Super Anti-war System

Chapter 1458: Take advantage of the chaos

Two o'clock in the morning.

Except for the sound of the devil sentry's army boots treading on the ground, the city of Nanjing in winter is not generally quiet.

Suddenly, there was a burst of extremely strange and extremely dull voices from the underground of the two palace compound.

It is as if there are two prehistoric behemoths who have been sleeping for many years, suddenly awakening for unknown reasons, and suddenly roaring.

Accompanied by this weird and dull sound, a large area began to shake violently.

Naturally, the crumbling houses in the surrounding areas that had been in the previous violent bombing started to collapse one after another.

Suddenly encountering this situation, the devils did not panic too much.

The reason is very simple. In Guizi's impression, since I hit them, I don't know how many major earthquakes they have experienced.

Obviously, the devils seriously suspect that this kind of natural disaster is erupting around.

Therefore, the devils gathered in the open area of ​​the compound in order to prevent being killed or injured by the collapsed building.

The situation is urgent and the devils don't have time to get dressed.

Therefore, most of them ran around disheveled.

Among them, in addition to male devils, there are also non-girl devils.

Of course, there is no shortage of traitors who kneel and lick the devil.

In this situation, Ye Tian's expression is very colorful.

Ye Tian didn't expect that at this time, the devils didn't expect the big explosion, but the big earthquake.

Thinking of the frequent occurrence of earthquakes in island countries, Ye Tian quickly felt relieved.

At the same time, Ye Tian also showed ecstasy.

Since the devils are unwilling to leave this place of right and wrong, crying and clamoring to be blown up, let them be fulfilled.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian sat there with a smile, as if sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

Under Ye Tian's gaze, many devils hadn't escaped from the temporary barracks before the big explosion began.

So many explosives exploded, the power is really not ordinary.

After creating the illusion of a suspected earthquake, a big explosion suddenly lifted the ground.

At the same time, the power of the big bang was finally released to the fullest.

All of a sudden, houses collapsed everywhere.

Not to mention, the house has not completely collapsed, and all kinds of building fragments have been lifted into the sky.

Even the towering trees are the same.

Naturally, the devils above the center of the explosion were even more like scary birds that were severely disturbed, and they were thrown in all directions.

What Ye Tian liked to hear was that most of these devils died when they were forced to fly.

Also, the intensity of the explosion is too alarming, whether it is a shock wave or a loud noise, ordinary people can hardly tolerate it.

Even when many devils were flying in mid-air, their bodies entered a split mode.

In fact, even those devils who are in good health are bleeding all over the place.

In a short while, gunpowder and smoke completely enveloped the two palace complexes and continued to spread in all directions.

What made Ye Tian dumbfounded was that they were both affected by the big explosion far away from the two palace complexes.

On the one hand, the houses far away around him also collapsed one after another.

On the other hand, all kinds of sundries overwhelmingly fell to the surroundings one after another.

Naturally, many devils around were smashed and battered.

Of course, there are still many devils who have been blown up alive.

These unlucky devils include not only those who leave the room to watch the excitement, but also those who still stay in the room.

"Awesome, enjoyable!"

In this situation, Ye Tian grinned and admired again and again.

However, while laughing happily, Ye Tian tried his best to control the ecstasy, and planned to do something more.

It's all this time. If you don't play a wave and take advantage of it, when will you wait?

In this way, listening to the screaming sirens all over it, listening to the busy sound of devils bluffing, listening to the wailing of traitors like bereaved concubines, Ye Tian entered the role.

The two big explosions stopped long ago.

After a while, the overwhelming debris did not fall anymore.

However, the sky-covering smoke and gunpowder smoke continue to permeate.

Realizing that the deaths and injuries must be severe, the devils in Nanjing did not dare to neglect.

Without any hesitation, under the organization of devil officers at all levels, they rushed to these two incident areas madly.

The sound of explosions in these two incident areas and the blazing fires gave them clear guidance.

Therefore, hundreds of thousands of devils know where to sprint without any tricks, so that rescue work can be carried out as soon as possible.

The devils were all alarmed, not to mention the traitors who recognized the thieves as their fathers.

What I have to say is that I realize that this is not a battle, but simply rescues. The risk factor is extremely low, and the traitors are quite fighting.

For this reason, in order to perform in front of the devils and be praised, every traitor has exerted his speed to the pinnacle level.

On the other side, Ye Tian didn't dare to neglect so many devils and traitors gathered around.

This is a place of right and wrong, not a general danger.

Besides, the devils are seriously irritated, even if they use Yirongshu to do maybe they will not give themselves face.

At this point, Ye Tian left here immediately before the devil and the traitor army gathered.

What I have to say is that Ye Tian simply left instead of not doing things anymore.

With a brainstorm, Ye Tian thought of a good idea for this situation.

Immediately afterwards, aiming in one direction, Ye Tian spread his legs.

Soon, Ye Tian appeared in the ruins.

This ruin has a special terrain.

If I have to describe it, this is a crossroads.

In other words, this is the only way to the explosion zone.

Ye Tian is convinced that after a while, there will definitely be many devils or traitors.

With a smile, Ye Tian thought.

In an instant, there were two more large torpedoes here.

In order to prevent being discovered by the devils, immediately after releasing the two large torpedoes, Ye Tian thought again.

Soon, some camouflage was added outside the two large torpedoes.

Such as dry branches, leaves, weeds, sand and stones.

After finishing these operations, with a smile, Ye Tian left here immediately.

Immediately afterwards, hiding in a safe corner, Ye Tian began to wait and see.

What Ye Tian liked to hear was that after a while, a Devil Cavalry Alliance entered his line of sight.

And one hundred meters in front of the Devil Cavalry Unit, a traitor group of about 3,000 people was desperately running towards that intersection.

What made Ye Tian extremely contemptuous was that every traitor's face was filled with expressions of mourning.

Ye Tian is convinced that in the minds of these traitors, the death of a devils can make them sad more than the death of their family members!

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