Super Anti-war System

Chapter 2130: 3 steps

Based on the current situation of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Ye Tian believes that it is time to return to the north bank of the Huai River.

   After returning to the north bank of the Huai River, depending on the local situation, you can also wander around the south bank.

   When the time comes, naturally they will continue to sneak attacks. Those who wish to go north to participate in the Battle of Xuzhou, the devil troops of the Central China Front Army.

   Although, in real history, during the Battle of Xuzhou, with the concerted efforts of many anti-Japanese armed forces in China, from beginning to end, these devil forces failed to successfully break through the Huai River defense line.

   Ye Tian is very worried, because of his own efforts, the historical situation has shifted.

   To be precise, some devil troops successfully broke through the Huai River defense line and joined the Battle of Xuzhou.

   The most important thing is that Ye Tian has been working hard to create an illusion for a long time:

   A few hundred miles away in the north of Xuzhou, there is an anti-Japanese armed force called Zhongyijiu;

   A few hundred miles away in the south of Xuzhou, there is an anti-Japanese armed force called Hero Save;

   Hundreds of miles away in the west of Xuzhou, there is a world-renowned anti-Japanese rescue.

   Nowadays, Ye Tian has been operating loyalty rescue.

   It’s been a long time since Heroes Rescue and Loyalty Rescue were operated. Ye Tian was worried that he would be seen through this illusion by the cunning big devils.

   For this reason, Ye Tian planned to go to the south again, and Flicker was still aimlessly looking for heroes to rescue the hundreds of thousands of days of puppet coalition forces.

   After all the Japanese and puppet coalition forces were flicked, they turned their troops and went to Zhongtiao Mountain again to stroll around.

   Of course, every time he appears, he must kill as many devils and traitors as possible.

   Thinking of this small goal again, Ye Tian didn't dare to neglect.

   "Swish swish..."

   After drinking a large bowl of spiritual liquid, Ye Tian ran quickly.

   According to Ye Tian's plan, before going to wander along the Huai River, he should kill a large number of killer devils and traitors.

  Only in this way can the puppet coalition forces continue to be restrained and continue to do useless work for these hundreds of thousands of days.

   In addition, what Ye Tian likes to see is that every time the puppet coalition forces lose more than tens of thousands of days, they will always replenish the establishment in the first time.

   If this is the case, the North China Front Army will definitely draw troops from the occupied areas.

   In addition, the North China Front Army will also apply to the base camp of the island country, hoping that its superiors can transfer elite troops from the island country and the three eastern provinces of China that have long been occupied by the island country.

   The devils and traitors in the occupied areas are constantly being transferred away.

   It is natural that the anti-Japanese armed forces operating in various places naturally have space and time for expression.

  Also, there are fewer devils and traitors, and for these anti-Japanese armed forces, the difficulty of doing things is naturally reduced a lot.

   Ye Tian is convinced that the leaders of these anti-Japanese armed forces must have a strategic and tactical vision.

  Furthermore, almost every anti-Japanese armed force has set up some eyeliners in the enemy-occupied areas.

   In a word, whenever the devil and traitor troops are transferred to leave, these eyeliners, especially the big brothers, can be informed in the first time.

   The troops were transferred to leave. Even if they acted at night, they couldn’t hide it from those who wanted to.

   What's more, these devil troops and traitor troops who have been transferred away have always been the targets of various anti-Japanese armed forces to deal with.

   A small number of courageous anti-Japanese armed forces even harassed and attacked the devil troops and traitor troops who had been transferred.

   In contrast, these Japanese and puppet troops were harassed and attacked by various anti-Japanese armed forces in the process of rushing to the designated location, but in order to complete the task as soon as possible, it was not convenient to hunt down these anti-Japanese armed forces.

   If you can't fight back, you can't fight back when you curse.

   Although these Japanese and puppet coalition forces will certainly not be able to do this step, they will certainly not pursue and kill these anti-Japanese armed forces from a long distance.

   In this way, it will naturally have an advantage for the anti-war armed forces that dare to actively harass these Japanese and puppet troops.

  Although, compared with the Japanese and puppet troops, the quality of troops and the availability of weapons in these anti-Japanese armed forces are far from each other.

   The most important thing is that as long as you bravely stand up and fight, you will definitely get some results.

   "Hey hey..."

   Thinking of these wonderful prospects, Ye Tian felt very happy.

   According to the plan, Ye Tian’s next small goal is a devil military airport.

   Before, under the order of Ye Tian, ​​the birds headed by the Eagle King had already figured out the situation of the Guizi Airport within two hundred miles.

   The most important thing is that before figuring out these situations, the Eagle King and the others also gave a detailed report to Ye Tian.

   According to the reports of the Eagle King and the others, Ye Tian kept summarizing them.

   Finally, Ye Tian chose a devil airport.

   Okamoto Airport!

  According to the reports of the King Eagles, Ye Tian kept racing.

   There is still 150 miles away, and at Ye Tian's speed, he can almost reach it in an hour.

   If you sit down and pass by, you can get there in ten minutes.

   However, considering that there are so many devils planes in the sky, to prevent devils from seeing the statue of the Eagle King, Ye Tian did not let the Eagle King land.

   At this moment, under the order of Ye Tian, ​​the Eagle King is still flying high in the sky.

   The most important thing is that with the vision of the eagle eye that explodes human beings, the Eagle King has been paying close attention to everything around him.

   After careful consideration, Ye Tian stopped in a remote mountain village.

  The country is breaking through the mountains and rivers!

   With the continuation of the all-out war of resistance, many ordinary people have been severely affected.

   Many people flocked to the Kuomintang Control Area in order to avoid the war.

   Many ordinary people who are not convenient to leave their homes and properties have to stay in their hometowns and are often persecuted by devils and traitors.

   Therefore, in this chaotic situation, there have been many deserted small mountain villages.

   When Ye Tian ran to this small mountain village, he actually saw some wild dogs.

   Ye Tian knows that these wild dogs were the native dogs of the people around them before.

   Because the owner was killed by devils or traitors, or forced to flee.

   It is natural that these native dogs who have lost their owners have to become wild dogs.

   In order to solve the problem of eating and drinking, many wild dogs do not hesitate to kill each other.

   And, from time to time, they hunt for all kinds of food like wild wolves.

   Even more, they will eat some human corpses.

   Ye Tian has seen it many times, and a group of wild dogs have actually pulled open the shallow grave mound and gnawed the corpse buried inside.

   I see a lot of things like this, and Ye Tian has already seen no surprises.

   Ye Tian planned to take a rest in this small mountain village temporarily.

   After nightfall, go to Okamoto Airport to do business.

   Considering that these wild dogs are familiar with the surrounding terrain, Ye Tian nodded solemnly.

   Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian used the Royal Beast Art, and let out a strange cry.

   I have to say that after discovering that Ye Tian came over, the eyes of these native dogs were not very friendly.

   To be precise, according to the ideas of these wild dogs, they even wanted to eat him.

   However, relying on their keen intuition for danger, these wild dogs discovered one thing unexpectedly.

   This human being is very special.

   If I have to describe it, it is too murderous.

   And this kind of murderous aura can only be possessed by those big people like the **** of war who crawled out of the sea of ​​blood in the corpse mountain.

   realized that something was wrong, and realized that he might be killed, the wild dogs all played far away.