, and gave Anzhen Burned to death, then shed tears into the water, committed suicide.

If the beerker is really Kiyoshi, it is like Elizabeth said, it is not a dragon, but it is the most inferior dragon Elizabeth compared to the abducted legend. Qing Ji has at least the dragon attribute, once transformed For the dragon.

Therefore, beerker Qing Ji laughed.

"That's better than the useless dragon of the next product, isn't it?"

Qing Ji covered his mouth and said something like this.


Elizabeth was ready to worry again.

"Okay! Don't make a noise!"

Luo Zhen rolled his eyes and it was very uncomfortable.

"Just because of this kind of thing, are you a child?"

Luo Zhen did not find it at all, and his own words were equally stimulating.

"You said who is a child!?"

"I am a dignified lady!"

The guns of Elizabeth and Qing Ji suddenly confronted Luo Zhen.

Luo Zhen brows a pick, and immediately wants to attack.

"Please calm down, seniors."

"How come you are ready to quarrel?"

"The quarrel is not good. Smile is the expression that everyone should hang on the face."

The three men of Matthew, Jude, and Mary quickly stepped forward to stop.

"As long as you can calm down."

Amadeus was cold and spit out this sentence.

Jill, who has been watching the developments alongside, has made a sound.

"In short, go back to the camp first."

At the end of such a sentence, everyone returned to the camp.