Super Anti-war System

Chapter 1103: Heavenly Soldier

Soon, the soldiers of the second battalion and the devils of Fujino Squadron collided head-on.

The expected bayonet chaos began immediately.

The most important thing is that hand-to-hand combat has just begun, and the one-sided scenes will begin immediately.

Of course, it is still the Fujino Squadron who has the absolute initiative, or the absolute advantage.

There are many reasons.

First, before the hand-to-hand fight, the Fujino Squadron only dispatched 54 devils from one squad, and 246 people in the second battalion had no temper at all.

Most importantly, there have been signs of ending the battle just now.

In other words, in terms of morale, Fujino Squadron has a great advantage compared with the second battalion.

Second, all devils have experienced hand-to-hand combat training when they were in the boot camp.

In contrast, the soldiers of the second battalion lacked this.

Therefore, in terms of the level of assassination, the second battalion and Fujino Squadron are quite different.

Of course, it is undeniable that there are some martial arts masters in the second battalion.

Therefore, the assassination level of these martial arts masters is not weaker than that of devils.

However, there are not many martial arts masters, so it has no effect on the overall situation.

Third, China’s national strength is weak, and the soldiers’ nutritional problems cannot be guaranteed.

Even, I can only eat two meals a day.

On the other hand, Guizi, although the island country is poor in resources, he has been doing business without capital for too long.

Therefore, in addition to being able to eat a full meal, the devil’s nutritional problem far exceeds that of the Chinese soldiers.

In this way, in terms of basic physical qualities such as strength, explosive power, and speed, the Chinese soldiers are much worse than the devils.

The fourth is the most important point.

After the gun battle just now, the second battalion had only 136 troops left.

In contrast, the Fujino Squadron, although there were some casualties, there were still 168 people left.

In other words, the troops of the second battalion were lost by nearly half.

On the other hand, Fujino Squadron, it is ugly, the number of casualties is almost negligible!

The gap with Fujino Squadron is so big, it is natural that the second battalion is not generally passive.

The most important thing is that the morale of the second battalion is getting lower and lower after seeing repeated casualties on one's side.

Upon seeing this, the major battalion commander Wei Dongliang was anxious.

Without hesitation, Wei Dongliang continued to boost his morale while fighting desperately against the devils.

"Brothers, kill a devil and it's done."

"If you kill two, we will earn one more!"

"Also, brethren, gather quickly, don't fight against the devil!"


What Wei Dongliang said makes sense.

Going head-to-head with the devils, the second battalion, apart from individual martial arts masters who can take advantage, most of the soldiers suffer.

The soldiers can only avoid this disadvantage if they gather together to keep warm.

Encouraged by the commander of the major battalion Wei Dongliang, and reminded by him, the soldiers immediately recollected.

Naturally, the soldiers automatically formed a circle and turned the knife edge outward.

Moreover, they did not forget to help each other so as not to let their comrades in arms be stabbed to death by devils.

On the other hand, the devils of Fujino Squadron were enjoying one-on-one catch-and-fight, and found that the battle situation had changed suddenly.

There is no way, they have to face the encirclement, repeatedly explaining, what is a hand-to-hand master.

What I have to say is that in the process of gathering the second battalion together, dozens of other people were killed and injured.

The Fujino Squadron lost only eight in total.

Among them, only six were stabbed to death!

Obviously, according to this situation, if it continues to develop, the second battalion will certainly not be able to avoid the fate of being annihilated by the regiment.

In fact, the second battalion is rapidly evolving towards being destroyed by the group!

At this moment, the sudden change occurred.

The reason is very simple. After an emergency trip, Ye Tian finally arrived on the battlefield!

The most important thing is that Ye Tian said that this must be added.

After quickly judging the situation of the battle, it was too late to say hello to this Huaxia army, and Ye Tian immediately entered the role.

At this time, all the devils surrounded the Second Battalion.

Very easily, the devils will be in the second camp, surrounded by the inner three floors and the outer three floors.

Especially the captain of the squadron was actually in the innermost part of the encirclement.

And, in response to the devil around him, it repeatedly killed the Chinese soldiers.

Upon seeing this, Ye Tian Lei Ting was furious.

Without hesitation, Ye Tian picked up the two 38 large lids in both hands, and rushed forward like crazy.

Also, in order to avoid accidentally injuring Huaxia soldiers, Ye Tian had to do this.

Otherwise, with only the crooked handle light machine gun, Ye Tian could easily sweep over a hundred devils.

Let's be prepared and start suddenly.

The most important thing is that the rate of fire of the crooked handle light machine gun is very fast.

Seeing the rapid decrease in the number of soldiers, Ye Tian did not dare to neglect.

While rushing, Ye Tian also roared loudly.

"Little devil, I'll **** your grandma!"

"If there is a kind, come at me!"

"Well, if I can't kill you all, even if I lose!"


Ye Tian's roar was very effective, and immediately attracted the attention of a dozen devils.

Seeing that Ye Tian was wearing a Chinese civilian costume and automatically ignored the two 38-big cover rifles in his hand, these dozen devils, subconsciously, showed serious contempt on their faces.

Also, in the minds of the devils, let alone the Chinese civilians, even the soldiers of the Chinese regular army have low combat effectiveness.

Cursing his lips, the dozen or so devils all looked at a devils second-class soldier.

In their minds, this devil second-class soldier can easily kill Ye Tian in seconds.

They didn't know that Ye Tian was not an ordinary Chinese civilian.

On the contrary, Ye Tian is still an evil **** who specializes in killing devils and traitors!

In fact, not only the devils saw Ye Tian, ​​but some of the soldiers in the second battalion also saw him.

Subconsciously, the soldiers thought, let Ye Tian quickly stay away from here.

Also, if this stranger comes over, the game will not change in any way.

The most important thing is that when he comes, he will take his own life in Unfortunately, although the soldiers wanted to warn Ye Tian, ​​they didn't have this opportunity.

The reason is simple, the devils' bayonets dangling in front of them from time to time, making them hard to defend.

There was no way, taking a break from the busy schedule, looking at Ye Tian, ​​the soldiers showed unbearable expressions.

Soon, under the gaze of these devils and Chinese soldiers, Ye Tian ran to the second-class devils.

At this moment, this devil second-class soldier was bent over, holding the 38-big cover rifle in both hands, and was ready to kill Ye Tian in a second.

This is not to be counted, subconsciously, it does not forget to express contempt.


"You are dead!"

"Shina, died under my bayonet, you should thank me!"