Super Anti-war System

Chapter 139: Are you here to play?

   In a shadow on the surrounding wall, looking at this scene dumbfounded, Feng Jinsuo was really dumbfounded.


   This is how you Ye Tian avenged his wife! ?

  The devils are so wretched, they didn’t kick them like that in the hall!

   The old man hurriedly hurriedly followed you all the time. When I saw you coming, I thought you were investigating the terrain and thinking about how to start!


   If you know that you are here, the old man will show up whatever he says and stop you.

  This...Isn't this nonsense! ?

   Old Zheng, you are also true, young people are full of energy, sometimes when their brains are hot, they are wayward and scary. You are in your sixties anyway, how can it be like this, why not stop this young man! ?

   Forget it, now that the facts have been formed, let's take one step at a time!

   So, thinking of this, Feng Jinsuo subconsciously clenched the migratory locust stones in his hand, and at the same time, checked the ones in the two pockets again.

   In addition to being a master of Xingyiquan, Feng Jinsuo is also a master of hidden weapons.

   When dealing with devils and traitors, in many cases, Feng Jinsuo did not use his fists and legs, but instead spoke with locust stones.

   Although the range of the migratory locust stones is only about 20 meters, Feng Jinsuo can hit a hundred hits.

  Because the hands are quick and the eyes are quick, the heart is quicker, so even if it is facing a devil with a pistol, or a traitor, Feng Jinsuo can not let go.

  "Young man, if you receive twenty yuan to cash out the ocean, the old man will do you a favor!

   Ha ha, although you are the son-in-law of Lao Zheng?

   To be honest, Old Zheng is the righteous brother of the old man, and you can be regarded as the old man's son-in-law!

   You and Jingjing Nvwa have not given birth yet, how could the old man stand by and see you die! "

   muttered for a while, glanced meaningfully at Zheng Junnan and the red peony not far away, and Feng Jinsuo made up his mind.

   Tonight, even if I explain here, I must try my best to ensure the safety of Ye Tian!

   Enter the yard first.

   The devils have a sense of superiors and subordinates. They discovered that Ye Tian had come to kick the pavilion alone. When they were angry, they didn't do it immediately, but quickly notified Kawaguchi Keyhang.

   Upon hearing the news, Kawaguchi was out of anger, and he was about to blow his lungs with anger.


   What kind of people do their work, there are dead dead! ! "

   After getting a report from his subordinates, Kawaguchi kicked the female traitor who was exercising. After getting dressed in a hurry, he hurried to the front yard.

   It took a long time to get a good relationship with Kawaguchi Kenyuki. The good thing hasn't been done yet, and my intention hasn't been explained yet, so I ran into this.

   In this situation, the female traitor was extremely depressed, and hated Ye Tian who came to challenge her.

   It turns out that Kawaguchi has other ways to make money besides being the boss of this dojo.

   Relying on his identity as a native of the island, Kawaguchi Kawaguchi played to the fullest the devil's personality of being bullied and afraid of hardship.

   Seeing which Huaxia store is running well, he first sent people to make trouble. If he didn't agree with him, he would beat, smash, rob, or even kill, with the goal of charging high protection fees.

   Facing his wretchedness, in desperation, many Huaxia people closed the shop with resentment, and more often gritted their teeth and paid the protection fee.

   This female traitor is called Zhu Rongrong. She is 22 years old this year. She has just returned from studying in an island country and runs a brothel at home.

   Zhu Rongrong came to Kawaguchi for two purposes. One was to let him take care of the family's business and save someone to make trouble.

   Another, because I admire the culture of devils, I want to ask Kawaguchi to help her family get the island country status, so that under the protection of this status, we can make a better fortune in the future.

   When Zhu Rongrong came to the front yard, Kawaguchi had already confronted Ye Tian.

   glared at Ye Tian fiercely, Zhu Rongrong's eyes were full of murderousness, and she couldn't wait to kill him with a shot.

   However, Zhu Rongrong still knows it well, knowing that this is Kawaguchi's site, and she can't be willful.

   Surrounded by devils, his brows furrowed, he looked at Ye Tian meaningfully, Kawaguchi Kazuki was silent.

   Kawaguchi Kazuki did not give an order to do something, but the other devils and traitors are already ready.

   There are many devils who have already taken out the pistols in the king's box and are ready to shoot at any time.

   Similarly, some traitors also took out the box cannon and pointed their guns at Ye Tian.

   was surrounded by so many people and pointed at so many guns, but Ye Tian was not afraid.

  The reason is very simple. After the transformation of the super anti-war system, his reaction ability has been greatly improved.

   itself is an international gold medal killer, plus these, Ye Tian's combat effectiveness is naturally much higher than before crossing.

   Before crossing, to be honest, Ye Tian didn't dare to do this.

   But now and then, there is the super anti-war system, which is a big killer, and he can completely force it once.

   Ye Tian was convinced that before someone shot him, he could definitely find out and hide away.

   Besides, he can summon the FN57 pistol at any time to deal with these stupid-forces, that is, a few napalm or high-explosive grenades.

   After examining Ye Tian for a while, and trying his best to control the fury in his heart, Kawaguchi Kazuki spoke.

   "Yours is a Chinese pig? Do you want to play in the gym?!"

   Hearing insults to Huaxia people from Guizi's mouth again, Ye Tian was very angry and wanted to kill this idiot directly.

   But in order to make him a ghost, slap him in the face even harder, and to torture him well, Ye Tian still chose to forbear.

   What makes Ye Tian even more depressed is that this devil obviously looks down on Chinese people, but the traitors present are not unhappy, on the contrary, they enjoy it very much.

   shook his head helplessly, Ye Tian said solemnly: "Congratulations, you got it right!"

   Turning his head and looking at so many muzzles around him, Ye Tian smiled.


   When he saw this, his face was full of black lines, but Kawaguchi's head was full of question marks.

   "Baga, why are you laughing? Are you not afraid of death? Work honestly!!"

Looking at Kawaguchi Kazuki contemptuously, Ye Tian shook his head, and said: "Fear is not my opponent. If you are afraid of being embarrassed, you can let them take a gun and rob me to death. Your abacus is very good! "

   Hearing the words, Kawaguchi Kazuki suddenly realized.


   all, put down the gun and work! ! "

   Kawaguchi’s keystrokes are still very useful. As soon as the voice fell, the devils and traitors put down their pistols.

   After waiting for the pistols to be put away, he looked at Ye Tian meaningfully and saw that although Ye Tian's height was about the same as himself, which was 170, but he was much thinner than himself, Kawaguchi had a good idea.

   Kawaguchi Kazuki believed that Ye Tian was definitely not his opponent, or even his one-one enemy.

   Indeed, Kawaguchi has this capital.

  He knows both karate and judo, and he is a great expert.

   It was hard to find an opportunity to act hard, Kawaguchi also wanted to seize it.