Summoner of Miracles

~: 216 I have an idea (subscription)

After that, Roman said that the celebration party was held in the evening, and then Luo Zheng, Matthew, Da Vinci and his party were led to a person's room.

That is the room of Olga Marie.

"After the "Holy Grail" was recycled, the director came back alone and said that when you come back, you will be led."

Roman said this and brought everyone into Olga Mary's room.

"Working hard for you."

Olga Marie, who stood on a bar in the form of an owl, greeted the group of people in such a sentence.

That bar seems to be the look of Olga Mary's bed.

After all, owls can't sleep, can they just sleep like this?

"It's more and more like a bird..."

Luo Zhen silently spit out such a sentence.

If it is changed to ordinary times, Olga Marie will be furious?

But this time, Olga Marie did not say anything, just whispered.

"In this way, the first of the seven singularities was successfully repaired, and the traitors were successfully eliminated..."

When I heard this, everyone was silent.

Luo Zhen can also imagine that this sentence appeared from Olga Marie's mouth, and how many complicated feelings are contained.

Then again, Leif is the most trusted person of Olga Marie. Now that the other party has been eliminated, how complicated Olga Marie’s mood is, it is conceivable.


"Although the first singularity has been successfully repaired, the mystery has also appeared."

Olga Marie is like a repressed inner feeling, saying this in a calm tone.

"For example, Leif Noraire? Floros."

This is indeed a huge mystery.

"Remember that he is so self-proclaimed?"

Roman was so suddenly open.

"The seventy-two pillars of the devil" is the self-proclaimed by Leif Noraire. ”

Seventy-two pillars of the devil.

This is not a strange term for those who know epic and even play some games.

They are also known as Solomon's seventy-two pillars. They are the seventy-two demons recorded in The Solomon's Key in the mystery. They have their own positions, some are the commandments of the devil, some are the dukes of the devil, and some are The Marquis, some of the Earl, and so on, manage the team in extremely orderly positions and can be summoned to give the Summoner the ability, assistance, or knowledge.

The reason why these devils are called Solomon's seventy-two pillars is because of one person.


This is the great sage of ancient Israel recorded in the Bible, the character of 1011-1 BC 931 BC.

He created the prosperous period of ancient Israel, and was the first person to establish the Temple of Israel. As a king, he also had a lot of anecdotes as a magician.

Among them, the most famous magic that Solomon exercises is...

"The summoning technique..."

Luo Zhen whispered the magic system that was familiar with the soul, and the people present were silent.

Romance alone, like trying to take over his brother, is like this.

"Yes, in the legend, one of the most famous stories of King Solomon is the ability to manipulate and summon the seventy-two pillars of the demon, and gained a great deal of knowledge from the seventy-two pillars of the demon, and gained the power of magic, thus becoming famous. Demon summoner and ambassador."


"This is actually a bit of a mistake."

Luoman corrected this.

"Before being able to summon the seventy-two pillars of the demon, King Solomon is already a rare magic user."

That's right.

Solomon was known for magic before he could summon the seventy-two pillars of the demon.

Legend has it that the king once saw God in his dreams.

God lowered a **** to him.

“汝 Qualified, telling your wishes, but the wishes will be realized.”

This is God's recognition and power to Solomon.

And Solomon’s wish is to want wisdom.

God is satisfied with this desire.

Because this desire is the proof that it is eligible to reach "true wisdom."

So King Solomon woke up and found ten rings on his hands.

This is the evidence of the wise man recognized by God.

After that, these ten rings are called Solomon's rings. They are also the magic source of the angels and demons. They also let the people know that "the king has won the protection of God" and let it get the magic. The name of the king, and spread throughout the neighboring countries.

That is to say, Solomon has already achieved the name of the magic king after receiving the ten rings given by God. The so-called seventy-two pillars of the demon **** is only one of the miracles it exercises, but this anecdote is very famous. Only.

Luo Zhen can understand.

It is a great miracle to summon the seventy-two pillars of the demon.

the reason is simple.

"That is one of the most advanced magics that can summon the most superiors to make a demon..."

Luo Zhen sighed secretly in his heart.

As a person who has acquired all the knowledge of "summoning" from ancient times to the present, in the real head of Luo Zhen, there are also the procedures that can summon the seventy-two pillars of the demon.


One of the most advanced magics that can summon the most superior enchantment is also a miracle that rivals the Call of the Spirit and the Call of the Soul.

This is not far from being far from calling Luo, who is still at a distance from the superior.

And Solomon can easily do it, the name of the magic king, the name is true.

However, the most important issue now is not this.

The most important question is...

"Since Professor Leifu claims to be one of the seventy-two pillars of the demon, it means that this time the human being burned, the behind-the-scenes black hand, is probably the king?"

Da Vinci’s words in a tone that didn’t have much tension made the whole room filled with tension.

That's it, right?

"Does the king of Solomon appear to cause the human to burn?"

The words that Matthew unknowingly said are exactly what people think.

In this regard, Olga Marie fell silent, Da Vinci fell silent, and even Roman was in silence, no one said even a word.


"If the behind-the-scenes black hand that leads to the burning of humanity is really King Solomon, and Leif is only one of the demon gods called, it means..."

Luo Zhen looked at everyone's eyes and said one word at a time.

"The people we need to deal with are not only Leif, but it is better to calculate the remaining seventy-two pillars of the demon and the magic king."

This is what everyone thinks subconsciously.

Recalling the power of the Demon Pillars displayed in the singularity, there are still so many enemies in mind, and there is even a king of magic behind them who can freely manipulate, summon, and enable them. The hearts of all are open. They have sunk.

At this time, Luo Zhen also made a decision.


Luo Zhen did not have any warnings to say such a sentence.

"I have an idea."