Super Anti-war System

Chapter 1084: Dead of night

When the two new devils change defenses, they will definitely get up first.

When they wake up, they may be disturbed by the dreams of other devils.

In this way, even if he killed these two devils again, it would definitely increase a lot of difficulties when he went to kill other devils.

Also, some devils woke up.

Going to assassinate them again, this is not difficult, how can it be?

Most importantly, it is not very appropriate to describe it as difficulty.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with adding a lot of danger to describe it.

Thinking of this level, it was natural that Ye Tian ignored these two devils for the time being.

With a cold smile, Ye Tian appeared lightly inside the wall behind the town middle school.

In fact, before reaching the middle school in this town, Ye Tian conducted a wave of tactical reconnaissance.

The area of ​​the middle school in this town is not large, which is about one acre.

One mu, converted into a common unit, is 667 square meters.

Specifically, the town middle school compound is about 30 meters long and 20 meters wide.

Otherwise, the town's middle school has been damaged.

Obviously, the destruction occurred during the Battle of Songhu some time ago.

In addition, the Yamada team stayed here with deep intentions.

In half a month, the defense of Nanjing will begin.

In order to win this battle, the devils came out all over the place and are quickly gathering near Nanjing.

Now, the time has come to November 15, 1937.

In other words, on December 1, 1937, the defense of Nanjing will start.

However, although the defense of Nanjing was very fierce, it lasted not long.

On December 13, Nanjing City was breached by devils.

It was on this day that the Nanjing Massacre kicked off!

Familiar with the general trend of history, Ye Tian was very anxious.

The wall of the middle school in this town collapsed several sections.

Obviously, the Yamada team made a simple renovation after taking this place as a resting place for the march.

Wherever the courtyard wall collapsed, the devils arranged branches, door panels, stones and other debris.

However, even so, it couldn't stop Ye Tian's footsteps.

Very relaxed, Ye Tian jumped in.

Behind the town middle school, a bit to the left.

After some tactical reconnaissance, Ye Tian settled here.

Ye Tian discovered that these 41 devils were distributed in four rooms.

Team leader Yamada himself occupied the best room.

Four machine gunners and four grenadiers stayed in a room.

The other two ordinary infantry squads, each with 13 devils, live separately in the other two rooms.

However, one of the infantry squad was missing two devils.

Obviously, these two devils are the two who are on duty at the gate of the town middle school compound.

Also, night vigilance, Team Captain Yamada will definitely not do this.

And those four machine gunners and four grenadiers, because they are high-ranking technical soldiers, under normal circumstances, would not participate in guard duty.

After removing the two devil squad leaders, two deputy squad leaders, four combat team leaders, and other high-ranking devils, if you count them all, there are more than a dozen ordinary devils participating in the guard duty.

In fact, the devil squad leader is called the team leader in the island country, or the leader Cao.

The deputy squad leader is called the sergeant.

The leader of the combat team is called the corps leader.

In fact, there is another name for the Devil Class, which is called Unit.

Capture the thief first, capture the king, shoot the thief first shoot the horse.

Without hesitation, Ye Tian targeted the Yamada team leader with his first goal.

After listening with vertical ears and confirming the position of the devil again, Ye Tian gently opened the door and stepped in.

The room was completely dark.

However, with night vision capabilities, Ye Tian's vision was not affected at all.

At this moment, Captain Yamada is sleeping with his body tilted.

Aiming at the exposed back of its head, Ye Tian suddenly shook his right palm.


Very easily, Ye Tian stunned him.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian tied it up quickly.

In addition, he did not forget to plug the other party's mouth.

After finishing these operations, Ye Tian appeared in the dormitory of a devil class.

Standing at the door of the room, listening with upright ears, after confirming that the devils inside were sleeping, Ye Tian sneaked in.

At the sight, 11 devils are lying on the ground, sleeping in an unsightly posture.

At this moment, it is the dead of night.

Concerned about the big goal of restarting the system, Ye Tian has no interest in playing Lingchi anymore.

My family knows my own affairs best.

Ye Tian knew that playing Lingchi against the devil was his own label.

Therefore, considering the temporary loss of the super resistance system, Ye Tian had to keep a low profile.

For this reason, Ye Tian intends to kill these 11 devils directly.

In order not to make too much movement and at the same time not to let the smell of blood permeate out, which would arouse the alertness of other devils, Ye Tian made a big move.

Very simple, every time he kills a devil, Ye Tian always covers the opponent's mouth with his left hand.

At the same time, let the saber pierce the back of the opponent's head.

This place at the back of the head is the dead spot of the human body.

The most important thing is that even if it is pierced here, it will not shed too much blood.

Therefore, there will not be too much **** smell.

However, to be on the safe side, every time he kills a devil, Ye Tian always does not forget to cover his wound with a march.

This operation can eliminate the **** smell to the greatest extent.

Before crossing, Ye Tian was an international gold medal killer.

In addition, he was honored as a urging judge by the killer world.

Therefore, silently killing these 11 devils is nothing to Ye Tian at all.

Even in the process, there were no twists and turns at all.

After dealing with these 11 devils, Ye Tian appeared in the dormitory of the last devils infantry squad.

As before, Ye Tian also performed the same operation.

However, just after killing the three devils, Ye Tian had a little accident.

The reason is simple. A devil was awakened by urine and planned to wake up at night.

What made Ye Tian dumbfounded was that under the shining of the moonlight, the devil was stunned when he saw himself.

However, two seconds later, realizing that something was wrong, it gestured and issued a warning.

Upon seeing this, before the devil uttered a bird's voice, and aimed at its throat, Ye Tian suddenly put out his left hand.

While sticking out his left hand Ye Tian still flexed his claws.

Very easily, before the devil issued a warning, Ye Tian twisted its Adam's apple.

In this way, the devil died depressed.

Next, Ye Tian didn't encounter any more twists and turns.

Ignoring the stunned and tied Captain Yamada for the time being, Ye Tian walked around from outside the courtyard to the gate of the courtyard.

Without scruples, Ye Tian walked in a simple and straightforward way.

Without any twists and turns, Ye Tian broke the apple knots of these two devils and easily killed them.

Only Captain Yamada was left, and Ye Tian smiled grimly, planning to chat with him.

In the next step, Ye Tian plans to fight against the direct squadron of the Yamada team.

To be prepared, Ye Tian intends to obtain some military intelligence.