Summoner of Miracles

Chapter 2450: Goddess of this age

"This air ..."

Jin Gu seemed to notice something, turned his gaze, and looked at the sky.


Gorek sank, too.


Matthew was surprised.

As for all the people in Chaldeans, exclaimed sounds came.

"Another magic reaction is coming! And this mode is a follower!"

"Values ​​are god-level! Specifications are god-level!"

"No doubt ... it's a goddess!"

Olga Marie, Leonardo Da Vinci and Roman successively spoke out and told everyone what had happened.

Luo Zhen followed the magnificent look and looked to the other side of the sky.

There, under the unknown night sky, a dark shadow swept at an alarming speed.

Grabbed was a large pterosaur.

Pterosaurs have sharp mouths and feather-like hair on their bodies, and their colors are quite bright. They crossed the sky and came to the top of the crowd.

"That's ... Pygmy Pterodactyl ...!?"

Matthew was stunned.

Not to mention Matthew, that Luo Zhen frowned a little.

The pied-snake winged dragon, also known as the Fengshen winged dragon, the noble cockroach winged dragon, and the quizal winged dragon, is the largest flying animal dragon discovered so far, and it may also be the largest flying animal. Up to twelve meters, it is comparable to a small aircraft.

It lived in the late Cretaceous period 60 million years ago and was named after a feathered wind god.

In other words, the opposite party is a species 60 million years ago, which definitely exceeds the level of the fantasy beast, and may even exceed the level of the beast.

And such a creature is now just a goddess' mount.


On the back of the Pterodactylus, a woman waved her hand enthusiastically to the crowd.

The other person has an exotic blond hair, wearing a costume similar to that of an ancient clergyman, priest, or wizard. The atmosphere of the whole person is biased toward the forest system, and he holds a heavy broad-edged sword in his hand, which looks like a Like the big sister of foreign countries, people are very close.

However, in such a big sister who is full of intimacy, it has a very strong air of fluctuations.

The scale of that divine spirit even surpassed Gore's work, and even Ishtar could not reach it. For the gods that Luo Zhen has seen so far, he has the most powerful spirit.

And when this exotic goddess appeared, Jin Wuyu Zhi on Luo Zhen also had a fierce reaction, shaking out a lot of fire powder.

Not only Jinwu, but also Cavendine in Luo Zhen's hands seemed to have reacted, burning with flames.

Luo Zhen clenched Cavendine tightly, holding down Yuzhi on his body, staring straight at the goddess on the back of the snake-winged dragon, and his face began to become solemn.

Even Luo was really like this, let alone Matthew.

"That goddess ..."

Matthew sweated slightly from her forehead.

Intuition told Matthew that the goddess in front of him seemed enthusiastic, but in fact he needed to be treated more carefully than Gore and Ishtar.

Luo Zhen remembered one thing that Ishtar had mentioned this morning.

That is, the goddess of the dense forest goddess is the highest among all the goddesses in this world.

The identity of the goddess is now clear.

She is the goddess of the jungle, a **** of South American origin, belonging to the last pillar of the "Three Goddess Alliance".

Such a goddess, with a feathered snake-winged dragon as a mount, can even arouse the reaction of Jinwu and Cavintin ...

"Did she be ..."

Luo Zhen thought of a possibility, and his complexion became solemn.

Because, maybe, this time I really encountered a terrible existence than the magic king Solomon.

Geerong and Jin Gu's attitude towards each other is also intriguing.

Jin Gu even spoke out.

"What are you doing here? Quizal Coyatt!"

Gingu said so, and he called each other like this --- Quizal Koyatya.

Matthew opened her eyes wide.

All the Chaldeans took a breath.

Luo Zhen said secretly in his heart.

The identity of the other party is exactly the same as Luo Zhen just guessed.

In the Aztec mythology of Central and South America, there is a pillar **** with this name.

It is the **** in charge of life, harvest, culture, and wind and rain, but a good **** with many deities, priesthood, and deities.

This **** of goodness has denied the living ritual that is a necessary part of South American mythology. Its name has the meaning of "feathered snake" or "winged snake", and is therefore known by many people as the feather snake and snake And the dragon has a great relationship.

He also has many legends as representatives of "goodness". He used to be the sun god, and was also regarded as the **** of goodness, such as Travis Carpentai Kutli and Mayan Kukulkan. Even as a king of human beings, he has led human beings to establish a prosperous civilization, which can be said to be one of the most supreme gods in Aztec mythology.


The other party is the **** of the main **** level, which is equal to Zeus in Greek mythology, Odin in Nordic mythology, Emperor Shitian in Indian mythology, Annu in Mesopotamia mythology, etc. The existence of the Father of the Gods is the undoubted highest **** in Aztec mythology.

"Well, don't be so cold."

This goddess-level goddess now looks at everyone with a beautiful smile without arrogance, and her eyes stay on Luo Zhen for a while, making the smile on her face more beautiful and rich, while holding her palms together, happy And a pleasant voice.

"No matter how we are allies, I should help Gore workers, shouldn't it be strange?"

That's what Quizal said.

"Is that right?" Jin Gu said, "If I remember correctly, we only concluded a non-aggression pact with each other, but never said we were partners, and never said we needed to help each other. "

Jin Gu's attitude is very cold, and it can even be said to be vigilant and alert.

Gourmand also stared at Quizal tightly. Although not as vigilant and alert as Jin Gu, she could also see her exclusion from Quizal.

Quizal, on the other hand, was a bit hurt in his attitude towards Ginger and Gorgon.

"I say you guys, I'm too guarded against my elder sister. Even if we only conclude a non-aggression pact, I have always wanted to talk to Gore. After all, I am also a snake **** He said he wanted to make good friends with Gore. "

With that said, Quizal also looked to the horizon.

"You should think so too, right?"

Quizal's words caused everyone's attention to be attracted by another figure descending from the night sky.

"Don't get me wrong, I never thought of making friends with you. To me, you are just alien gods, even invaders?"

It was the goddess who was aboard the sky and descended from the night sky.

"Miss Ishtar!"

Matthew couldn't help it.

Ishtar also looked over and saw that Luo Zhen and Matthew were okay, first relieved, and then his face tightened.

Luo Zhen gazed at Ishtar, then gazed at Quetzal, and finally at Gore.

On his wrist, Roman's voice sounded extremely tense.

"Is this the whole picture of the Alliance of the Three Goddesses ...?"

All the three pillar gods of the "Three Goddess Alliance" that came in this era.