Super Anti-war System

Chapter 1605: flexible

Kill you while you are sick!

   Right now, the morale of the Japanese and puppet coalition forces is very low because they shot themselves in the foot with a rock.

   Where can I find such a good opportunity?

  If I miss this village, there will be no more shop.

   At this point, many Zhuang military officers proposed to send surrounding troops to fight the Japanese and puppet coalition forces nearby.

   Such an operation is definitely very beneficial to the Xuzhou battle that is being brewed.

   What made them depressed was that their very constructive suggestion was rejected.

   Compared with the island countries, China's national strength is simply too backward.

   After all, the island country is an advanced industrial country.

   In contrast, China is a backward agricultural country.

   Marching to fight is not a matter of one sentence.

   The deployment of troops, especially the transportation of various materials and equipment, especially grain and grass, to the front lines, is a very test of the strength of a country.

   The most important thing is that in order to prepare for the next battle in Xuzhou, many materials, like troops, are gathering in Xuzhou.

   That's not even counted. Material transportation is the same as force build-up, mostly relying on two legs.

   In a word, in terms of maneuverability, China and the island countries are too far apart.

  In other words, China has a serious lack of cars.

   In fact, China lacks even antique carriages and ox carts.

   Actually, because China's national strength is too poor, the traffic conditions are naturally very ordinary.

   Therefore, even island countries that do not lack cars cannot easily transport people and materials by road.

  Although there are many railways in the Kuomintang Controlled Area, they are often bombarded by devils planes, making it inconvenient to transport important materials and troops.

   On the other hand, the railways in the enemy-occupied areas were used very well by devils.

  The reason is very simple. After the Qiqi Lugouqiao Incident, the Battle of Songhu, the Battle of Jiangyin, the Battle of Nanjing, and the Battle of Taiyuan, China had not many planes, and there were not many remaining.

   The most important thing is that in various air battles, although China's pilots shot down and destroyed many Devils aircraft, their own losses were also great.

  Many well-trained and excellent pilots have to bleed through the air.

   In a word, it is really powerless to have China dispatch its air force to bomb the railway line in the occupied area.

   Based on these principles, after arguing for a long time, the Supreme Command of China made a unified opinion.

  Because the transportation problem is too difficult to solve, and the Xuzhou battle is brewing, it is not suitable for China to dispatch a large army to fight against the low morale of the Japanese and puppet coalition forces.

   However, they hope that the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army will not be too risky.

  In other words, your Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army has shot down and destroyed so many devils planes, and you have killed and injured so many traitors and devils with special weapons.

   Ye Tian chose to be grateful for the kindness from the Supreme Command of China.

   However, the national crisis was at the forefront, and the opportunity was good, Ye Tian wanted to take another risk.

   After reading this, Ye Tian didn't hesitate anymore.

   quickly collected Feixue into the living area of ​​the storage space, and then, along a road that he was looking for, Ye Tian began to run wildly.

   Behind a ridge.

   Feeling that the terrain here is good and the shooting boundary is clear, Ye Tian stopped.

   Then, Ye Tian thought.

   In an instant, all the dead men appeared here.

   This time, in order to kill as many killers and traitors as possible, and to facilitate the retreat, Ye Tian plans to use only 88mm anti-aircraft guns to speak.

   Soon, the dead men repaired an artillery position.

   At the same time, the other dead men had already calculated the shooting Yuan according to Ye Tian's request.

   The most important thing is that each 88mm anti-aircraft gun has a good attack area.

   patrolled, feeling that it was almost done, and Ye Tian nodded heavily.

   At the same time, Ye Tian suddenly waved the small red flag in his right hand.

   Moreover, Ye Tian suddenly yelled.

   "Ten rapid shots, start!"

   Hearing this, the dead soldiers who were ready, immediately entered a state of battle.

   "Swish swish..."

  Because of the severe cold weather, after many guns popped out of the chamber, there was a flash of fire in broad daylight.

   Immediately afterwards, these shells hit the devils and traitors who were caught off guard.

   Coincidentally, at this moment, the big riot just now is in the final stage.

   plus the suspicion that the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army had already escaped, so the formations of devils and traitors were very dense.

   In this case, thousands of powerful cannonballs fell on their heads.

   Naturally, the losses of the Japanese and puppet coalition forces were not ordinary heavy losses.

   Basically, every shell can harvest 10 or 20 lives.

   was caught off guard, and suffered this kind of sadness.

   For a time, whether it is a devils or a traitor, all of them vomit blood in depression.

  Especially the devils, one by one, even more angrily.

   However, no matter how depressed they are, they never forget to make tactical evasive actions.

   In fact, when the group of shells hadn't landed, many devils were already lying down on the ground after hearing the piercing noises.

   The performance of these devils easily drove the rhythm of other devils and traitors.

   Amidst the rumbling of cannons, a large area was filled with devils and traitors.

   Take advantage of your illness and kill you.

   Before the Japanese and puppet coalition forces had a chance to evacuate, dense shells frequently smashed past.

   It's this time, and the officers at all levels have repeatedly organized and dispersed. Therefore, the devils and traitors are bent over, or crawled and started to disperse.

   At the same time, with excellent military literacy, many devils immediately locked the position of the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army.

   Immediately afterwards, the devils all took out various weapons and immediately began to counterattack.

   In order to vent his anger the big devil in charge immediately contacted the plane on the way home.

   Soon, hundreds of planes went and returned.

   On the other side, he was instructing the dead men to beat down the dogs, and seeing so many devils flying back and forth, Ye Tian didn't dare to neglect.

   automatically ignored this opportunity to beat the dog into the water, and Ye Tian ran quickly, repeatedly thinking about it.

   Soon, the dead men and all their weapons and equipment came to the storage space again.

   At the same time, Ye Tian also frequently released various disguise.

   These camouflage objects, in addition to the dummy, there are many fake 88mm anti-aircraft guns.

   The most important thing is that among these disguise, there are also a lot of booby traps set up in advance.

   In addition to booby mines, there are many incendiary bombs.

   Ye Tian was convinced that the devils and traitors would definitely come to this place soon.

   Naturally, they will surely kill many people again.


   Thinking of this, Ye Tian smiled.

   Wherever he went, among the many disguises, Ye Tian put another special prop.

   sensed that hundreds of Devil planes were about to fly over, and the ground forces of the Japanese and puppet coalition forces were encircling here, and Ye Tian did not dare to neglect.

   (End of this chapter)

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