Super Anti-war System

Chapter 1385: Continue bombing (thanks to Jie for the

I have to say that the devil's military literacy is high.

And Guizi's scheduling efficiency, that is, the speed at which the command can reach the frontline troops, is fast.

In fact, before Kouki Kondo roared and issued a counterattack order, other Guizi officers in the Artillery Wing of the 16th Division had already called the Guizi Artillery.

The content of the phone is very simple, it is to quickly locate their position based on the trajectory of the incoming shells.

Then, in the first time, launched a big counterattack.

In fact, before this call came, the Devil Artillery entered the role.

Although Ye Tian had already fixed the specific position of the Artillery Wing of the 16th Division on the basis of numerous artillery observation balloons.

Although, Ye Tian dedicated 100 88mm anti-aircraft guns for this purpose.

Although, apart from anything else, Ye Tian ordered the dead men to take a wave of indiscriminate attacks.

In other words, play a wave of operations that are more powerful than a salvo.

However, in a short period of time, through this rapid firing, or through carpet bombing, the difficulty of destroying this artillery wing is not ordinary.

The reason is very simple, these dozens of devils cannons are not close together.

In other words, each cannon is separated by dozens of meters.

Naturally, the area of ​​the Devil Artillery Group's position is not so large.

Besides, relying on 100 88mm anti-aircraft guns to play the effect of carpet bombing, the feasibility is not very high.

Therefore, even though the dead men did their best, and even though Ye Tian personally operated one, they did not maimed this Devil Artillery Group in the first time.

It is impossible to fight the disabled, let alone destroy the group.

In a word, suddenly suffered such a powerful sneak attack, but many devil artillery were not killed immediately.

In other words, these devils artillery also searched for the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army, and tried to lock the target, and then launched a counterattack time and space.

However, there was very little time left for this Devil Artillery Corps.

The reason is very simple. The cold artillery attack by the Japanese National Salvation Army was simply wave after wave.

The most important thing is that these devils want to launch a counterattack, and there is one most important thing to do.

Although the devils quickly locked the position of the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army based on their excellent military qualities and according to the trajectory of the artillery shells, they needed to quickly turn their muzzle in order to launch a counterattack.

This doesn't count. Before turning the muzzle, to be precise, before the counterattack, you still need to calculate the shooting elements.

In other words, Guizi observers and Guizi officers must communicate the design parameters to the Guizi Gunner.

Time is tight and tasks are heavy.

Facing the overwhelming bombardment, the Devil Artillery immediately entered the sad reminder mode.

They saw that many cannons had been blown into parts.

This is not the case, some shells have fallen into some piles of shells.

These shells are stacked on the ground near the cannon.

The point is that in order to launch a bombardment against the Huaxia Teaching Corps at any time, many artillery shells are equipped with explosive fuses.

Naturally, when the anti-aircraft shells fell on such a place, a great explosion occurred.

Even the Great Detonation was so powerful that it easily detonated other shells that had not been equipped with explosive fuses.

As a result, many places were bombed into ruins.

That's not to mention, a crater with a depth of several meters and a diameter of several tens of meters still appeared frequently.

Smoke of gunpowder!

Dust, gravel, shrapnel, and broken cannon parts fly around!

The point is that there are flying around, there are also the corpses of the devil who has been blown up!

Many devils were not blown into pieces because they were not in the center of each explosion.

However, under the impact of various shock waves and various debris that could not be guarded against, they were all killed one after another.

Of course, the devils who are farther away can barely keep the whole body.

In a word, before the Devil Artillery Corps had time to react, the position was blown up.

The most important thing is that under the blow of such super firepower, this temporary field unit immediately disappeared.

Of course, the big devils headed by Kondo Koki were also swallowed by gunpowder.


"Brothers, keep working hard, ten more shells!"

Looking at the smoke of gunpowder ahead, he didn't see any shells coming. Ye Tian was overjoyed when he realized that the results of the battle were brilliant.

After overjoyed, Ye Tian continued to command the battle.

At this time, Ye Tian was determined not to find the devils launching a counterattack.

If there is no accident, this artillery wing will definitely be defeated.

Before the words fell, Ye Tian gave the position to a dead soldier and let them continue to control the 88mm anti-aircraft gun.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian put on the telescope and stared closely at the surrounding sky.

The teaching corps retains its organizational system and is rapidly withdrawing to Nanjing City.

The point is that through the carpet bombing just now and now, our own regiment destroyed this artillery wing.

It's all like this. Isn't it strange for the 16th Division and even the Central China Front Army to become angry?

These big devils became angry from embarrassment. As for any fierce reaction they have to make, you can think of it with your toes.

It's very simple. Let the infantry, cavalry and other troops of the 16th quickly encircle this area to destroy the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army.

There is no doubt that the Division Headquarters of the 16th Division and the Central China Front Army headquarters will make another big move.

This big action is very simple. It is to let the Army Aviation of the Central China Front Army and the Naval Aviation of the Third Fleet take off immediately and bomb the artillery positions of the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army.

Not surprisingly, the Central China Front Army will also mobilize other divisions.

In particular, the Tieshi Independent Detachment will definitely be transferred.

After all, the Iron and Stone Independent Detachment was a specially formed unit to find and annihilate the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army.

Many traitors were killed directly by Ye Tian, ​​or killed by the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army.

There are also many traitors who were killed by various heroes who responded to Ye Tian's call.

In this situation, some traitors had to choose to be deserters out of strong fear.

However, there are still many traitors who are lucky enough to be hostile to the Chinese people, and iron hearts are mixed with the devils, and they choose to continue to serve the devils.

Among them, the most stubborn traitors are mostly in the Tieshi Independent Detachment!

Aware of these, Ye Tian didn't dare to neglect.

Contempt the enemy strategically and value the enemy tactically.

These two sentences have always been the purpose of Ye Tian's participation in the all-out war of resistance.

Also, although the super resistance system is very good, although one's own military literacy is extremely high, a simple bullet can easily kill oneself.

Life is gone, how can we participate in the all-out war of resistance?

Under Ye Tian's close gaze, tens of thousands of devils flooded around.

However, for the next battle plan, Ye Tian did not retreat.

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