Summoner of Miracles

Chapter 1972: "East Starley"

Hey! ”

This is the cracking sound of the ground.

Under the liberation of the two holy swords, the earth is like a series of earthquakes of more than a dozen levels. The tremors of desperate tremors make the two beams of light rise to the sky, the ground continuously sinks down, and the cracks The fallen land continued to spread around.

The scene is as if the whole earth is to be broken.

That movement, as if the gods came again, inciting the whole world.

All the followers stepped back one by one, avoiding the storm of the expansion, and avoiding the numerous rubble and rubble that fluttered to avoid being attacked.

The magical hurricane is swaying, making people feel that the end of the world is coming, it is terrible.

Under such circumstances, Luo Zhen held Cavendin and landed in midair.

A group of people gathered together in their bodies, staring at the front, and could not help but turn their eyes to Cavendin in the hands of Luo Zhen.

"Is this not Gao Wenqing's holy sword?"

Matthew was amazed.

“Why does Cavendin appear in the hands of the lord?”

Alter did not think of this, his face was full of surprises and doubts.

Luo Luo did not answer.

Not that he didn't want to answer, but someone interrupted him.


The burnt sound came from Bedwell's body, letting Bedwell's face fall to the ground with pain.

"Is it okay?"

Luo Zhen held up Bedwell and looked at Bedwell, who was full of pain. His brow was deep and wrinkled.

"Mr. Bedwell!?"

Matthew was immediately shocked.

"Don't force yourself any more."

Alto Lia's attention was also attracted to Bedwell, so that she could say such things.

"I am fine!"

Bedwell bites his teeth, ignoring the pain of his body and his soul. He barely stands up straight, his legs are trembled, and his body is twitching. The silver arm is still shining with dazzling brilliance. A burst of amazing power fluctuations came.

The volatility was not weaker than Luo Zhen and the holy sword in the hands of Altor.

No, it should be said that the volatility is even more similar to the exhalation of the holy sword in the hands of Luo Zhen and Alto Lia.

By virtue of it, Bedwell can open the power of the gods.

However, using the power above this ability, the cost of Bedwell is getting bigger and bigger.

Now, Bedwell is not only physically ruined, but even the soul is broken.

Originally, the situation of the knight was very bad, and it was almost impossible to add fuel to the fire like this. It is no wonder that even Alto Lia could not help but scream.

But Bedwell is not going to stop.

"This is my last battle, the last loyalty for the king."

Bedwell’s painful voice spread like this.

"Please also stop asking you to stop."

Upon hearing this, Luo Zhen and Alto Lia were silent on the spot, but only Matthew, who did not know the situation, was still amazed.

Upon seeing it, Luo really smiled and said so.

"Don't care about this, be careful, this level will not solve the goddess Rangomi Mind."

Hearing the words, everyone looked at them one by one, turning their heads one by one and looking back.

There, the earth-shattering movements slowly subsided, and the two beams of light that had risen from the sky gradually dissipated.

It didn't take long for everything to disappear.

Matthew, Bedwell, and Alter did not relax their vigilance, still armed and looking straight ahead.

Luo Zhen also unveiled the "Eye of the Sky", intending to peek around and put all the movements into control, but found that being in this space, not only the physical laws were distorted, but even the fluctuations of the magic were extremely disordered, and they could not be expected. The effect of the eye.

It is able to block most of the effects of "Eye of the Eyes" and "Eye of the Eyes". This space is better than the inherent enchantment.

Of course, Alto Liya didn't know about this kind of thing. She just called out the end of the tower and let the world come to an end. I didn't expect to be able to make such an unexpected surprise.

Luo Zhen will no longer use the "Eye of the Eyes" and "Heart Eyes", instead use the ability of "Lingshi" to capture the spirit of Alto Liya with "Lingshi" to judge its position and state.

And this look, Luo really face a slight change.


Without any precursors, Luo Zhen said this.


Matthew, Bedwell and Alter were on the spot and did not hesitate. Together with Luo Zhen, they spread directly without thinking.


At this moment, Luo Zhen and others previously located in the position, the ground directly blasted.

A light rushes from the ground to the ground, breaking through the ground and rising to the sky.


A stable came out of the light and resounded throughout the audience.

"That is!?"

Everyone saw the scene in the light, and each one suddenly changed his face.

I saw a helmet wearing a helmet and wearing a armor. The white horse of the incomparable Shen Jun appeared there.

The sound of the horse was just from the mouth of the white horse.

Alto Lia sat on the back of the white horse, holding a holy gun, underneath the cold sly.

It was unscathed.

"Not actually injured!?"

Matthew couldn't believe it.

"That horse, is it?"

Bedwell is staring at the white horse of Alto Lia.

The same is true of Alter, who looks closely at the horse and spits out a name.

"East Starrion."

"East Starley".

This is not a famous beast, an illusion, or even a Warcraft, not even a fantasy, but an ordinary mount.

According to legend, King Arthur has two horses, one white horse and one black horse.

The white horse is named "East Starley".

The dark horse is called "Ramler".

At this moment, it is the white horse "East Starley" that appears in front of everyone.

"I am able to summon the mount, you are really proud."

Altolia spoke coldly about this.


An astonishing sensation rose from it and went straight into the sky.



"not good!"

Matthew, Bedwell, and Alter have a sharp face.

Obviously, the three did not think that Alto Liya could still explode stronger power.

Only Luo Zhen, his eyes stared at the white horse under Alto Lia.

With the ability of "Lingshi", Luo Zhenqing clearly saw the white horse's chest, with three golden glory shining.

"The Holy Grail"

That's right.

That is the Holy Grail.

The three "Grails" appeared on the white horse.

Luo Zhen almost understood it all at once.

"The goddess took the "Holy Grail" as the core, summoned the former love horse, and implanted the "Holy Grail" into its body."

Thus, East Starrion became a fantasy species that could not be even connected to the beasts. When Altolia was riding on him, he would receive three blessings of the Holy Grail, and the power would skyrocket.

In other words, the current Alto Liya is considered to be full of strength.

"So, I want to go, human."

Alto Liya’s expressionless expression.

Let the white horse underneath, his eyes flashed through a fine light, a vertical body, swooping down.

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