Super Anti-war System

Chapter 597: chain reaction

This situation is far beyond Ye Tian's expectation.

Ye Tian originally planned to take more photos and salvage some trophies while the two warships were sinking.

These large-caliber naval guns have a long range and can easily hit dozens of miles away.

Moreover, if the shell falls in the sea, it is within the kill radius, because the buffer effect of water on the energy is particularly small, which will further increase the lethality.

Thinking of the tremendous power of these large-caliber naval guns, Ye Tian didn't dare to neglect, and quickly fled back to the reef group.

Obviously, Ye Tian planned to go to salvage the spoils after these warships stalled.



I have to say that the naval strength of the island nation is strong.

Large-caliber artillery shells were desperately bombarding the sea as if they didn't need money.

So far away, and staying on the bottom of the sea, Ye Tian could clearly hear the explosion.

The explosion sounded vigorously, one after another, continuous.

In addition, bunches of water jets rose up into the sky first, and then fell back to the surface of the water.

There is no doubt that this is a big scene, just like a large-scale military exercise.

Naturally, Ye Tian didn't want to miss the opportunity to take pictures.

It is conceivable that once these photos are made public, and it is noted that if the devils cannot find the target and have to waste cannonballs in this way, it will definitely make people laugh.

In order to achieve this goal, with a weird smile on his face, Ye Tian quickly pressed the shutter again and again.

What made Ye Tian dumbfounded was that it had been half an hour, but the intense and rapid shooting continued.

It is as if these devils want to learn from the wealthy Citigroup and Mao Ziguo in order to vent their anger.

Also, whenever they encounter a powerful enemy, apart from anything else, these two countries will be bombarded by a wave of carpets.

This point has been recognized worldwide.

Seeing the devils were crazy, Ye Tian didn't just watch the fun, take pictures, etc. in order to save his life.

Those who are high in art are bold and bold in art.

In order to use photos of the disgusting devils and to collect the spoils, Ye Tian still lurks in the group of reefs.

Of course, if an abnormal current is coming, Ye Tian will always try to avoid it as soon as he realizes that the shells will follow.

In addition, even if he was absolutely sure not to be hit directly by the shells, even if they exploded not far away, Ye Tian would hide as far as he could.

Fortunately, facing the Tanggu Military Port, because Ye Tian's eyes were too fast, he was always able to play without risk under the warning of abnormal currents.

What made Ye Tian dumbfounded was that although the sea area was huge, the reef group he was on was still bombarded three times.

Moreover, the power of shelling was so powerful that it blew up here in a mess.

If it were not for Ye Tian to activate the stealth body armor function from time to time, even if he was not injured by shock waves or shrapnel, he would be injured by large and small rocks.

Also, the power of large-caliber shells is too great, and can radiate tens of meters, or even hundreds of meters.

Even if Ye Tian had tried his best to avoid him, he would still be affected more or less.

In fact, if Ye Tian hadn't been as fast as lightning, even if there was an early warning of rapids, it would be difficult to avoid it.

Also, the speed of the cannonball is too fast, even if it is buffered by sea water, it is still much faster than the speed of sound.

As we all know, within one second, sound can travel 340 meters in the air.

Even the most powerful sprinter can't run 11 meters in one second.

In other words, the speed of such an athlete, 30 times faster, can't match the sound!

If you compare their speed with a cannonball, it's even more incomparable.

Affected by three waves in succession, even if the stealth body armor function is turned on, even if it is far away from the explosion center, Ye Tian still has lingering fears.

In fact, in order to keep the two vital points of head and heart, Ye Tian always curled up as much as possible when he found that there was no way to hide.

What made Ye Tian pleased was that after another ten minutes, the intensive shelling of this scalp had finally come to an end.


Upon seeing this, Ye Tian was really fortunate.

In addition, when he was relaxed, he realized that he was injured.

He didn't know when his right knee was hit by shattered shells or flying rocks.

If it weren't for the invisible body armor, Ye Tian was convinced that his right leg was abolished based on this bone-cracking pain.

The pain was unbearable. In order to ensure that there were no sequelae and to get rid of these pain sensations, Ye Tian once again purchased a Healing Pill from the system mall.

Counting it all up, he had already bought two healing pills in this sea area.

However, although it took 2000 points for this, Ye Tian didn't feel the pain.

Also, deducting these 2000 points, he still has 507,700 points.

You can get points for killing devils, traitors, or destroying devils’ military targets.

It took 2000 points this time, and then deliberately looking for fighters.

What's more, although the system has not yet announced the rewards for this action, when Ye Tian was convinced, the rewards would definitely be many!

The healing pill was very effective. It melted in the mouth and healed Ye Tian's right knee instantly.

"It's time to work!"

Hearing with ears, Ye Tian sighed in his heart when he found that no shells had been fired.

Then, he shook his head, which had been confounded, and put the artillery protective earplugs, binoculars, and cameras into the storage space.


Escape from the dead, with the thought of lingering fear, Ye Tian ran to the heavy cruiser again.

What Ye Tian didn't know was that at this moment, the news that he led his troops to deal with Tanggu Military Port was already on Jiang Jieshi's desk.


A battleship, an aircraft carrier, and two heavy cruisers were sunk one after another!

And, immediately after, another heavy cruiser and a light cruiser followed in their footsteps!

That's not even counted. Looking at the posture, the entire Tanggu Military Port was blocked by a wave of large mines!

It is conceivable that it will be much more complicated and difficult for Guizi to transport troops to North China.

There is no doubt that the railway line extending from the three provinces of the Northeast will definitely be busier.

In this way, the speed of the devil's troop movement will definitely slow down.

Also, changing routes, detours, organizing train transportation, etc. will delay a lot of time.

Taking advantage of this time difference, the Chinese military will take a sigh of relief.

In addition, in response to the situation where the enemy is strong and we are weak, more time is spared for various targeted deployments.

Seeing this information, Jiang Jieshi was extremely happy.

In fact, in the past ten days, I learned that the Pingjin area is always losing battles. As the head of state of a country, Jiang Jieshi is very depressed.

Now and then!

At this moment, Jiang Jieshi's face was covered with overcast clouds for more than ten days, which was finally much less.

And he laughed rarely.