Summoner of Miracles

~: 1457

Air Combat, the Chief of the Section.

At this time, in the office, Fulong sat at his desk with a serious expression on his face.

In front of it, the people of the s128 spy squad were once again called up and lined up in front of Fulong.

However, the performance of the three people in the s128 spy squad is different.

Conversion is a distressing appearance.

The other side seems to be thinking about something.

Youli is standing there, seemingly a little incongruous.

Under such circumstances, Fulong took the lead.

"I didn't expect that suddenly I decided to hold the "Air War Wudao Festival" activity. It was really sudden."

Fulong summoned everyone from the s128 spy squad, and the thing he wanted to say was the notice from the school floating city that was received by Weibo.

"After the unanimous resolution of the "Floating City Alliance", this year will re-organize the "Air War Buddhism Festival" activities, please select the representative team of the floating city of each school, choose the day to go to "Weibel" to compete, the winner will receive the Pope Personally, and is the truth of the world's creation revealed by His Majesty the Pope to the winner?"

Fulong licked his own eyebrows.

"I am afraid, the floating city of each school has already opened this thing because of this?"

Fulong thinks so.

Not only Fulong, the people present are thinking so.

No way, this resolution is really a bit suspicious.

"Why did you suddenly decide to hold the "Air War Wudao Festival"?"

The conversion is not solved.

"Air War Wudao Festival".

It was the top battle between the floating schools of the school that once held in Weibel.

In order to self-distribute elites from elite schools scattered around the world, in the past, Weiboer held this event, which allowed the floating schools in each school to select the representative team, in Weibel. Compete with each other, win the game, and compete for the strongest throne.

The reason for its existence was originally to stimulate the ambition of the sergeants in the floating cities of the various schools, so as to let humans achieve a good promotion by competition.

However, this activity has been suspended for several years.

Because of the growing threat of the magic beetle, the situation in recent years has been unstable, and this activity has been suspended through the resolution of the Floating City Alliance.

After all, in order to hold the "Air War Buddhism Festival" activities, the representative teams of the floating schools in each school have to leave the safe zone, travel far and wide, and travel long distances to the location of "Weibel". Under the unstable situation, the team It’s not a strange thing to be attacked by a magic beetle on the way to Vibel.

Therefore, this activity was suspended a few years ago.

However, this year seems to be ready to be held again.

"The situation of unclear situation is still going on, and it is getting worse and worse, but is it going to be held again?"

The snuggle frowned.

You know, the last few years have been really unsettled.

For example, more than two years ago, the forefront of the fortified city of the fortress encountered a large invasion of the army of the magic beetle, so it will be specially convened to support the students of the floating schools in the school, including Luo Zhen, even if they are calmed by the hands of Luo Zhen. The crisis has kept the front line, but the magic beetle has been launching small-scale aggression, which has caused large and small crises in various floating cities in recent years.

Even the "Mistor Hill" was not invaded by the "Spirit 2" in the past, almost crisis?

In view of this, the current situation is still very unstable. Under such circumstances, it is really unbelievable to hold the "Air War Buddhism Festival".

Even more incredible is

"Although I am very interested in the "Air War Buddhism Festival", if I have the chance to compete with the top players from the floating schools in the school, then I would like to participate once in any case, but this time the "air battle martial arts festival" seems to be a strange one. feel."

The other side bluntly stated his own thoughts.

"Like the Pope will personally meet the winning team, this should be the last thing in the "Air War Buddhism Festival"?"


For humans, the pope is the supreme being, not to mention some student air servants, who have never seen the pope in the council of the "Floating City Alliance".

It is said that the Pope has lived in the background for many years and has not appeared for a long time. Even in the "Floating City Alliance", few of them have seen the Pope. Today, only one Speaker is eligible to meet the Pope, and the rest, including The current president of the council is not qualified to meet the pope.

Now, the pope suddenly claims to meet the winner of the "Air War Buddhism Festival", which is not normal.

More suspicious is

"What is the meaning of the so-called "covering the truth of the world's creation of the winner"? ”

The words of the other side directly hit the most interesting part.

"The truth about the world's creation?"

It is thoughtful to convert.

"This is indeed an incredible sentence."

Fulong seems to have been paying attention to this.

When it comes to the truth of the world's creation, everyone can think of the secret behind the history of the war between humans and magic beetles.

Because, so far, people still don't know how the magic beetles appear, and where they come from, why they suddenly come to the world and kill the human race. These things are unknown.

People only know that the magic beetles appeared about four centuries ago. That is to say, four hundred years ago, they did not have any precursors suddenly appearing in this world. They also launched a mass slaughter and invasion of human beings, resulting in humans only Can abandon the earth and flee to the sky.

However, in the history before this, the details are almost unknown, and everything is in the mystery.

Many people once wanted to pursue this history, but unfortunately they all failed.

And assuming that this period of history is really known, then the pope who once fought and fought after the emergence of the magic beetle, and led the pope to unite may have left some secrets, passed down to the present.

Now, the pope seems to be ready to reveal this secret.

However, the Pope will only reveal the secrets of the "Air War Buddhism Festival" and does not intend to announce the world. This is another unbelievable thing.

"This so-called "air battle martial arts festival" does not seem simple."

The other party can only draw such a conclusion.


Refuge and Fulong suddenly fell into meditation.

After a while, Fulong made a sound again.

"In any case, since it is the decision of the "Floating City Alliance", we can only do it, choose the representative team and go to the competition."

In any case, only this thing, presumably can not escape.

"You asked us to come, want us to be a representative team, go to the competition?"

The other side showed a good interest, it seems that I really want to participate.

"However, if we leave, the defense force of this "Mistor" is a bit of a headache."

The conversion is so.


Youli is still in a daze, it seems that there is no spirit.

The crowd discussed it with excitement, and it was only after a while that Yuli’s anomaly was discovered.


The sighs were surprised and sounded.

Unfortunately, You Li still did not respond.

Upon seeing it, everyone looked at each other.