Summoning Mercenaries

Chapter 312: Break through

"Leader, the best route has been sent to your screen, please check it carefully."

Kent, who was taking the lead, after hearing Cortana’s reminder, glanced at the upper right corner of his helmet display, and saw that the planned route from the south bank to the north bank had been adjusted, taking Kent as the point to the nearest parliament building. The route was marked by a red line by Cortana.

The route needs to pass the Waterloo Bridge, and you can reach the Conference Building within a distance of about 500 meters.

In fact, the closest thing to the conference building is the Tower Bridge in London, where Kent and others drove an SUV. However, due to the fact that they had just fought with the Talon Mercenary Corps, they received the attention of Yuri's troops.

Therefore, Cortana resolutely abandoned this route, and although Waterloo Bridge did not have any shelter that could provide any structure, it was more spacious and the shortest length.

If Kent and his party passed in the shortest time, Yuri’s troops would not have time to react and intercept. What's more, one-third of Yuri’s troops in London are now fighting with the forty Astarte guards in the Houses of Parliament. Combat.

The remaining two thirds are to take over the local troops that are controlled by the mind, and to wipe out the residents and armies that are immune to mind control.

After carefully observing the route given by Cortana, Ken Fei nodded and said: "Well, thank Cortana, all the members follow, Cortana has sent the map to your display, watch carefully."

"Yes, head." Tan Ya, Carl and others replied.

The screen switched to a bird's-eye view above, and the Kent six were advancing quickly and concealedly along the edge of the Thames. On the main road next to the Thames, a large number of Yuri troops were conducting house-to-house searches.

Yuri’s army and Kent and others are only a row of old-fashioned houses in the center, but this also provides enough cover for Kent and others.

And even if the local network in London is not cut off, Cortana still has a way to invade some surveillance video to provide Kent with a forward view.

There are also a small number of Yuri recruits who passed through the old building and came to the river bank, but they were cut directly by Kent and other Spartans...

That's right, it was solved directly by hand. Even though Yuri recruits have psychic attacks that can cause a lot of damage, their physical qualities are ultimately ordinary soldiers.

Against the superhuman Sparta, it is not enough to cram your teeth.

In just ten minutes, Kent and his party approached the southern end of the Waterloo Bridge from the river bank, but when Kent and others came to the bridge carefully, they found that a lot of Yuri’s troops were stationed here.

The picture was zoomed in to Kent again, and he was squatting on the ground with a short tree as cover, holding a pistol with a silencer in hand, and carefully observing the bridge through the telescope system of the Mark VI Thor's hammer. The deployment of troops.

"Three Tornado Tanks,

A nerve assault vehicle,

A Getter cannon tank, I hope this ‘broken’ tank will not increase its firing speed indefinitely.

Ninety Yuri recruits,

Oh? There is also a virus sniper hiding in the tree, tusk, but still can't hide from Mark Six's search. "

Kent looked at the bridge and used the scanning system that came with the Mark Six Thor's Hammer to clearly see the deployment of Yuri's troops on the Waterloo Bridge.

While Kent was secretly observing, there were also many citizens who were immune to Yuri's mind control, and many special police officers were rushing to the Parliament building after receiving Arcturus' distress signal.

After all, the head of state (the emperor) of the coalition government (empire) is there. Even if the head of state is killed and needs support, and there are a large number of enemy troops, these civilians and special police are still going to the parliament building. After all, Arcturus is a benchmark and can condense. The only resistance organization.

Kent knew that these mixed teams could not pass the Waterloo Bridge where Yuri’s troops were stationed at all, but Kent was not prepared to rescue or stop them.

Even if he is compassionate and compassionate, he will not save a group of people who have nothing to do with him and put his brothers in danger because of a small loss.

And to put it insidiously, Kent hopes that this group of people will open the way to test the attack and coordination capabilities of Yuri's troops, and it can create a certain amount of chaos, so that Kent and others have a chance to pass.

Sure enough, in this mixed team with a large number of special police in the front, civilians in the middle, and ordinary police in the back, it made its first impact towards the Waterloo Bridge.

"Papa!" The sound of small-caliber submachine guns and medium-caliber assault rifles resounded through the more peaceful Waterloo Bridge.

"Qiu! Qiu!" The unique attack sound of Yuri recruits also came immediately.

In terms of firepower output, the special police are still more powerful. After all, the physical ammunition is still much faster than the fire attack similar to the psychic attack.

However, the fire attack of Yuri recruits also caused the hit special policemen to burn and turn to ashes instantly, which greatly hit the mixed team that was originally not high in morale.

But even if the ninety Yuri recruits were not as good as Kent and others, they were still of higher quality than the police and other emergency forces. At the cost of 33 Yuri recruits died, they almost wiped out the special police who attacked at the beginning.

Now there are only a hundred civilians holding all kinds of firearms, more than 30 police officers holding shotguns and pistols, and the few remaining special police officers holding assault rifles.

And in the mixed team, there is actually a special police sniper who continues to cause damage to Yuri recruits at the end of the team. Almost every ten seconds or so can solve Seeing the mixed team actually charge When he reached the center of Waterloo Bridge, Kent couldn't help but be surprised: "I didn't expect these people to hold on for so long."

"But it was Yuri's main station tank that didn't act. Now...they are playing." While Kent sighed, Cortana commented somewhat regretfully.

At this moment, three Tornado tanks, as well as a Gate cannon tank and a nerve assault vehicle that were not planning to take part in the battle, when they found that the assault team had rushed to the center of the bridge, they finally began a rolling attack.

I saw three Tornado tanks with spikes in front of them in a row at the front left, and they smashed toward the mixed assault team. After all, the opponents were all bullet weapons and could not cause effective damage to the main battle tank.

At the same time, with the sound of "Piu", a burst of green smoke suddenly exploded centered on the special police sniper, and the special police sniper also turned into a pool of blood because of the green smoke, leaving only a skeleton with a little flesh and blood.

"Oh? The virus snipers are also attacking?" Kent looked at the miserable team and waved to Carl who was hiding by the side:

"Carl, it's up to you to teach the sniper opposite."

"Yes, captain."

Summon a mercenary

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