Super Anti-war System

Chapter 1123: Ye Tian shot

In fact, Ye Tian had a deep intention to deal with this devil's mixed army deliberately.

Most importantly, Ye Tian didn't want to bear their endless tracking.

In addition, for the current situation, with keen insight, Ye Tian had already realized it.

Just like Ye Tian gave the soldiers popular science, now, it is this third team that poses a direct threat to oneself.

However, the standard infantry brigade has a strength of 1,100.

Today, this infantry brigade, the third brigade, is very substandard.

Before encountering this second battalion, Ye Tian relied on fighting alone to kill an infantry squadron.

After encountering the second battalion, Ye Tian helped them and destroyed another infantry squadron.

In other words, now, the strength of this third squadron is more than half of the standard strength.

If these mixed 211 devils were destroyed in the regiment, the strength of the third brigade would be less than half.

In this way, it will be much easier to bring the soldiers back to the Kuomintang-controlled area.

In fact, Ye Tian still had two ideas for dealing with this mixed army.

First, after killing all these devils, Ye Tian wanted to seize their weapons and equipment.

Of course, 21 fighters, dragging the weapons and equipment of the two squadrons, must be a time-consuming and laborious act.

To put it ugly, such an operation will inevitably delay the advancement of the troops, and will be overtaken by the devil army, thus falling into extreme danger.

Relying on his knowledge of history, Ye Tian knew that in the process of the westward withdrawal of China's main forces, due to various reasons, many soldiers must have fallen behind.

Ye Tian meant that whenever he encounters a single soldier, or a small group of soldiers, he will include them all.

As a result, the number of people helping to consign weapons and equipment will increase.

The most important thing is that if you have more troops, you will have more confidence if you encounter a large group of devils.

Second, in order to restart the Super Anti-Japanese War system as soon as possible, Ye Tian had to find the captain of the third team, Shao Zuo as soon as possible.

Then, through a wave of violent interrogations, intelligence was obtained from the commander of the 9th Infantry Wing.

In this way, follow the vines, sooner or later, you will find King Hatohiko of Asaka Palace, so as to restart the super resistance system.

Thinking of these things, the corner of Ye Tian's mouth curled up.

"Brothers, there are only 168 devils left in those 12 tents."

"After killing these devils, we will be much safer."

"In this way, you should sort out these spoils first, and be vigilant at the same time. I will come as soon as I go."

Hearing this, the soldiers nodded one after another.

Upon seeing this, Ye Tian smiled and disappeared into the night again.

After easily killing 30 devil artillery, Ye Tian found that the tactics he chose were really reasonable.

Also, attacking from the devil's undefended East really makes the devil hard to defend.

It was about to approach the camp of this devil infantry squadron, Ye Tian cheered up and continued to move forward, but slowed down.

At this moment, the hour hand has pointed to three o'clock in the morning.

Everything around was silent, but from afar, the howls of various beasts came from time to time.

Putting on the devil's military uniform and approaching silently, Ye Tian was very confident.

Of course, in this section, once again, Ye Tian missed the Super Anti-Japanese War system very much.

Also, if the Super Anti-Japanese War System is not already dormant, where does it take so much trouble to kill this Devil Squadron?

Disguise, invisible body armor function, early warning function, silent function of FN57 pistol, powerful dead men, various high-precision weapons...

Even to deal with such a little devil, as the commander-in-chief of the anti-Japanese rescue, Ye Tian didn't need to do it himself.

Although eager to restart the super anti-war system, Ye Tian was very patient.

Ye Tian knew that he had to eat one bite at a time, and the road had to go step by step.

The steps are big, it is easy to get the eggs.

The most important thing is that if you are in a hurry, it is easy to put yourself in a critical state.

That's not even counted, he would still be in danger of being killed in battle.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian's expression became more and more serious.

The lion fights the rabbit with all its strength.

Only in this way can you make yourself safer.

Soon, Ye Tian came to the 12 tents.

Although it was past three o'clock in the morning, Ye Tian knew that it was difficult for the devils to sleep well.

In other words, there must be some devils waiting at night.

For this reason, Ye Tian had been waiting for the devil to come out, hiding in the shadows.

As expected by Ye Tian, ​​he saw five devils one after another.

Naturally, these five devils all died under the attack of Ye Tian, ​​the international gold medal killer.

And their bodies were hidden in the distance by Ye Tian.

Feeling that it was almost done, and realizing that there were no more devils up at night, Ye Tian turned to his back and learned a night meow.

Soon, the soldiers heard the offensive signal.

Immediately afterwards, the soldiers ran over cautiously.

At the same time, after confirming, Ye Tian found that there were no devils to wake up at night for the time being.

Nodding, Ye Tian turned to look at the soldiers and lowered his throat.

"Brothers, listen up."

"The first team followed me, and the second team served as the reserve team."

"The reserve team should pay attention and can shoot at the devils at any time if they find the situation!"

Hearing this, the soldiers did not dare to neglect, and nodded heavily.

After looking at them one by one, Ye Tian quickly appeared in a tent with ten of the strongest and most powerful fighters.


In the next time, with these ten warriors, Ye Tian killed all the way.

The other eleven fighters have faithfully assumed the responsibility of cover and vigilance.

The devils were all concentrated in the 12 tents, and they went smoothly, and Ye Tian solved 8 of them.

However, just after entering the ninth tent, an accident happened.

At this time, the soldiers were holding sabers, not yet in their positions.

"Cough cough cough..."

A devils caught a bad cold and coughed constantly.

The point is, it can't bear this kind of suffocation, it wants to get up and drink some water.

Naturally, it wanted to pick up the flashlight to find the marching pot.

At this time Ye Tianzheng was holding a flashlight and assigned the combat target to the last soldier.

Naturally, this devil saw Ye Tian.

What made Ye Tian dumbfounded was that it was this time, because of the light, the devil didn't even see the saber beside him.

Considering that the fighter's movements were too slow, which would leave time and space for the devil to warn loudly, Ye Tian did not dare to neglect.


Aiming at the devil's throat, Ye Tian suddenly threw his saber.


The effect was very good. The saber pierced the devil's throat accurately and trembled.

What made Ye Tian pleased was that this warrior would have trouble, and before the devil fell to the ground, he suddenly stabilized it and placed it gently on the ground.

However, before Ye Tian had time to be happy, he discovered something.