Super Anti-war System

Chapter 1521: Wartime mechanism (thanks to Shuyoujie f

In fact, in Ye Tian's mind, the status of Guizi Engineers is very special.

Under normal circumstances, the Devil Engineers rarely participate directly in combat.

However, compared with the devils in the front line, the devils are more important.

Every mountain opens a road, meets water to build a bridge.

These are the main tasks of the Devil Engineers.

Although China has a vast territory, the mountain area accounts for almost two-thirds.

The most important thing is that China is a backward agricultural country with a backward industrial level, science and technology, etc.

Therefore, nowadays, the main traffic on China's side is still the railway.

On the other hand, many highways are very simple.

In fact, let alone the roads in the wilderness, even the roads in many big cities are not in general poor conditions.

In a word, if an island country wants to invade China and occupy China in an all-round way, it must make a fuss on the railway line.

Specifically, it is to occupy China's various railway lines and control them.

In this way, it is much more convenient whether it is to transport troops, to transport various supplies, or to transport looted resources.

If you rely on roads with poor road conditions, these tasks are difficult to implement.

Knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to survive a hundred battles.

Considering the importance of railway lines to Guizi, Huaxia has repeatedly tried hard to destroy these railway lines.

On the devil’s side, in order to prevent the anti-Japanese armed forces from doing things on the railway lines, they had to send a large number of railway garrisons.

In addition to this, Guizi also allowed various traitor troops to join the defense camp.

In fact, the devil engineering units at all levels also often come into contact with railway lines.

The reason is simple. Once a certain section of the railway line is damaged by the Chinese Anti-Japanese War armed forces, in order to put it into use as soon as possible, so as not to delay the fighter, the Guizi Engineers are responsible for repairing it as soon as possible.

In a word, in the devil troops at all levels, although engineers can be regarded as logistic units, their status is very important.

In fact, even on the battlefield, the Devil Engineers are very useful.

For example, if there is a minefield ahead of the army, the Devil Engineers will be responsible for mine clearance operations.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian's eyes lit up.

At the same time, Ye Tian made up his mind to go to Zhongzhou Airport again.

At this time, it was already dawn.

In order to prevent being detected by devils or traitors, Ye Tian deliberately chose some remote paths.

Of course, while quickly approaching Zhongzhou Airport, Ye Tian also put on Orion's clothes.

In addition, considering that there are always low-flying Devil reconnaissance planes passing by in the sky, Ye Tian did not forget to hide his figure at any time.

In this way, after several hours of hard work, Ye Tian approached again ten kilometers outside the Zhongzhou Airport.

In fact, along the way, Ye Tian saw a lot of devil troops and traitor troops.

These Japanese and puppet coalition forces, one by one, opened their eyes wide, and proceeded all the way to the periphery to search.

If it weren't for Ye Tian's good eyesight and he was playing alone, he would definitely be spotted by the Japanese and puppet coalition forces.

What Ye Tian liked to hear was that with the Zhongzhou Airport as the center, hundreds of thousands of Japanese puppet coalition forces were rapidly moving in all directions.

Obviously, no trace of the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army was found, and they were very depressed.

When they were depressed, they had to continue searching quickly in order to find the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army as soon as possible.

While deliberately paying attention to concealing his figure, Ye Tian's face was full of weird smiles when he looked at the devil army and the traitor army.

These Japanese and puppet coalition forces must be subordinate to the command of the North China Front Army.

However, they have their own responsibilities, and are responsible for searching the areas they are assigned to.

In this case, I really have a big article to do!


Thinking of this, Ye Tian smiled.

Ye Tian knows that there is a premise to operate this big article.

What premise?

It's very simple, it is to do a big deal with the devils and traitors in the Zhongzhou Airport.

At this point, Ye Tian was hiding on a remote vantage point, covered with dead branches and weeds, and Ye Tian started reconnaissance.

Under Ye Tian's close attention, the Zhongzhou Airport was very busy.

Many of the big fires last night were not extinguished, and they were still burning quietly.

There were fireworks everywhere, potholes everywhere, and all kinds of debris everywhere.

In fact, the same is true for a large area with the Zhongzhou Airport as the radius.

If it weren't for so many devils and traitors in the airport, it would look like an apocalyptic world.

Guizi pilots are all high-tech arms, and their status is not generally high.

With this in mind, the devils and traitors are working hard to collect the bodies of the devils pilots.

What makes them depressed is that last night's explosion was too powerful, and if you want to find a whole corpse, the difficulty is not ordinary.

That's not a big deal, there are still many corpses, which were burned into charcoal by the fire.

In fact, the fate of this kind of devil pilot is still good.

There are also many devil pilots who follow the routine of dead bodies.

Obviously, these devil pilots were right in the center of the explosion when the big explosion happened.

In fact, let alone these devil pilots, even the pilot dormitory has become a ruin.

In order to respect the dead and appease the emotions of their families, the devils and traitors had to waste some time.

One can imagine how difficult this job is.

In the thick ruins, looking for stumps and broken arms, even tiny corpses, this operation is not generally time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Most importantly, this must require a lot of manpower.

Naturally, under Ye Tian's gaze, he felt that there was not enough manpower. Teams of devil troops and traitor troops kept flocking to Zhongzhou Airport.

What interests Ye Tian is that the one who presides over the overall situation in Zhongzhou Airport is a major devil.

Judging from the posture, this big devil should belong to the North China Front Army headquarters, not the brigade commander of a certain brigade.

Right now, the Battle of Xuzhou is brewing.

Besides, the surrounding troops are busy searching for the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army.

Under this circumstance, it would be a waste to let a major general's brigade commander exclusively preside over beside this devil major general, there are also a large number of junior officers.

Seeing these big devils, Ye Tian narrowed his eyes, and his eyes flashed with murderous intent.

Ye Tian wanted to launch a rifle grenade on the target area, so as to wipe out these big devils.

However, for the sake of the overall situation, Ye Tian had to resist this impulse as much as possible.

Under the arrangement of this major general, the devils are mainly responsible for collecting corpses.

On the other hand, the traitors are busy going outside the airport to clear away all kinds of sundries.

In addition, they have to fill in the potholes in the airport.

That's not to mention, military trucks are still transporting various construction materials here.

Such as steel bars, stones, sand, etc.

End of this chapter