Summoner of Miracles

~: 611


This is a port city in the northwest of England, one of the eight core cities of England, one of the five municipalities in the urban county of Mersey, and the capital of Merseyside, 325 km northwest of London. The train takes less than three hours to London.

It is a famous commercial center in the UK and the second largest commercial port with a wide hinterland. The large amount of cotton produced in Manchester is transported from this place to the rest of the world, making it not only the trading port of the British Empire. It is also an academic city second only to Cambridge.

In this world, Liverpool has another name.

"Ingenious city."

Even looking at the world, this is also the city with the most developed technology.

So, if you look down from the sky, you can see that in the city of Liverpool, pedestrians are in a constant stream, whether it is a store or a restaurant.

In addition to shoe stores, clothing stores, and jewelers, there are storefronts that sell mechanical parts, magic items, and automatic dolls. They can even see simple tinplate dolls selling bread and snacks.

In other cities, this is a sight that is hard to see.

Just above this prosperous and developed city, a crow flies away from the distant sky, tearing the air with wide wings and turning at an acute angle toward the city.

Even if it is a huge type among all the birds, the crow's body shape will be sprinkled with the sun-like powder of fire, which is so dazzling when it is blended into the air.

Looking closely, this crow has three feet. Even if you search the world, you can't find a crow of this variety.

The three-legged Jinwu flew toward the ingenious city of Liverpool, and finally fell straight into the street. While spreading the wings, he stretched the three feet forward. After slowing down in the air, he gently rolled over and fell on the body. In front of a magnificent building.

In the next second, the three-legged Jin Wu suddenly turned into a cloak, and a flip turned into a teenager.

The young man is wearing a gorgeous black coat. The age is between the ages of fifteen and six. The appearance is Dongyang's temperament and the western exquisiteness. It looks like a mixed-race, unusually handsome.

At this moment, the teenager raised his head and looked at the magnificent building in front of his eyes.

"Here is the rumored Royal Academy of Skills?"

The boy muttered like this.

Standing in front of it is a powerful lecture hall. At the glimpse, it even makes people think that it is Buckingham Palace. The brick wall is full of five meters high. There are also gun-eye devices on the stone door. It’s just that the guns don’t seem to be used to defend against foreign enemies, but to kill the escapers. The evidence is that the guards’ eyes are not looking at the streets, but they are all concentrated in the school ground, although the whole looks conservative and restrained. Still full of momentum, it is just like the military headquarters.


"This is not so much a college as it is a prison?"

The teenager said something ironically.

This is true.

Once inside, if the student is not allowed, the automatic doll is not allowed to go out, otherwise the guard will have the right to execute the doll.

So, to say that it is a prison, there is nothing wrong with it.

"Just, strictly speaking, it is still a college."

The teenager licked his mouth.

In the early 20th century, when the skill and civilization flourished, with the amazing development of science and technology, human beings have also established a high degree of magic system.


This transformation of the magic concept, through the built-in magic loop of the automatic doll and the manipulators that manipulate it, can be combined to create a modern, fast, precise and powerful magic singer that could not be imagined in the past. After being discovered and making the magician no longer in trouble, the magic array and the lengthy spells are constrained, and the magic can be easily applied, and it is also used for military purposes.

For example, the United Kingdom where Liverpool is located, whether it is the victory of the Battle of Trafalgar or the victory of the Battle of Waterloo, is indispensable to the merits of the British dexterous division.

This makes it not only the United Kingdom, but the world is expanding its weapons of destruction, and the atmosphere of the world war is extremely rich. The military of the great powers are all trying to find outstanding dolls.

Under such circumstances, cultivating new generations of talents and educating outstanding people will become a cause of hard work and development in the whole country. It can be said that it is a historical necessity.

This college is the birth of this school.

"The Wal-Mart's Royal Institute of Mechanical Science".

This is the Royal Academy in the smart city of Liverpool. Although it is located in the UK, it has autonomy and can be used by talents from all over the world regardless of nationality, regardless of race or gender. In today's era. It can be said that it is at the forefront of the clever technology, and it is also the advanced institution of the hall of clever magic.

The talents coming out from here are almost all over the world, and as long as they graduate successfully, they are at least excellent soldiers who can be reused by the military. The countries around the world value the advanced educational institutions and resources of the college and have been providing them continuously. Students, let outstanding talents go here to study, even if you enter the college to study the tuition is not expensive, the power of a single family is simply not enough to support, unless it is a wealthy institution and even the country, otherwise it can not afford, but still have Many companies and the country do not hesitate to invest huge sums of money to send talent here.

Today, the teenager has also come here.


"You should probably have come down from me?"

The teenager was a little cold and said something to the "some baggage" in his coat.

At this time, the teenager's coat showed some movement.

Specifically, there is a head that comes out of the coat.

Exploring from the juvenile coat is a beautiful girl with a delicate and exquisite appearance, a black and bright long straight hair hanging down like a waterfall, enough to make people feel amazing.

However, at this moment, this beautiful and over-extended girl is tightly wrapped in the juvenile coat, hugging the juvenile body, and does not care about the status quo of her delicate and delicate body, which is full of The face is flushed, and the teenager is watching with wet eyes.

"Has it already? Pro ~ love ~~"

The girl said this in a sweet and unspeakable tone.

But the teenager is very cold.

"Who is your dear?"

The teenager responded as well.

"Don't say that." The girl twisted and pinched, that is, happy, and satisfied her body more close to the teenager, said: "The embrace of the gods is very comfortable, so warm, night is almost impossible." ”

"Is it?" The teenager closed his eyes and immediately twitched and said: "That will give me a break, don't use that hand to touch me!"

The shouting teenager slammed his fist and squatted on the girl's head, letting the girl scream, squinting her head and tears down her body.

The boy just sighed.

"It's enough"

This is the only feeling of the boy.