Super Anti-war System

Chapter 1130: Sumie Tanaka

In fact, the reason why the battlefield observation team was dispatched was that King Hatohiko Chaoxiang Palace had a deep intention.

First of all, the specific task of the battlefield observation group is to observe the topography of the Kuomintang Controlled Area around Nanjing.

With this operation, you can better observe the terrain and understand the defensive deployment of China's troops.

In this way, the best attack plan can be made in a targeted manner.

Obviously, those who can perform this kind of task are the staff officers of the Central China Front Army.

Also, although military maps are very detailed, the effect is far less than on-site observation.

As we all know, in the Huaxia Army, the staff is not very important.

In contrast, the role of staff in the Guizi Army is almost irreplaceable.

The devil staff officers are really talented. In addition to specifying the battle plan, they can even replace the top commander and exercise the power to command battles.

The most important thing is that King Hatohiko of Asaka Palace knows his family affairs best from his family.

King Hatohiko of Chaoxiang Palace knew very well how he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant general and how he became the highest commander of the Central China Front Army.

Feeling that his level is far from enough, lest he might screw up this battle to destroy China, King Hatohiko of Chaoxiang Palace had to do so.

At the same time, by doing this, King Hatohiko Asakamiya also helped his nephew who was the emperor.

Of course, it still wants to go further and boost the morale, military aspirations and popular support of the islanders.

Also, before the battle started, the battlefield observation team was sent out.

Such an operation is definitely effective if it is transmitted to the country.

The most important thing is that King Hatohiko Asaka Palace can take up the position of this lieutenant general.

Of course, in the eyes of King Hatohiko of Chaoxiang Palace, China will lose in this battle.

Therefore, after occupying the capital of China, it will become a great figure in the youth history of the island nation and enjoy the worship of the island nation forever.

In fact, the one who proposed this idea to King Asaka Palace Hatohiko was a major general staff officer named Sumie Tanaka.

Sumie Tanaka is the best friend of King Hatohiko of Asaka Palace and has been following it for many years.

What I have to say is that in order to gain the full confidence of King Hatohiko Asaka Palace and hold this big thick leg tightly, Tanaka Sumie really struggled.

Considering that King Hatohiko Asaka Palace is very lustful, Tanaka Sumie often voted for him.

After contributing all the female relatives in the family to King Hatohiko Asaka Palace, Sumie Tanaka did not stop.

When he is idle and bored, Tanaka Sumie often visits the National Defense Women's Association at all levels.

Its purpose is obvious, is to find beautiful women for King Hatohiko Asaka Palace.

For Tanaka Hisamie, such an operation is simply easy and unnecessary.

The reason is simple. Most islanders are deeply brainwashed by militarism and the spirit of Bushido.

To put it ugly, it is not difficult for them to die for the emperor.

And those female devils who joined the National Defense Women's Association have automatically abandoned all the shame of being a girl.

Therefore, Tanaka's performance is very good.

One after another, the female devils all bowed one after another under the loincloth of King Hatohiko of Asaka Palace.

Of course, enjoying the bodies of these youthful female devils, King Hatohiko Asaka Palace was very happy.

Although he knew that Tanaka was deliberately to please himself, King Hatohiko Asaka Palace didn't break it.

That's not even counted. For this loyal subordinate, King Hatohiko Asaka Palace has played several leapfrog promotions.

Also, King Hatohiko Asaka Palace was from the royal family and was the emperor's uncle.

King Hatohiko of Asaka Palace has such a high rank and position, but he has only served in the army for a few years after he has spent his calculations.

It can be mixed to this point, is the result of frequent leapfrog promotion.

Naturally, as its most loyal subordinate, Tanaka Sumie has also enjoyed this treatment many times.

This time, in order to fulfill the long-cherished wish of leading his troops to destroy China, King Hatohiko Chaoxiang Palace made a decision.

Let Tanaka Sumie lead 30 staff officers to go around the outer area of ​​Nanjing and make a reconnaissance.

Also, the Nanjing Siege is about to break out.

Although King Hatohiko of Asaka Palace was very incompetent, he also understood a truth.

Don't fight unprepared battles!

Arranging these staff officers for a round of reconnaissance is certainly beneficial.

On the other side, Tanaka was very happy to find that he had obtained this mission.

What I have to say is that Tanaka Sumie was promoted to major general staff by leapfrogging, and many big devils had opinions.

Therefore, whenever possible, Tanaka Sumie wanted to show it, so as to accumulate some military merits, so as to eliminate all kinds of doubts.

Just after receiving the appointment of King Hatohiko Asaka Palace, Tanaka Sumie entered the role.

Soon, 31 Guizi staff headed by Tanaka Sumie left the Suzhou headquarters.

Tanaka Sumie is very cunning and cautious.

Considering that the lone army is deep and the target is too large, it is easy to become the target of the Huaxia army.

Therefore, Sumie Tanaka gritted his teeth and chose an extremely risky approach.

It's simple, it's a devils with only a small team.

Obviously, this devil team is responsible for the security mission of these 31 staff officers.

In fact, Tanaka Sumie thought about it before setting off.

Carrying out a task is a small matter, but saving one's life is a major matter.

If the life is gone, no matter how well the task is performed, it doesn't make any sense.

Allegiance to the emperor and pride in dying on the battlefield are all deceiving the bottom soldiers.

Whenever the level reaches a certain level, which officer plays this way?

That's not even counted. On the march, Tanaka Sumie brought a lot of food by virtue of his special relationship with King Hatohiko of Asaka Palace.

Of course, it also brings a lot of materials in tent lights.

If I had to describe it, Tanaka Sumie brought almost a truckload of non-essential substances.

In addition, 30 staff officers took a truck.

54 devils, ride in another car.

Of course, to be more comfortable, Tanaka Sumie rode on a transport truck.

In this way After leaving the Suzhou headquarters, the three trucks moved westward along the rugged dirt road.

What I have to say is that because the third group deliberately concealed the news of the unsuccessful situation, the third group was ignorant of the loss of soldiers and soldiers, like King Asaka Palace Hatohiko, Tanaka Hisamie was also ignorant.

In addition, like most devils, Tanaka had a sense of superiority when he was in contact with Chinese people.

In Sumie Tanaka's mind, the combat effectiveness of a devil can definitely match ten Chinese soldiers.

Therefore, even if he was surrounded by a regiment-level unit of China and couldn't escape, Tanaka Sumie believed that he would definitely have the last laugh.

What I have to say is that Tanaka Sumie and Ye Tian thought of a piece on the issue of choosing a marching route.

Tanaka Sumie also believes that in order not to be noticed by major enemies, it is best to follow a remote road.

In this way, with the passage of time, this devil mixed up a small unit, and the second battalion led by Ye Tian got closer and closer.