Summoner of Miracles

~: 756 ingenious school building

The next day.

Early in the morning, the main street of the college was filled with students coming and going, so that the whole morning was filled with a lively atmosphere.

The students gathered together in twos and threes, laughing at each other, and going very purposefully to the direction of the college gate. There was no automatic doll around, and they knew they were going out on the street.

"I really look forward to it, I don't know what kind of automatic dolls I can see."

"After all, it is an exposition of the skillful technology of European countries. Is there a lot of quality products?"

“One of the seniors I know had picked up some very good parts in the last expo, and I have transformed my automatic dolls. The performance has been greatly improved. If I have the strength, I can already enter the ranks of the top 100. ""

“One of the seniors I know is even more fortunate. I got the sponsor’s funds from the back of the auction, and I’m a French automate. With it, I’m in the top 50, now it’s 38th. Name, except for the automatic doll, but hundreds of people."

"My goal is this auction, and I must buy a strong automatic doll."

“A lot of glove holders who haven’t played at night will also stare at this fair, either hoping to get good parts to improve their dolls or to buy a brand new doll at the auction. ”

"If you don't, it's really hard to come out at night."

"Who is making some terrible guys who are still there?"

"They can only hope to be at this fair, hoping to get excellent automatic dolls, and "the winter of Finbul", "the tyranny of the king", the "spinning sword" and the "last count" Next, the most inferior will not lose to the "multiple roaring"."

"I am hanging."

The students conducted discussions like this and went to the college gate to enter the street.

The goal of these people is this automatic dolls fair.

For those dolls, the fair is a stage to compete with a variety of peers, and for the dolls, it is also a very rare feast.

You can find parts for improving automatic dolls at the fair, or buy powerful automatic dolls, even if you have to buy magic loops, you also know that dolls can’t resist this. Feast.

In addition, you can see the latest ingenuity technology at the venue of the Expo. For the students of the college, this is also a good opportunity to learn and open your eyes.

Therefore, the college also agrees with such activities and strongly supports the students to attend the Automated Doll Expo.

Thanks to this, several colleges and universities have announced suspensions, and many professors have received holidays. During this time, there will be many people on the street.

Kimberly is also one of them. As a professor of the Department of Skills and Physics, her course has been completely stopped, and Luo Zhen is also a rare holiday.

However, when the students in the college went to the streets, Luo Zhen went against the tide, did not go out of college, but went to the depths of the college.

“Is this a school building that is clever and engineering?”

Luo Zhen came to a school building.

It is a Gothic-style building with a thick exterior and a majestic majesty, a magnificent and imposing school building.

As Luo Zhen said, this is a school building that is cleverly engineering.

This is a body mainly for the study of automatic dolls. The content of the research is a veritable "smart" knowledge, and the physics of mechanics can be said to be the basis of juxtapositional magic. A study of the external structure of automatic dolls, namely " The existence of hardware, a magic loop that studies the automatic dolls, that is, the "software" part, is the two most important faculties in the college, and is therefore listed as two compulsory subjects.

Students in the ingenious college must select one of the subjects as compulsory, and the other subject can be selected as an elective, and then cooperate with the rest of the subjects to conduct full study and research.

At the beginning, when Luo Zhen entered the school, he filled in the physics of physics as a compulsory subject, and became a student of Kimberly.

After all, compared to the hardware part, Luo Zhen has a higher level of literacy for magic and other software, and has a lot of knowledge of magic and mantra in his mind. It is strange to not enter the mechanics department.

However, for the mechanics of engineering, Luo Zhen is not without a little understanding.

How to say, Luo Zhen’s academic achievements are super-class. Only Magnus can get a perfect score with him in the entire college. Even the collection of Hualiu Zhai, the first person in the life of the bionic person, is one by him. Sweeping all the time, all in mind, also have a full understanding of the hardware part of the automatic doll, even the professors of the engineering department are not necessarily worthy of Luo Zhen.

Now, Luo Zhen has come to the school building of the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

Not coming to class, but coming to action.

Night, Ili, and Xiaozi were behind him.

"Is that the prisoner who used the tampering magic really is here?"

Xiao Zi looked at the school building of the Mechanical Engineering Department and curiously said this.


The reason why Luo Zhen’s group of people came here was because they wanted to find the prisoner who used the tampering magic.


"Is it not clear that the prisoner is here?"

Luo Zhen looked at the school building in front of him, saying so.

"But, according to the divination of the Japanese wheel, we should be able to find some clues when we come here."

Yesterday, at the Japanese round, Luo Zhen got a divination message.

"The hall of magic, the study of the devil, the body of the devil, the person of the devil"

Iluli slowly recited the contents of divination.

"What does this mean?"

Night is full of doubts.

In fact, this divination is not difficult to understand.

"If I don't understand the mistake, the so-called "magic hall" refers to the sanctuary of the magic world, which is the highest institution of the magic world, the Wal-Music Royal Academy. ”

Luo Zhen finally explained it.

"According to this understanding, the nature of "magic science" refers to the various scholarships in the academy. The "devil body" is also related to the body of the demon and the devil, so that we can Divination content is understood as "in the magical sanctuary, the knowledge of the devil's body, the devil who you are looking for". ”

These contents point to the ingenious engineering department of the Royal Phuket Gymnastics Institute.

"There are people we are looking for in the Faculty of Engineering at the college. This may be the result of divination."

Luo Zhen said to the three sisters behind him.

"So, the other person is not the person in the Faculty of Engineering. I don't know. I don't know if I am not here, but I can definitely find some clues here, as long as the divination of the Japanese round is not wrong."

It is for this reason that Luo Zhen will come here.

"What should we do next?"

Very cautious inquiring at night, let both Illu and Xiao Zi raise their ears to listen.

Luo Zhen indulged for a while and then spoke.

"In short, we are going to take a look at it and ask if there are any abnormalities in the place where people have changed the magic effect yesterday. If there is, it is the clue we have been looking for."

It was said that the three sisters had nodded at the same time.

"Then let's go in! People want to visit too!"

Xiao Zi couldn’t wait to say this, and went straight to the direction of the school building.

"Little purple! Run slowly!"

Elily immediately worried about it and did not hesitate to catch up.

"Sister and Xiao Zi are really, not at all reassuring."

The night counts down their sisters, but they also ran up.

Upon seeing it, Luo Zhen could not help but laugh.

I always feel that since Illiri and Xiao Zi came, I have been complaining about the situation all night long, and I actually enjoyed this situation and became more lively than usual.

“It’s a time when there’s a sense of crisis that’s inexplicable. It’s a headache to get a person’s bed at night.”

Luo really lost his smile and turned to helplessness, and then followed up.

at this time


In the Faculty of Engineering, Xiao Zi’s exclamation and painful voice rang at the same time.