Super Anti-war System

Chapter 1138: 10 ambushes

With so many devil planes flying in, the big devil is not idle, it must have a tactical purpose.

The question is, what is the tactical purpose of the devil?

Did they know the fact that these staff officers were destroyed by their own regiments?

Quickly used his brain, thinking of this level, Ye Tian nodded heavily at once.

With so many planes coming and the movement so loud, there was no accident. The Supreme Command of China would definitely be able to get this information.

Therefore, the Supreme Command of China will definitely send planes to drive away these devils planes.

That's not to say, they are not fools, maybe they will send soldiers to rescue them.

At present, China's various troops should not be ready to defend Nanjing.

In this way, even if the superior is willing to dispatch rescue troops, for the sake of the overall situation, the troops will certainly not be much.

The most important thing is that the Devil's Third Brigade has suffered so much, and it will definitely come after hearing the news.

In this case, the two forces might meet and fight.

Based on the combat effectiveness of both sides, the outcome is self-evident.

Quite simply, China’s rescue force was destroyed by the regiment, while the third brigade had no loss.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian didn't dare to neglect.

In fact, according to Ye Tian's original plan, after evacuating to this cave, the traces of the march should be cleared immediately.

Also, every soldier drags such a heavy spoil, naturally, the marching traces are not generally obvious.

As long as you are not a fool, you can tell it easily.

To this end, Ye Tianxia made a decision.

Recharge your energy and prepare to meet the third team at any time!

And this battlefield is set up around this cave!

However, before mobilizing for combat, Ye Tian still had something to do.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian walked to a seriously wounded man with a solemn expression on his face.

This seriously injured person is not someone else, but the former deputy commander of the second battalion.

On the other side, seeing Ye Tian coming, the deputy battalion commander quickly asked.

"Captain Feng, what do you mean..."

Hearing that, thinking of the severe situation, Ye Tian didn't grind.

"Vice Ying, ask something, do you have a codebook for your superiors to contact?"

Before Ye Tian's words fell, the deputy battalion commander nodded heavily.

Upon seeing this, Ye Tian was overjoyed.

Busy, Ye Tian used to seize Guizi Radio.

At the same time, the deputy Ying struggled and found a codebook from his pocket.

Soon, something that made everyone dumbfounded happened.

The soldiers did not expect that in addition to the extremely strong individual combat ability and the shocking ability to lead soldiers in battle, Ye Tian would even use Guizi Radio.

Naturally, the soldiers' worship of Ye Tian has taken a step up.

In other words, they all regarded Ye Tian as the backbone.

He even regarded Ye Tian as a spiritual leader.

Under the dumbfounded of the soldiers, Ye Tian quickly started the operation against the codebook.

Soon, the 542th Regiment of the 262nd Brigade of the 88th Division received a message from the 2nd Battalion.

"Group seat, there are 43 people left in our department."

"Including 3 severely wounded and 10 lightly wounded."

"In the battle just now, our ministry eliminated a convoy of three trucks consisting of a devil, killing a total of eighty-eight devil people."

"Major General Han has one staff officer, three chief staff officers, eight junior staff officers, and 19 junior staff officers."

"Furthermore, our department has seized the rank and position marks of these devil staff officers one by one."

"The rest is a devil squad and three pilots."

"If there is no accident, nearly a hundred Devil's planes must have obtained this information."

"It won't be long before my department will be surrounded by devils from the third squadron."

"In addition, in the previous battles, our Ministry severely damaged the Devil's Third Group many times."

"It is estimated that the strength of the third brigade is 400 people."

"Of course, the devil will definitely dispatch other troops to participate in the encirclement and suppression of our ministry."

"For the sake of the overall situation of the War of Resistance, Humbleman strongly recommends that there is no need for higher authorities to send rescue troops."


Time is tight and tasks are heavy.

For this reason, the content of this message is not very complicated.

However, the meaning is clear.

The second battalion is about to fall into an ambush on all sides, and Ye Tian will lead his troops to start a **** battle with the third battalion!

What I have to say is that considering his unique identity, Ye Tian did not tell the 542th regiment about the death of the former battalion commander Wei Dongliang for his country.

Soon, the radio wave was received by the radio station of the 542th regiment.

Most importantly, according to the codebook, the correspondents quickly translated it into Chinese characters.

Naturally, the commander of the 542th regiment learned this information.

After reading the telegram, the group leader, like the correspondent, was dumbfounded.

They never expected that the combat effectiveness of the second battalion would be so powerful.

In other words, the results of the second battalion were so fruitful.

In addition, while feeling full of emotions, realizing that the matter has been out of his control, without hesitation, the head of the delegation forwarded the message to the 262nd brigade.

Naturally, the 262nd Brigade was forwarded to the 88th Division.

Upon receiving this message, the feelings of the teacher, Sun Yuanliang, are very complicated.

On the one hand, his subordinates have made such a great result. As the commander of the division, he is very proud and proud.

Second, out of the mentality of protecting the calf, Sun Yuanliang decided to continue to send the 542th regiment and let them continue to march quickly to rescue the second battalion.

Immediately afterwards, Sun Yuanliang took this message and hurried to the Supreme Command of China.

Soon, all the top generals of Huaxia who were still in Nanjing appeared in a conference room one after another.

What made Sun Yuanliang happy was that in addition to being strongly commended, the Supreme Command also issued a new order.

The entire army of the 262nd Brigade was dispatched to rescue the brothers.

In addition, all other troops continued to prepare for the upcoming battle of Nanjing.

Obviously, the Supreme Command’s meaning is to use the second battalion as a model, so as to inspire the hearts and minds of China’s military and the people.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian got a reply like this.

Seeing this reply, Ye Tian really couldn't laugh or cry.

It was inconvenient to disobey the orders of superiors, so Ye Tian had to vaguely stated that all actions were directed.

In fact, Ye Tian had already thought about it.

If the enemy only has this third group, try to destroy it.

Of course, considering the sorrowful situation of the enemy and the widow, Ye Tian planned to play with a wave of blunt knives.

In other words, took the initiative to carry out a wave of attacks on the third group through various special actions.

A wise man must make a mistake when he thinks about it.

The mediocre one must have a reward for a thousand thoughts.

The most important thing is that if you simply play defense, you will sooner or later be attacked by devils.

The point is that if it drags on for a long time, it will attract other devil troops.

If that time comes, it will be a dead end with no way to the sky and no door to the earth!

In other words, one's own side will be killed by the superior force of the devils.


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