Super Anti-war System

Chapter 1421: 1 inch of mountains and rivers 1 inch of

In fact, both the Iron and Rock Independent Detachment and the Devil Division have the qualifications to directly talk to the Central China Front.

I was thinking of dealing with the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army together. What I didn't expect was that my side was accidentally injured by the aviation soldiers, and the accidental injury was still so serious.

For this reason, the Independent Detachment of Iron and Stone and this Devil Division were all depressed and wanted to vomit blood.

There was gunpowder everywhere and the line of sight was blocked. It is not convenient to contact these planes for the time being.

There is no alternative, the two units are invariably linked to the Central China Front Army headquarters.

Knowing this, Yanagawa Ping helped furiously.

However, realizing that this one might have captured the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army, Heisuke Yanagawa quickly controlled the soaring anger.

Immediately afterwards, Heisuke Yanagawa sent messages to these three troops one by one.

Plane suspended bombing!

The Iron and Stone Independent Detachment and the Ninth Division quickly surrounded this hill!

Immediately afterwards, rush to the hills as soon as possible and report the results to the headquarters as soon as possible.

In fact, immediately after sending this message, Heisuke Yanagawa sent a message for assistance to other Japanese and puppet coalition forces nearby.

Soon, Heisuke Yanagawa received a call back.

The ground is full of broken fragments of suspected anti-aircraft guns, and the ground is full of corpses!

After learning this information, after a short moment, Yanagawa Heisuke was ecstatic.

Also, after removing the enemy of the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army, it can attack Nanjing City with all its strength. There is no reason for it to be unhappy.

However, the joy of Yanagawa Heisuke did not last long.

Five minutes later, after appraisal by various experts, Heisuke Yanagawa received another telegram:

Report to the commander!

There is no doubt that the steel fragments and shells all over the floor are all from the 88mm anti-aircraft gun.

However, these nearly 1,000 corpses were not from the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army.

In other words, after successfully attacking our aircraft group and causing a lot of accidental injuries on our side, the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army chose to retreat in time.

It is strongly recommended to continue to hunt down, encircle and fight against the Japanese National Salvation Army!


After receiving this message, Yanagawa became furious.

"Kacha Kacha..."

With a commanding knife dancing in his hand, Heisuke Yanagawa used all the furniture, documents, and even low-level devils of the headquarters as a punching bag.

After a while, the headquarters was messed up.

On the ground, there were a few more devils corpses.

A large stream of blood kept flowing from these corpses.

The smell of blood permeated, and the atmosphere was very depressing.

And the roar of Yanagawa Heisuke continued to be heard.

At this moment, another telegram came to the headquarters.

The content of this message is very strange.

If I have to describe it, the generator is actually the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army!

I had already called out from the heights, saying that I was going to play live.

Unwilling to break the trust of others, at the same time in order to inspire China's military and people's will, and to combat the arrogance of the Japanese and puppet coalition forces.

After quickly observing the results of the battle and realizing that the defense of Nanjing has come to the most critical moment, Ye Tian once again sent a clear code:

Last night, the Chinese Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army, together with the Nanjing city garrison, carried out numerous sneak attacks on the Japanese and puppet coalition forces;

The effect was very touching. Many devils and traitors were killed and injured by aggrieved people;

That's not even counted. In the early morning battle, our Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army shot down 35 Devil fighters and 52 bombers;

In addition, after these planes landed, they also killed and injured at least ten thousand little devils and traitors;

Killing devils and traitors is my favorite of the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army, and it is also very fun;

At the moment, the dark clouds of Nanjing city are overwhelming the city and want to destroy it, but my determination to fight against the Japanese army has been made;

Every inch of mountain and river, every inch of blood, never give up, fight to the end!

On Huaxia's side, after learning of this message, all cheers were thunderous.

The morale of the army and the people was a lot excited all of a sudden.

On the other hand, the Japanese and puppet coalition forces have entered a mode of disgrace.

Especially the number one devil, Heisuke Yanagawa, after receiving this message from the Chief of Staff, even if he wanted to vent his anger at murder, it was not convenient to attack the first assistant.

In fact, this is also the reason why the Chief of Staff temporarily serves as a communications soldier.

Other devils, due to Yanagawa Heisuke's violent temper, were afraid of being killed by him, and dared not report back.

In desperation, the chief of staff had to deliver the telegram himself.

Seeing that Yanagawa Heisuke was still depressed and wanted to vomit blood, the chief of staff immediately moved to other places to take the rhythm.

"Hei Yanagawa helps your Excellency. Although the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army is powerful, it is hard to defend against.

However, as long as our department is as careful as possible and manages all barracks like an iron bucket formation, the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army will really hardly find a chance to start.

Also, although the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army is very annoying, I think it cannot affect the overall situation.

Most importantly, based on the current situation, I think it's time to start the siege! "

Feeling that what the Chief of Staff said makes sense, Yanagawa Hei nodded with help.

After calming down a bit, Yanagawa Heisuke roared again hoarsely.

"According to my all divisions, all army aviation forces, and all naval aviation forces, immediately enter the situation of attacking Nanjing City!

I order, there is a burst of indiscriminate bombing first!

Note that this kind of indiscriminate bombing can completely adopt the mode of indiscriminate bombing!

In a word, whenever you find a place where there are suspected Huaxia troops, especially fortifications, you must blow them down, and don't have to be stingy with artillery shells and aerial bombs!

In this way, first put half of the torpedoes in stock into Nanjing City!

At that time, if the Nanjing city garrison no longer has a face, it will send an army to siege the city!

In addition, when necessary, special weapons can be used again!


Heisuke Yanagawa's order had just been issued, and in an instant, the hundreds of thousands of devil troops immediately entered a fighting situation.

Hundreds of large-caliber heavy artillery, have their muzzles turned, and frequently dropped large-caliber artillery shells into Nanjing City.

At the same time, in the sky, Uzbekistan was pressing down, and there were devils bombers coming to bombard indiscriminately.

For a time, the huge city of Nanjing was bombed everywhere in a mess.

Naturally, many Chinese soldiers who stayed behind, including ordinary people who were reluctant to give up their homes, were killed and wounded in the flames of war.

Guizi's aircraft had too many heavy artillery, unable to resist, the Chinese soldiers had to hide in the fortifications first.

Of course, they have been unbearable, but they are ready to attack the Japanese and puppet coalition infantry at any time!

After two hours of indiscriminate bombing, millions of Japanese puppet allied infantry rushed towards Nanjing.

Without reaching one hundred thousand defenders, they have the same expressions of hatred, and bravely appeared in each designated position in the spirit of every inch of mountains and rivers and every inch of blood!

The black cloud is overwhelming!

The situation is at stake!

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