Super Anti-war System

Chapter 1200: Special operations

Although the beasts like to eat meat and drink fresh blood, they remember the master's command and simply kill the devils.

In this way, sleeping soundly, many devils died in a daze.

The reason is simple, they all have a big wound on their necks.

However, because the beasts were moving so loudly, the devils' horrible howls were too loud and natural, and attracted the attention of many devils.

Naturally, this infantry wing immediately opened an emergency plan.

It's very simple, it is to organize immediately and shoot and kill the many beasts that have sneaked into the barracks as soon as possible.

Of course, the devils were very puzzled when they encountered such a big scene for the first time.

In their previous impressions, although these beasts were ferocious, they were very afraid of themselves.

That's not a big deal. When they notice their own side, all they can do is to run as far as possible, and to run as fast as possible.

While depressed, the devils never forget to do business.

It is a pity that ideals are full, and reality is very skinny.

Compared with the beasts, the devils have extremely poor night vision.

The point is that all the beasts are very fast.

Therefore, it is difficult for devils to see their opponents.

Naturally, the deaths and injuries of the devils became more and more serious.

There was no way, under the roar and organization of many devil officers, all the barracks immediately turned on the lights.

That's not a big deal, and many torches were lit.

In this way, because the visibility is much better, the devils are no longer so passive.

Naturally, beast after beast succumbed to the blow of the devils.

However, what makes the devils depressed is that they suddenly discovered that from time to time, there will be sad reminders of their own people beating their own people.

Also, the beasts are all over the barracks and running around.

Therefore, as long as the devils dared not neglect the sight of the beasts, they hurriedly fired bullets.

Unexpectedly, many of these bullets were shot at his own body.

There is no way, all the devil officers, as well as experienced veterans, are busy organizing troops, so that they will no longer be confused.

However, these beasts are not the only ones dealing with these devils.

Before long, nearly a hundred living specimens rushed to these barracks like crazy.

Most of them are not regular soldiers, and some have never even touched a gun before.

However, even so, it does not prevent them, they have a strong combat effectiveness.

On the one hand, before giving them battle orders, Ye Tian distributed weapons and ammunition to them.

For example, the easy-to-handle king eight box pistol and the 38 big cover rifle.

Especially the cantaloupe grenade, because the operation is extremely simple, basically you can have two per person.

For this reason, Ye Tian emptied all the melon grenades in this epidemic prevention base.

The most important thing is that each of them still carries a big killer.

These big killers are nothing but special weapons in this epidemic prevention base!

Such as various deadly bacteria, chemical weapons, etc.

When interrogating these devil scientists, Ye Tian devoted a lot of energy to the use of these extra-heavy weapons.

What makes Ye Tian happy is that these devils scientists are too courageous.

A little frightened, or a little beating, they were like pouring beans in a bamboo tube, and they chose to confess honestly.

After understanding the usage of these heavy weapons, with these living specimens, Ye Tian came to various special weapons warehouses.

The most important thing is that Ye Tian asked them to bring as many as possible within the physical strength of the living specimens.

Realizing that he had no life long ago, in order to avenge the devils, these living specimens exploded with astonishing physical strength and energy at the critical moment.

Even those living specimens that are dying for a long time are not to be outdone.

To the delight of these living specimens, after a quick march, they finally appeared where they should have appeared.

The live specimens were very excited to see the big scenes of tumultuous dancing in these military camps.

Of course, because they don't know the truth, they are still very puzzled.

However, thinking of their mission, they cast aside all their thoughts and immediately began to act.

Very simple, that is to break into the various devil barracks in the chaos.

Where there are many devils, where devils are concentrated, they will deliberately run wherever they go!

After reaching the destination, immediately afterwards, they began to zoom in on their moves.

Apart from anything else, they emptied all the bullets in the king eight box pistol and the 38 big cover rifle.

Immediately afterwards, they both threw out two melon grenades.

As a result, there was a scene that made them dumbfounded.

Combining with the numerous chaotic battles of their own people who have just appeared, and being exhausted by the beasts, the devils are very angry.

Most importantly, the devils are convinced that many enemies have broken into the barracks.

For this reason, under the organization of Guizi officers at all levels and Guizi veterans, they immediately entered a situation of fighting separately.

In a word, even when you suspect that people outside are going to attack you, you have to fire at For a while, guns were being fired in various military camps. And explosions.

Seeing the devils turned into a pot of porridge, the living specimens were very excited.

The most important thing is that after using up all the conventional weapons, they have reluctantly used various special weapons.

Soon, a lot of weird smoke appeared in various military camps.

In addition, there are also many fleas and rats infected with deadly bacteria in various military camps.

What I have to say is that before these special weapons, most of them were placed in shells.

Considering that the living specimens have average physical strength, they can't carry these shells.

There was no way, Ye Tian had to take out the useful ingredients from the shells and put them on the living markers themselves.

Therefore, although none of these special weapons exploded, they raged in various Devil Barracks.

Soon, the devils noticed the abnormality.

It's very simple. In the desperate fight, they all feel very difficult to breathe.

That's not a big deal, many people still have severe coughs.

At the beginning, most devils didn't know the truth.

They all think that the reason why they cough should be the cause of gunpowder smoke.

However, most of the devils are very educated, plus all have undergone relevant training.

Naturally, gradually, the devils all remembered.

Special weapons?

Special operations?

In other words, the enemy is using special weapons to deal with itself? !

! !

Realizing this, the devils dare not neglect.

For this reason, they automatically ignored the dangers outside and rushed out of the barracks like crazy.

Their purpose is simple, to escape these dead zones as early as possible.

Unfortunately, when the devils reacted, it was still too late.