Super Anti-war System

Chapter 1912: Thought dynamics

In fact, since the moment Shizuka Yamamoto was born, combined with the secret relationship between himself and his mother, Qin Tianxiong was vaguely suspicious.

Qin Tianxiong seriously suspected that this Shizuka Yamamoto was his daughter.

However, Qin Tianxiong is very good at coming and protecting himself.

Qin Tianxiong knew that since Yoshimoto Qianxiang had arranged this way, it was naturally the result of its careful consideration.

Looking at the general situation in the world, Qin Tianxiong believes that China will be occupied by the island nation in a short time.

Obviously, at that time, Guizi will become a first-class citizen of China.

At that time, any devil can kill it with confidence without any excuses.

Therefore, thinking about this, seeing that Yoshimoto Chika wants to maintain the status quo, that is, let Yamamoto Shizuka be the daughter of Yamamoto Forty-two, Qin Tianxiong is naturally happy.

Sometimes, Qin Tianxiong often has whimsical ideas.

With a sway, he put a green hat on the big devil Yamamoto Forty-two.

And, if nothing happens, it's the same for a lifetime.

On the other side, seeing that Qin Tianxiong was very suspicious, but did not say anything, Yoshimoto Qianxiang naturally took a higher look at it.

Even when Yoshimoto Qianxiang was happy, she was thinking about giving birth to Qin Tianxiong a few more children.

What made Yoshimoto Chika depressed was that although it worked very hard, there was no more movement in his stomach.

My family knows my own affairs best.

Yoshimoto Chika knew that when he was old, there should be only one child, Shizuka Yamamoto in this life.

After realizing this, Chika Yoshimoto was not worried but happy.

Immediately afterwards, in the following days, Yoshimoto Qianxiang repeatedly made that kind of request to Qin Tianxiong.

After discovering that even though Yoshimoto Qianxiang was in his sixties, he was getting younger and younger, or getting older and more demon, Qin Tianxiong continued to indulge in this strange and gentle village.

Qin Tianxiong was obsessed with Yoshimoto Chika, but Yamamoto forty-two and other devil spies, and Chinese men who were obsessed with Yoshimoto Chika before, gradually lost interest in it.

On the side of Yoshimoto Chika, feeling that Qin Tianxiong is getting more mature and getting better and better towards himself, naturally he is not so enthusiastic about the forty-two Yamamoto and others.

In addition to serving them occasionally, Yoshimoto Qianxiang spent most of his energy on Qin Tianxiong.

Also, the two of them, from many years ago, were not a simple relationship between a boss and a dude.

Most importantly, they have already given birth to Shizuka Yamamoto in partnership!

As a focal figure, Shizuka Yamamoto's thinking ability has become stronger as he gets older and older.

Yamamoto Shizuka doubts her identity, to be precise, who is her biological father.

Most importantly, it has a serious suspect.

This serious suspect is not someone else, but Qin Tianxiong.

Unlike godfather Yamamoto Forty-two, Yamamoto Shizuka is not only good at fighting and very suitable as a spy, but also has a cautious personality.

Besides, its mother Yoshimoto Qianxiang often fought with Qin Tianxiong, and it had witnessed it countless times.

At the beginning, Shizuka Yamamoto was very resistant to his mother's behavior.

Yes, you are so old, but you always play with a Chinese man who is dozens of years younger than you.

You are really not serious about playing like this.

However, after realizing that Qin Tianxiong was very likely to be his biological father, Shizuka Yamamoto simply chose to see through but not to point.

Of course, because he was not very sure, plus a little curious, from time to time, Shizuka Yamamoto secretly looked at Qin Tianxiong.

Even, from time to time, it secretly attacked Qin Tianxiong's relationship with his mother.

After communicating with Qin Tianxiong several times in private, like Qin Tianxiong, Yamamoto Shizuka understood everything.

Comparing Qin Tianxiong and Yamamoto Forty-two, Yamamoto Shizuka became more and more depressed.

Later, it didn't go home very much, and focused on being a ghost spy.

Because he had been brainwashed by Yamamoto's forty-two tricks since he was a child, Shizuka Yamamoto, the two devils, hated Huaxia people and Huaxia even more than devils.

Therefore, after waiting for the outbreak of the all-out war of resistance, Yamamoto Shizuka relied on the crushing advantage of his identity to give an order to Qin Tianxiong.

Yamamoto Shizuka said sternly, now, when the island nation is hiring people, you, Qin Tianxiong, should fight on the battlefield instead of staying behind.

With this arrangement, Shizuka Yamamoto had a deep intention.

I really can't understand Qin Tianxiong, Yamamoto Shizuka thought, let Qin Tianxiong be killed by the anti-Japanese armed forces.

In this way, it would be able to confirm its identity as Yamamoto's forty-two biological daughter.

Besides, along with his mother's old Zhuhuang, Qin Tianxiong became more and more annoyed by it.

Even from time to time, Qin Tianxiong yelled and beat and scolded each other.

If it were not for considering that blood is thicker than water, Yamamoto Shizuka vowed that he would definitely kill Qin Tianxiong.

In this way, Qin Tianxiong was sent to this traitor group by Yamamoto Shizuka.

However, in order to further squeeze Qin Tianxiong, plus Qin Tianxiong himself is a **** traitor, Shizuka Yamamoto also played a wave of show operations.

Under the arrangement of Shizuka Yamamoto, Qin Tianxiong, as a traitor platoon leader, became a secret agent who secretly supervised and monitored the traitor group.

To be precise, Qin Tianxiong, like Shizuka Yamamoto, has also become an agent of Guizi Special High-tech.

Whenever Qin Tianxiong grasped some information, Qin Tianxiong would always relay the information to this Guizi Artillery Corps under the arrangement of Guizi Special High-tech.

And this Devil Artillery Corps is responsible for managing this traitorous group.

Some time ago, Qin Tianxiong and Yamamoto Shizuka were very busy.

Moreover, their busy work is related to the Battle of Xuzhou.

On the side of Shizuka Yamamoto, he was leading a Devil Ranger, pretending to be Chinese refugees, spying on various military intelligence of various anti-Japanese armed forces participating in the Battle of Xuzhou.

As soon as he had information, Shizuka Yamamoto used the radio to report to the higher authorities.

What I have to say is that during the Qiqi Lugou Bridge Incident, Forty-two Yamamoto was killed by an anti-Japanese armed force from China.

Moreover, the corpse fell into Yongding Hanoi and couldn't find it!

After learning about this, Yamamoto Shizuka was very sad.

Apart from sadness, Shizuka Yamamoto secretly made a poisonous oath:

In the rest of my life, we must kill all Chinese people!

In fact, Shizuka Yamamoto let his biological father, Qin Tianxiong, join the traitor army, it happened on the day that his father, Yamamoto Forty-two, was killed.

At that time, Shizuka Yamamoto was like an angry lioness. If it weren't for her mother Chika Yoshimoto's destiny to stop her, she would almost kill Qin Tianxiong.

The grace of nurturing is greater than the sky!

Although there is a flesh-and-blood connection with Qin, in the eyes of Shizuka Yamamoto, Yamamoto forty-two speeds its biological father.

On the other hand, Qin Tianxiong was one of the men who cuckold his biological father.

In this way, under the coercive and lure of Yamamoto Shizuka, Qin Tianxiong, the Devil Artillery Corps, and the traitor group came to this deep mountain and old forest, thinking about fighting against the Japanese and saving them.

That night, as before, Qin Tianxiong thought, and then went to the Guizi Artillery Corps not far away to report on the thoughts of this traitor group.

In fact, Qin Tianxiong discovered one thing long ago.

In the past few days, because there has been no news of the rescue of the Japanese anti-Japanese, gradually, the spirit of this traitor group is very bad.

In Huaxia's dialect, almost all traitors are scornful.

In other words, the traitors are all stubborn, but they don't want to serve the island nation.

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