Super Anti-war System

Chapter 1643: Suspicious body

In fact, there are many others who have the same idea as Shi Yuanbin.

These people were all later devils and traitors.

It's a pity that they don't have much time to think about the fire that is getting closer and closer.

The eyebrows are all on fire. It is so uncomfortable to be baked by the fire. Is it strange that they can still think about it?

All they can do is simply run away.

What makes them frightened is that they suddenly discovered a terrible thing.

There was also a raging fire at the exit and entrance of this gorge.

Look at the pine forest not far away. These devils and traitors seem to understand something.

The Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army did not suffer serious casualties in previous battles.

And their weapons and equipment have not suffered much loss.

The question is, the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army frequently changes positions, how did they transport these weapons and equipment?

After all, most of the weapons and equipment of the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army are very heavy.

In fact, the supporting ammunition alone will test their transportation capabilities.

In fact, this problem has been plagued by devils and traitors.

Reminiscent of the previous time, the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army could even drive an army of wild beasts.

Therefore, devils and traitors are more inclined to think so.

The boss of the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army, also called the judge, understands the lost beast language, so he can control these beasts and let them help.

On the other side, looking at these devils and traitors with a smile, Ye Tian was very happy.

According to Ye Tian's estimation, the number of devils and traitors pouring into this valley is definitely more than 20,000!

In other words, it is difficult for these devils and traitors to survive this intensified fire.

Looking at all this with a smile, he felt that it was almost done, and along a very inconspicuous mountain path, Ye Tian quickly climbed up.

Before climbing onto the cliff, Ye Tian found something dumbfounded.

Because too many devils and traitors were burned to death, it was natural that there was a smell of charred bodies everywhere.

Even, from time to time, there will be a smell of meat drifting into the nostrils.

Obviously, these scents come from the devils or traitors who are being burned.

Feeling this strange smell getting stronger and stronger, plus thinking about brewing the next offensive, Ye Tian quickly left this place of right and wrong.

Ten kilometers away.

A hidden mountainside.

Wearing a telescope, Ye Tian stared at the canyon.

Under Ye Tian's gaze, more devils and traitor troops flooded in.

At this moment, their task is very simple, that is to put out the fire, so as to save as many comrades as possible.

What makes Ye Tian wonder is that at this moment, the faces of these devils and traitors are more complicated than the other.

If I have to describe it, it is not very sad.

On the contrary, they are one by one, and they are all overjoyed.

Seeing their weird expressions, Ye Tianman's head was full of question marks.

what's the situation?

Could it be that they all seriously suspected that the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army and these devils and traitors died together?

In order to verify this speculation, Ye Tian did not leave, nor did he take other military actions, but continued to focus on this gorge.

Two hours later.

At this moment, it was already dark.

Most of the fire sources in this valley have been extinguished by devils and traitors.

The mountain breeze howled, the ashes fluttered randomly.

Naturally, every traitor and devious man will be disgraced.

In addition, the super-intensity fire-fighting action brought a lot of sweat.

Therefore, every traitor and devils are like clowns in opera.

What I have to say is that I realized that it was not fighting the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army, but simply putting out fires and saving people. Traitors all fought very hard.

In order to get verbal rewards from the devils, or rewards with eyes, they are more positive one by one.

Thanks to the efforts of the traitors and devils, a burned severely deformed body was carried to the exit on both sides of the canyon.

And some devil officers, leading some experts, rushed to the position before the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army frantically.

"Zhe Xi!"

By the bright moonlight, by the unburned fire around, the devils cheered and jumped before they got close to the destination.

Obviously, they found an anomaly.

It turned out that they suddenly discovered that there were many unburned corpses in front of the anti-Japanese national salvation army's position.

Most importantly, they have also discovered something impressive.

Beside these corpses, there are many quadruple anti-aircraft machine guns, 88 mm anti-aircraft guns, and various ammunition boxes.

In addition, there are many used bullet shells and shell shells.

The amount of information in this is huge.

If I have to describe it, it is that in the previous fire, the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army, along with the devils and traitors who were burned to death, chose to die together.

Realizing this, these devil officers are very excited.

In order to take this credit, they did not hesitate to give a simple order to their subordinates.

Transport these corpses out immediately!

Before operating these, you should also take pictures!

The most important thing is that we should call the North China Front Army Command immediately, saying that we have annihilated the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army!

Soon many devils and traitors began to get busy.

Every devils and traitor were very excited because they learned that the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army was annihilated.

The previous depression and exhaustion are gone forever.

Suddenly, the sudden change occurred.


Just as some devils moved, suspecting the bodies of the soldiers of the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army, the ground trembled suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, under the severely scorched corpse, a large group of brilliant fire suddenly appeared.

After the fire, there was a deafening explosion.

Obviously, under this corpse, a large booby mine was planted by the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army.

In fact, it is not just a corpse that has a large booby trap below.

Affected by the sudden explosion of large booby traps, in an instant, a large number of devils and traitors were all hit.

Closer, was blown to minced meat on the spot.

Those who were farther away were easily blown up and flew out at extreme speed.

The densely packed gravel was lifted up in the air and fell down like an overwhelming sky.

Being caught off guard, and there were not many bunkers to avoid, many devils and traitors who were far from the area where the incident occurred were smashed and battered.

The unlucky ones were directly killed!

Looking at the hapless comrades in a dumbfounded manner, for a while, the unlucky traitors and devils looked uglier one by one.

At this time, if you think about it with your toes, you can also think that the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army has not been annihilated.

According to common sense, in the previous situation, the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army basically did not have the time and space to plant booby mines.

Of course, since they planted so many large booby traps, it fully shows that the identities of these corpses are suspicious.

(End of this chapter)

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