Summoner of Miracles

Chapter 2084: Signs of God and Buddha

The spirit of Tokyo is still shaking, so that the spiritual powers that come from the same source are coming from all directions, and they are gathered in the underground of the Kanda Myojin Shrine.

The multi-track puts itself in the center of the pulse, the eyes are closed, the body is suspended, and the whole person begins to fit with the influx of the body, so that the spirituality above all existence gradually comes.

This phenomenon tells Luo Zhen.

“Is the ritual of the gods going to be successful?”

At least, from the current situation, the ritual of the gods is quite successful, and there is no even a slight mistake.

The spirit of the Pingmen Gate has been boarded to the multi-track, and is being merged with the multi-track.

If it is an ordinary god, then it will probably be announced directly.

It is not ordinary to lower the gods, but not to drop God for a while, but to let God stay on the ground forever, so it is necessary to thoroughly blend the spirit with the witch's spirit before it can be done.

In other words, it takes time.

However, this time has not been long.

Luo Zhen can see through this, others can naturally.

For example, the Tuyumen Luguang, which once held the "Tiancao Prefecture".

"Autumn view!"

The Chunhu will hold the symbol, and the first hand will be printed. While the enchantment will be used to resist the burning flame, while cursing the text, he wants to counterattack the palace, but it is suppressed by the endless palace of the spiritual power. I couldn’t get away from it, so he was so anxious to yell at Luo Zhen.

"Hurry up to stop the ceremony!"

Chunhu has not given up the idea of ​​stopping the "Tiancao Prefecture".

Now, among all the people present, only Luo Zhen is still standing there, without intervening in any battle, Chunhu is naturally anxious to let Luo Zhen stop it.


"Don't worry." Luo Zhen was extremely calm and said: "I have a measure."

Luo Zhen did not move at all.

"Autumn view!"

Chunhu couldn't help but scream, but in exchange for the fierce burning of the flames of the palace, he had to concentrate on dealing with it.

The Flying Pills are still in conflict with the White and Black Skulls. One side constantly uses various spells and slams together with the body skills. One side is constantly showing off the past and is constantly staggered throughout the underground space. Move, so that all directions are filled with the residual image of the three-dimensional flexible body.

The battle between the ghosts and the wedges is fierce, a brave wave of fists, letting the ghosts rush out, a crazy wave of knives, destroying the ghosts of the smashing, violently smashing The sword and the shadow of the sword, so that the corners of the ghosts can only temporarily retreat.

The battle between Jingzi and Cangqiao Yuanshi can be said to be the most unpretentious. Both sides are separated by a long distance to sing the mantra and release the mantra. It can be said that the word "curse warfare" is completely interpreted. Let all kinds of spells fly all over the sky, bang to each other, overcome each other, collide with each other, and carry out the battle between the orthodox Yin and Yang divisions.

As for the battles of Natsume, Suzuka and Mirror Road, the battle and the degree of fierceness are not lost to the rest of the battle.

After all, the curse style of Mirror Road is inherently rude and reckless. Natsume and Suzuka are creatures, and one is a fox fairy, one is a ghost king, one releases a fox fire in the rear, everything is burning, one is roaring in front. The degree of intensity and intensity is naturally unusual.

In four battles, the entire underground space was divided into four battlefields, only Luozhen, and still watching there.

Not a long time...

"Is it starting?"

Luo Zhen was as if he had noticed something, and his eyes flashed in the eyes.

Its "Grey Eyes" and "Heart Eyes" operated at the same time, which made Luo Zhenqing clearly see the sudden anomalies.

That is the anomaly that appears in the veins.

Luo Zhen had expected it.

"Whether the ritual is successful or not, how can we not use the problem if we use the spirit like this?"

However, this is not a question of ritual.

The ritual has been carried out until now, and it has basically been said to be successful.

With the whole Tokyo as an altar and two times of spiritual disasters and terrorist attacks to prepare for the spirit, and then hold the ceremony of the "Tiancao Prefecture", the preparation is so sufficient, the probability of success of the ceremony is still very high.

However, the spirit of being so exploited is still a problem.

Luo Zhen can clearly observe that the spirit has been completely disordered, so that all the disasters have erupted in Tokyo, and there has been a fierce struggle with the ghosts who wandered in Tokyo, causing another battle in Tokyo. .

Moreover, this situation is still growing.

"According to this trend, the Lingmai will completely sneak out sooner or later, and the entire Tokyo will be blasted."

It is a real disaster at that time.

In this case...

"This mess has to be cleaned up a bit."

Luo Zhen muttered like this.

Immediately, Luo Zhen suddenly raised the sun's holy sword in his hand and stabbed the holy sword into the ground.


In the sound of gold and iron, the sword tip of the holy sword breaks through the earth, and the holy sword is like a tombstone, standing in front of Luo Zhen.

This movement caused an immediate attention at the place.

Luo Zhen is deaf to the ears, clinging to the hilt of the holy sword, and constantly outputting his vast and incomparable spiritual power, through the holy sword, into the veins.

"————To give a congratulatory message to the gods of the high heavens, to cleanse everything --"

Luo Zhen took out the most noble message.

"———— Gao Tianyuaner Xuantian's message is too much congratulations, engulfing the world's sin, smashing the mind and body ---"

The spiritual power in Luo Zhen is like a rushing current, injecting the pulse in the most direct way, and carrying unparalleled power, which suppresses the disordered spirit.

"Using the power of my own to suppress the entire thread...!?"

I noticed what Luo Zhen was doing, and everyone in the place was horrified.

is it possible?

Is it possible for a person's spiritual power to suppress the entire spiritual pulse?

This is simply opening a very excessive joke!

For Luo Zhen, to do this, it is not worth shocking.

His spiritual power (magic power) is comparable to the whole planet, even above its level, the area of ​​the pulse, want to suppress, and simple.

However, Luo Zhen’s approach has also had some impact on the ongoing ritual of the gods.

With the power of the ritual as a ritual, this spirituality has been invaded and even suppressed by foreign spiritual powers, so that the spiritual power gathered has not only been reduced, but also more spiritual power, so that Luo Zhenling The force is actually injected directly into the body of the multi-track.


The multi-track suddenly burst into a squeaky throat, which seemed painful and uncomfortable.

"not good!"

Seeing this scene, people such as Cangqiao Yuansi, Gongdi Panfu and Jinglu Road were all shocked.

On the contrary, Luo Zhen, the corner of his mouth was slightly outlined, and he actually made a French seal with one hand and began to sing the mantra.

"---Nan-Bang-Big Bodhisattva, Gossip Da Mingshen, Fengqian Yuzuo God, Gossip Palace, and the Eight Diagrams of the Gods of the Eight Diagrams, there are signs of the blending of the gods and Buddhas, the Pangwon Palace in Pingqun County, and the Shrine ———”

When such a mantra resounded, the rest of the people, regardless of it, Kou Qiaoyuan Division is suddenly a big eye, the face has never changed before.


Cangqiao Yuansi can no longer calm down and yell.

"Block him!"


"He wants to dominate the upcoming generals!"

The call of Cangqiao Yuanshi was introduced into everyone’s ears.