Super Anti-war System

Chapter 1948: Not bloody

What I have to say is that although both Imada and Nohara are the captains of the squadron, their status is very different.

Nohara Tari was just a lieutenant squadron captain of the railway garrison squadron, and there was also a young squadron captain above him.

In addition, Nohara Tari also has three colleagues at the same level.

Therefore, Nohara Tian should not only enjoy the management of the superior, but also enjoy the intrigue of the three peers.

In a word, even though Nohara Tari manages 180 devils, his life is not very comfortable.

On the other hand, in the late summer of Jintian, it was an existence equivalent to the earth emperor.

What made Kanada's late summer happy to see is that the other lieutenant squadron leaders in charge of the armored train are all in the same situation as it.

And, there is never intrigue between each other.

Even from time to time, they can sit and drink together and have fun.

In the daily chat and fart, several squadron leaders have long reached a consensus.

In his own capacity, the captain of the squadron of the Explosive Railway Garrison Brigade.

Therefore, when facing people like Nohara Tari, they are all very proud at the end of the summer.

This time, I found that Ri Nohara, who he looked down on in the past, was thinking of telling himself, so Konada had to activate an emergency plan at the end of summer.

Thinking of the strong connections behind me, the captain of the Great League, the commander of the major general brigade, and the like, I know a large number of people, and I don't hesitate in the end of summer.

At the end of the summer, Kanada knew very well that even if he killed Nohara Tari and created the illusion that he accidentally fell to his death, no one would investigate him.

The reason is very simple. When the commanders of the Great Zuo Lian, the major general brigade, and even the lieutenant division commander, they take the train, this iron armored train will be used as a warning at the end of the summer.

The lives of these big men are closely related to the end of summer today.

Therefore, even if they discover that Nohara Tari’s cause of death is weird, and even guess that it was Kanada killed him at the end of summer, they will not go into it.

"Zhe Xi!"

Thinking of this kind of connections, I couldn't help but smile slyly at the end of the summer.

Facing the squadron deputy's questioning eyes, Konada lowered his throat at the end of summer.

"Get in the car right away and gather everyone together right away.

At that time, you deliberately create a crowded and trampled atmosphere.

Then, send two strong soldiers to hold this Jinda at the end of summer.

Others closely watched the movement outside, and when they found that no one was watching outside, they asked the two soldiers to throw their heads and feet under the door at the end of the summer.

When throwing, use more strength.

In this way, I would definitely fall to death at the end of the summer. "

The boss has spoken, so the deputy of the squadron naturally wants to listen.

What made the squadron deputy happy was that when the squadron leader spoke, he admired himself very much.

The deputy of the squadron knew that the squadron leader would be very grateful to himself when he came down, and he would promote himself.

How to promote?

It's very simple, just operate it and let yourself become the captain of the lieutenant squadron!

The current situation can be seen by anyone with a good mind.

If nothing else, let's just talk about the ongoing battle of Xuzhou.

Today, although the island country has temporarily suffered a bit of setback, this setback does not hinder the overall situation.

There is no doubt that it will not be long before the island nation will be able to win the Battle of Xuzhou.

At that time, the North China and Central China regions of China will be truly connected.

Most importantly, these two vast areas are occupied by island nations.

In order to better control these two areas, and at the same time to continue to attack China's southern China region, the various railway lines in these two areas must be taken seriously.

The road conditions in China are too bad. If you want to transport all kinds of war preparation materials and soldiers conveniently and quickly, you have to use railway lines to transport them.

In this case, it is obvious that the island country will also deploy a large number of new iron-clad trains on these railway lines.

This means that many lieutenant squadron captains will be needed.

If you have a good relationship with Kanada at the end of summer, you might be promoted to the next level.

When the time comes, you will be able to enjoy yourself every day just like the end of the summer today.


Please rest assured, Mr. Imada, I will definitely handle this matter! "

Realizing that the squadron deputy was so confident and aware of the amount of information inside, Ida's eyes brightened at the end of summer.

Then, under the leadership of Jintian at the end of summer, the squadron deputy followed Ye Tian and climbed into the iron armored train.

See you at the poor dagger!

When I entered my own territory again and looked at Nohara Tari again, Konada looked very ugly at the end of summer.

In fact, when he slapped it just now, Ye Tian didn't spare much effort at all.

As a result, the face of Kada in late summer was obviously swollen.

What Ye Tian liked to see was that there were a few red finger prints on both sides of Jintian's late summer.

It was about to catch them alive, feeling that these devils were not all within the effective distance, Ye Tian didn't mind continuing to pretend to be forceful.


Apart from anything else, Ye Tian slapped again in the dumbfounded and unbelievable late summer of Jintian.


Once again enjoying Nohara's fat beating, and in front of so many subordinates, Konada's complexion at the end of summer is very complicated, and his heart is very aggrieved.

It didn't even think that it had decided to kill the killer, but before it started, the other party dared to slap himself?

Staring at Li Nohara, his eyes are full of fierce light at the end of the summer.

At the same time, it also squeezed its fists with both hands and prepared all the postures for counterattack.

Subconsciously, it thought of this and launched a counterattack.

However, reason tells it that it cannot do so.

Although there are a lot of big shots behind them, they can't be too obvious to do things, and they can't expose too many traces.

Otherwise, even if these big people want to maintain it, it won't be easy to operate.

Specifically, once this Nohara Tari’s body is covered with scars, anyone with a discerning eye can see that it had been severely beaten before it died.

The most important thing is that its death is not a trip down the armored train.

A small leak will sink a great ship!

Involuntarily, Jin Tian Xia thought of this famous saying by Hua Xia at the end of summer.

To this end, after a few deep breaths, Kanada quickly entered a state of patience and humiliation at the end of summer.

Upon seeing this, Ye Tian curled his lips and continued to roar contemptuously.


At the end of summer today, tell me right away, where is your office?

Hurry up!

Otherwise, you are dead! ! "


He was about to kill this Nohara Tari, trying his best to control his anger, and Imada bowed deeply to Nohara Tari at the end of summer.

Immediately afterwards, at the end of summer, Iada pointed to the first car on the armored train.

"lead the way!"

Noda is very happy to find that Kanada is so low-key at the end of summer and so cooperating with himself.

Hearing this, Jin Tian had a gloomy face at the end of summer, and walked quickly towards the first carriage.

Soon, the big scene which made Ida love to see in the end of summer happened.

Suddenly, starting from the third carriage, including the second carriage, there was an extremely noisy scene.

"Catch the thief!"

"Grab it, **** it to His Excellency Imada, and let His Excellency Imada deal with it seriously!"


You dare to steal things, you die! "


It's all this time, because the overall situation is under control, coupled with the fact that he is about to play soldiers, Ye Tian did not panic in the face of this sudden situation.

Acting requires a full set.

Cursing his lips, Ye Tian looked at Jintian contemptuously at the end of summer.

"Imada-san, not only do you drink alcohol when you are performing military affairs, but even your subordinates are very incompetent!"