Summoner of Miracles

Chapter 1986: Final singularity

Chaldean, Central Control Room.


Among the jets of steam, the devices for the transfer of the spirits called the "chassis" were opened, and the people came out.

Luo Zhen opened his eyes and stood on the ground in the central control room, looking at the familiar scenery, as if he had just come to an end, whispering softly.

"Come back."

Luo Zhen and his party went smoothly from the sixth singular point to the Chaldean.

And a closer look, in addition to Luo Zhen, the first time to the Chaldeans are also one by one sigh.

"Is this the Chaldean?"

Quiet and curious looking around.

“It turns out that I can really feel the unusual atmosphere.”

Alter gives a calm response.

"It's no big deal."

The attitude of the "alter" is somewhat unruly, but there is no subtle rejection of the look and eyes. Obviously, it is not really unpleasant to the Chaldean.


In addition, there is a small white beast that jumps out of the and falls on the ground, returning to the ground in his own place.

"It’s great to have Fufu come back together."

Matthew, who was replaced by a Chaldean uniform, looked at Fufu and made a reassuring speech.

This white mysterious beast is still as it is. After entering the singularity, it often disappears, and it often appears suddenly. The sense of existence is high and low. Sometimes Luo Zhen and Matthew will forget its existence. I don't know what I am doing, but I can always catch up with the return of the spirit. I have to say that it is really incredible.

But in general, this time, everyone is still safely returning, and also brought back the strong riders of the three riders, which is quite rewarding.

The responsible people of the Chaldeans all entered the central control room and came to the public.

"Welcome back, everyone."

Romance took the lead in revealing a sigh of relief, as the nerves that had been tight all the time could finally relax, and there was a feeling of crying.

"This repair work is really hard. After all, there have been many different singularities from the past."

Da Vinci was still so heartless, but at least gave condolences to everyone.

As for Olga Marie, after a cough, it was a very positive opening.

"Working hard, Loreley, Matthew."

With that said, Olga Marie turned to the three riders.

"In addition, welcome to your arrival, King Arthur, the Virgin, and the elderly in the mountains, it is our pleasure to be able to welcome the three."

As the director of the Chaldeans, Olga Mary gave a positive greeting to the followers who joined the Chaldeans.


(((Why is an owl?)))

Looking at the face like a swaying wing, flying in the air, the eyes are very serious Olga Marie, although knowing its existence, but have not seen her true appearance of all the people from now on They are all stunned.

However, as a hero who has lived in a long-standing past, a group of followers will not be too long for this.

"Are you the director of the Chaldeans?"

Alter seems to be looking at Olga Marie.

"Yes, it looks like my preference, not the dirty human beings I hate. It’s great to see this. I don’t care about calling you a saint, but still Tell you, I am not a saint, a witch, a dragon witch, I will make a mistake next time, I don't mind if I can see if you can burn your feathers?"

Al德 [alter] said this with an evil expression and tone.

"excuse me."

On the contrary, it is quiet, and many people who see the Chaldeans are not eye-catching, as if they do not like being too close to others, staying behind Luo really, sticking to him.

The three followers each showed their own personality, giving Olga Marie a headache.

At the same time, the attitude of the other side also made Olga, who had a bad temper, quite hot.

Olga Marie admits that as the successor of the famous door, the director of the Chaldeans has already done the best for the number of rituals. The attitude of the other party is like this, and it must not be tolerated.

Although it has become like this, Olga Marie is still a magician, and is still a deep-rooted magician. In her view, the follower is the devil, since it is the devil, the obedience is the rationale. It should be, and not like, to show a disobedient attitude.

This is also the arrogance of the magician of the famous door. It cannot be said that Olga Mari is wrong. It can only be said that the views are different.

So Olga Marie wanted to give a little Ma Wei.

Unfortunately, her plan is destined to be shattered.


Just as Olga Mary prepared to say something righteously, Fufu suddenly jumped up and rushed to Olga Marie.


Olga Marie was caught up in a fuss by the futuristic, and fell directly to the ground, making a sorrow.

"What are you doing!? What crazy is it!! Stop it! You are a rude unidentified creature! Don't! Don't grab it! Stop it, don't ah ah ah ah!"

Olga Marie immediately screamed and screamed like a toy.




Seeing this scene, Alto, alter, and the three quiet people are all dumb.

On the contrary, Luo Zhen and others have become accustomed to this and look calm.

"As you can see, the director is a little busy now, so let us welcome you on your behalf."

Romane smiled at the three followers.

"From today on, Chaldean is not the only one who rides me. It is a good thing that Matthew, who is a sub-slave, has a partner to fight together."

Da Vinci is still happy.

The three followers took their attention away from Olga Marie.

"It seems that the Chaldeans are not as savage as we think. There is still a rider here. Although it is a technician, let us look forward to it."

Alter took a look at Da Vinci and said so.

"Thank you."

Quietness is still a simple and concise expression.

Instead, the alter reveals a disapproving expression.

"However, there is only one singularity, but in the end, this singularity seems to be very troublesome. If the Chaldeans don't want to increase their combat power, then the fear is really the same as the lion king said. No hope?"

Let's explain the arrival of himself and others.

In this regard

"As you said."

Romane was silent for a while, then sighed and sighed.

"We have all heard the words of the Lion King. According to the information she provided, after screening, the seventh singularity has been observed."

When the words came out, everyone looked shocked.

"The seventh singular point was observed!?"

Matthew is preparing to stop Fufu’s horror.

"Is this true? Brother."

Luo Zhen also raised his brow and was amazed.

It is not Romance that answers this question, but Leonardo da Vinci.

"It is true that we did observe the era of the seventh singularity."

Da Vinci announced this.

"The origin of the Sumerian civilization in 2600 BC is Mesopotamia."