Super Anti-war System

Chapter 2089: I'm still angry

In a word, there are not many island nations with such strategic forces as the Heavy Artillery Wing.

With a handful of words to describe it, there is no problem.

What's more, whether it is an island country, or the three provinces of the Northeast, which are regarded by the island country as its homeland, some of these troops must be retained.

It is conceivable that among the many devil troops in the inland siege of China, there are not a few heavy artillery groups at all.

In fact, even if it is an ordinary artillery wing, there is only one in a Grade A division.

As soon as the cannon rang, gold was ten thousand taels.

This sentence is definitely not a simple statement.

In fact, let alone expensive shells, even simple small-caliber bullets are expensive.

To be precise, the value of a small-caliber bullet is no less than a few kilograms of rice!


Realizing this had come down, the island country had suffered a loss that it could not bear, and Temple Shouyi suddenly spewed a mouthful of old blood.

Coincidentally, at this time, the devil communicator was standing in front of Shouyi Temple.

Caught off guard, this devil communicator was sprayed all over by Shouichi Temple's old blood.

Especially the face of this devil communicator has become the hardest hit area.

After being dealt with by Shou Siuchi, subconsciously, this devil communicator immediately pulled his face down.

Immediately afterwards, it was busy, wiping the blood from its face.

Moreover, this devil communicator also glanced at Temple Shou with a very bitter look.

Realizing that doing so might irritate Shouichi Teruchi, the devil immediately changed his expression.

You resentment was quickly replaced by flattery.

And, subconsciously, out of intense survival, this devil communicator deliberately backed away a few steps.

What made this devil communicator extremely frightened was that it was all too late.

Terauchi's side, because the loss was too great, because he was worried that he would be reprimanded or even dealt with seriously by the base camp of the island country, he was in a hurry.

How can I release this stomach fire?

Realizing that this devil communicator dared to provoke him, Terauchi broke out immediately.


In addition to the rage, Shouyi Temple let out a roar.

The loudness of roaring for a while, the loudness is not normal.

And, it was too invested, and it mutated as a result.

To be precise, it resembles the voice of an elderly woman.

At the same time, Terauchi's facial muscles were severely distorted.

Even its lips were trembling.

And its body is even more so.

Realizing that something was wrong, the devil communicator immediately stood there blankly.

Its first thought was to escape immediately.

Run as far as you can, and run as fast as you can.

However, between the lightning and flint, the devil communicator immediately vetoed the first plan.

Companion to a king is like a tiger to companion!

After following Shouichi Teruchi for a long time, this devil communicator is very clear about the opponent's temper and character.

In fact, the devil communicator was very reluctant to send this message to Terauchi Shouichi.

Unfortunately, other devils are unwilling to do this.

Most importantly, in the telecommunications room of the North China Front Army Headquarters, this devil correspondent is the one with the lowest status.

In the past, there were a few communicators who had a lower status than it.

It's a pity that because of the violent temper of Terauchi Shouyi, these communications soldiers were all hacked and killed by Terauchi Shouyi.

Senior officials crushed people to death!

In the telecommunications room, because of the lowest status, even if he was unwilling to perform the task of sending text messages, the devil communicator had to do so.

If he performed the mission, he might not be killed by Shouichi Temple.

However, if you don't perform the task, you will definitely be killed by the superiors on the spot.

Take the lesser of two evils.

There was no way, the devil communicator came to the living room of Teruichi Shouichi tremblingly.

At this special moment, in this special place.

The devil communicator's mood was very nervous. It prayed again and again, and the one from Temple Shou simply got fat and beat it.

For this reason, while praying silently in his heart, the devil communicator kept chanting Amaterasu's name, hoping to be favored by Amaterasu.

What made this devil communicator depressed was that at the critical moment, Amaterasu didn't even pay attention to it.

It watched, Temple Shou swiftly rushed to the wall.

Immediately afterwards, Juichi Terauchi took off the commanding knife that symbolized the Emperor's gift from the wall.


Waiting for the furious Terauchi to draw out the commanding knife and walk toward him aggressively, realizing that he must have no way of survival, the devil communicator had to try his best to remain calm.

It even tried to make a smile to Terauchi Shouichi.

This devil communicator knows very well that if this one comes down, it will definitely not survive.

At this time, the devil communicator had to think about his family.

It knows that after being executed in this positive way, the family may not be affected.

The most important thing is that afterwards, when Terauchi's mood stabilized, he might want to compensate his family.

Conversely, if he ran away immediately, he would definitely be put to death.

Moreover, after being executed, he might be given the notoriety of being a deserter or even a Chinese spy.

In this way, the family will definitely be affected.

Thinking of this, soon, the devil communicator watched, with a burst of knife light, slashing at his head like lightning.


Soon after, the devil heard the sound of a sharp weapon cutting his head.

At the same time, the devils felt intense pain.

The pain just came out, and then it disappeared.

The reason is simple, Terauchi's command knife is extremely sharp.

There is nothing wrong with it in terms of cutting iron like mud.

Moreover, in order to vent his anger and depression, Terauchi Shouichi also used the strength of breastfeeding.

Therefore, without any further effort, Terauchi Shouyi slashed the hapless devil communicator into two pieces.

In an instant, the internal organs and intestines of the devil communicator fell to the ground.

At the same time, puddles of blood, steaming, flowed continuously around.

After the little devil was easily put to death, Temple Shou was more than angry.


Subconsciously, Terai Shou cursed.

The reason is very simple. Shouyi Temple was depressed to find that while hacking the little devil to death, wisps of blood were splashed on his face.

Subconsciously, Terai Shou wiped his old face dirty with blood.

Immediately afterwards, Terai Shouichi also looked at the woolen army coat.

Unexpectedly, the army coat was also stained with a lot of blood.

This situation and this scene Temple is even more out of breath.

"Come on, hurry...clean up here!

Hurry, work fast!

All of them are dead, dead!

Baga, how about people? !

Come in quickly!


Amidst anger and anger, Shouichi Temple kept roaring.

In fact, before Touichi Terauchi made another sound, the two devil guards who were in charge of alerting Touichi Terauchi had already heard the voice of Touichi Terauchi killing the devil communicator.

Hearing this sound, the two devil guards looked at each other, one more frightened than the other.

After meeting their eyes, they bit their heads, opened the door tremblingly, and walked in tremblingly.