Summoning Mercenaries

Chapter 349: emergency

   "Ahaha, cool, with these equipment, I can reach the dongjing!" When Li Yunlong looked at his soldiers, took off the power armor, and sent it to the heavy truck outside the palace, he couldn't help laughing.

   Suddenly, Li Yunlong seemed to have made a mistake in the ‘script’, and he was taken aback for a moment and said, "Huh? Why do I say Dongjing?"

   "Forget it." Li Yunlong then waved his hand idly and continued to direct his subordinates to transport the power armor out.

   And Kent, who was paying attention all the way, wanted to say to Li Yunlong himself for some reason: ‘Brother Yunlong, look at the equipment of that battalion. When will you return it to us? ’

   However, Kent just thought Y.

   About a few minutes later, Li Yunlong finally took off his soldiers, took off all the armor of the Chaos Guard, and said to Horus: "Brigadier General Lukapel, you can start."

   "Hmm." Horus nodded, and shouted to the Astart guards: "Guardian! Raise your gun!"

   "Da Da!" The sound of the explosive gun being lifted up neatly.


   "Boom! Boom!" When the volley of blast guns fired, the sky-shaking gunshots resounded in Yuri's palace.

   Following the instructions of Horus, a group of Astarte guards shot the chaos guards blankly.

   The Astarte Guards are not like the Chinese soldiers, who sympathize with the Chaos Guards. After all, the Chaos Guards have killed a lot of their Astarte brothers.

   As for the Guardian of Chaos, after being hit by the explosive warhead of the blasting gun, even if his body was blown to pieces, his face remained expressionless and he didn't say anything.

   Seeing this, these sympathetic Chinese soldiers finally no longer have compassion. After all, the recent Martian zombie epidemic is still vivid. These chaotic guards are just like zombies, so they don't deserve their sympathy.

   And Kent who saw this scene was also a little stupefied. After all, when he first came to this world, he was kidnapped by the Grad organization and was chased by zombies.

   Then Simon came to rescue him. After that, it was Kent who made the blue mercenary group grow and develop step by step. Kent still retains the blue dragon doll made by Laura for him.

   Thinking of Laura, Kent plans to visit his sister secretly after completing this task. After all, it has been a long time since I saw him.

But when he thought of Sheffield and Umbrella's two "hills" in front of him, he couldn't help but feel cold, and hummed in his heart: "Huh! Yuri, the big boss, has been killed by us... uh... Are you afraid of you Umbrella and Old Shafie?

   As long as these two missions are completed, you can rest for a while. After all, after completing the mission to the polar planet, the blue mercenary group has not rested well, and I have not rested well.

   I don’t know if there are new shoes, hey..."

   Just as Kent was thinking of a trance, the Astarte guards also completed their work, killing all participating Chaos Guards one by one.

   At the same time, Horus also patted the stunned Kent on the shoulder, and said, "Okay, let's go brother, this mission is complete, it's time to return to Earth."

   After hearing Horus's call, Kent also recovered, nodded and said: "Yes, commander."

   Just when Kent and Horus were in love ////ww, Li Yunlong, a half-old guy, also intervened and said, "Well, if you don't mind, you can take our ride.

   And according to the news from our fleet, all the defenses outside Pluto have been collapsed by the cooperation of your ships and our fleet. It can be said that Pluto has regained the hands of your empire. "

"Yeah." After hearing Li Yunlong's kindness, Horus nodded and said, "Okay, thank you for your kindness, Commander Li, guards! Follow the friendly forces and board the convoy! We are going to return to the surface of Pluto and return to Earth. !"

   "Wow!" After hearing that they could return to Earth, the Astarte guards burst out loud roars. After all, after long-term combat, even the Astartes who transcended mortals were exhausted physically and mentally.

   Immediately, Kent and Horus led the crowd and followed the assault group brought by Li Yunlong. All of them boarded the Huaxia Motorcade and marched towards the surface of Pluto.


   About two hours later, on the surface of Pluto, the Sailing Dawn was floating 200 meters above the surface of Pluto, and Li Yunlong also kindly sent Kent and Horus and others to the bottom of the Sailing Dawn.

After returning to the surface, the communication was finally restored, and immediately everyone’s communication also heard an urgent voice from Miranda Keys: "Commodore Lukapel, are you all right! Also, you killed Yuri Marin. Is this traitor?"

   "Hehe." After hearing Miranda's question, Horus smiled slightly and said: "Of course it's okay. Although I lost a lot of brothers, he still fulfilled my lord's order.

   As for Yuri Marin, the traitor, and died at the hands of friendly forces. "

"Huh..." Upon hearing the report from Horus himself, Miranda seemed to breathe a sigh of relief and replied: "Brigadier General, you are okay... Well, our Sailing Dawn has also completed the mission and cooperated with the China Fleet. , To wipe out all the Yuri fleet coefficients in the periphery."

   "Well, thank you guys..."

   Just as Horus wanted to say the last word "it's", he was speechless, because he only saw Pluto's low-Earth orbit, suddenly opening a blue wormhole vortex.

   After all, the universe cannot transmit sound. Although Pluto also has a thin atmosphere, it is too thin, so everyone cannot hear the sound of the wormhole opening.

   But everyone on the China Motorsport team found a surprise in front of them, and Kent also knew that behind the wormhole, it was Valenrian’s flagship, the Hyperion.

  ‘Mad, does this Prince Shabi really want to die? ! Although China does not intervene in the only war between the empire and the insurgents, the current China fleet is definitely more inclined to the side of the empire. After all, they have fought together! ’

   Seeing the Huberian slowly coming out of the wormhole, Kent could only be anxious in his heart, but it didn't help.

   Just as Horus was preparing to notify Miranda to put the Ship Heading Dawn into combat mode, Valenrian’s voice came from the public communications, and he was very panicked...

   "This is Valenrian Mengsk! We are chased by unknown forces! We ask for support! We are chased by unknown forces!

   Attention! The enemy is not a human force! Not human! "

   Just as Valenrian called for help, several purple wormholes opened.

   {Thank you for coming into the house immediately~

  Thank you for the monthly pass for the all-night owl~}