Super Anti-war System

Chapter 785: Turning point

Li Shusen, the commander of the 67th Division, was seriously injured!

The 201st brigade commander Cai Bingyan and two regiment leaders were killed in action!

Most of the battalion commander who commanded the battle on the front line died!

Because the location of Luodian is very important, even if the loss is so large, in order to regain this position, Huaxia still keeps sending troops there.

At the same time, the devil kept landing in other places.

Naturally, the Chinese army entered the mode of being attacked by the enemy.

By mid-September, the devil’s reinforcements came one after another, and the situation in China became more and more passive.

China has no air and sea dominance, and suffered heavy losses in the active attack on the devils, blocking the devils from landing, and fighting for various positions. The troops were extremely exhausted and forced to switch to defense.

This is not to mention, the Chinese army had to continue the pattern of heavy casualties after being bombarded by so many large-caliber ships.

In addition, finding that it could not stop the attack of the devils, the Supreme Command of China had to increase its troops again and again.

On the other hand, after grasping the initiative on the battlefield, the big devil made a big move.

The big devils unanimously decided to shift the focus of the battlefield from North China to Shanghai.

In order to speed up the battle in Shanghai and realize the slogan of destroying China within three months, the big devil continued to increase troops in Shanghai.

In this way, the ninth, thirteenth, and 101st divisions under the jurisdiction of the North China Front Army were deployed to the Shanghai dispatch army sequence.

In addition, the big devil also transferred many troops from the colony.

Of course, Li Chunshan, Yu Zhishan and other traitor troops have also been ordered by the big devil.

In this way, counting the original 3rd and 11th divisions, the devil had reached five divisions with the army alone.

In fact, this is also the request that the commander of the dispatched army in Shanghai Matsui Ishine has repeatedly insisted on.

If you count the navy, naval aviation and army aviation, the total strength of Guizi in Shanghai will reach an astonishing 200,000!

According to individual combat strength, one devil is equivalent to five elite Chinese soldiers.

And because the number of Guizi's planes far exceeds that of China.

Most importantly, Guizi also owns nearly a thousand large-caliber naval guns.

The devil's strength is so strong, if China wants to win, it will not be able to win this large battle without sending 3 million elite soldiers.

What I have to say is that the initiative to start the Battle of Songhu was the suggestion of General Jiang Baili, the **** of China's First Army.

According to his suggestion, it is only necessary to attract the main force of Guizi to Shanghai, even if the strategic goal is achieved.

Then, take the initiative to release the main force of the devils into the inland China.

Take advantage of China's vast territory and complex terrain to eliminate devils on various battlefields.

Also, the devils gathered together, and with the help of heavy weapons such as airplanes and heavy artillery, the combat effectiveness was powerful and scary.

Once the devils divide their forces, they will be easier to deal with.

However, in order to ensure the smooth implementation of this strategy, coupled with the fact that China’s elite main forces have been eager, therefore, the battle on the Songhu front line intensified.

In order to win this battle, the Supreme Command of China issued an order, and the elite troops from the whole country continue to move towards the surrounding areas of Shanghai Beach!

In this way, in addition to the original eighth, ninth, and fifteenth armies, China has added two more armies.

They are the 19th Army of Xue Yue, the first general of the Anti-Japanese War, and the 10th Army of Liu Jianxu.

Later, feeling that it was not very safe, Liao Lei's 21st Army also rushed to the front line.

With so many soldiers, in order to better command, and the commander-in-chief Zhang Zhizhong returned to Nanjing for recuperation due to illness, the Supreme Command of China made subordinate arrangements:

The 15th and 19th Army Groups were organized into the Left Wing Corps, and Chen Cheng was the commander-in-chief, responsible for the Wanqiao, Luodian, and Guangfu areas north of Wanzaobang;

The 9th Group Army is the Central Corps, and Zhu Shaoliang is the commander-in-chief. It has 7 armies, 18 divisions, 1 independent brigade, 1 independent artillery brigade and other units, responsible for the North Station, Jiangwan, Miaoxing first line and the area to the west;

The 8th and 10th Group Army is the right-wing corps. Zhang Fakui is the commander-in-chief. It has 10 divisions, 3 independent brigades, 3 new brigades, the Central Military Academy’s teaching corps, and coastal defense units. It is responsible for the south of Suzhou River to the north bank of Hangzhou Bay. area.

What I have to say is that after some emergency preparations, the Sichuan Army has also come out!

Under the leadership of the main general Liu Xiang, the Sichuan army of five divisions, wearing straw sandals and a few people equipped with a gun, rallied to the predetermined location crazy!

In this way, on the huge Songhu battlefield, the total strength of China has reached 75 divisions, with a total of more than 700,000.

Three-fifths of the nation's military strength was gathered in Shanghai.

There is no doubt that this is the rhythm of China's decisive battle with the island nation!

Although there were countless losses and losses, the Chinese army was desperately resisting.

Although the situation is very passive, thousands of soldiers are killed and wounded every day. Although the position has been retreating repeatedly, Huaxia still firmly controls Shanghai!

At the same time, in response to Jiang Jieshi's call, the vast majority of Chinese people, especially overseas Chinese, are supporting them.

Some people pay people, money pays money, and things pay.

The land has no distinction between the north and the south, and people have no distinction between old and young, and all have the responsibility of defending the land and resisting the Japanese War.

On the other side, the big devil thunder was furious when he found that he had increased his troops so much, but still did not win.

Also, the island country has a long and narrow terrain and extremely limited resources. They can't afford to fight with China for the endurance.

The most important thing is that before the war, with the advantages of a large number of heavy weapons, strong military literacy of soldiers, and possession of the world's best navy, the big devils arrogantly clamored: China will perish within three months.

The three-month deadline has come, let alone the destruction of China, and even the Battle of Songhu has not won.

The big devil thinks that they have been severely slapped in the face.

While furious and anxious, fierce disputes began in the base camp of the island nation.

After careful study and discussion, the big devil unified his opinions.

The plan to follow the example of Yuan Mie Song and Qing Mie Ming, that is, from north to south, crushing all the way to destroy the entire China, has failed!

In this case, the strategic focus is to follow the rhythm of China.

Specifically, the strategic focus should be shifted from North China to East China and Central China!

In the end, they decided to make another big move.

For this reason, while continuing to replenish the strength of the dispatched army in Shanghai, the Central China Front Army should be established immediately.

Specifically, the Central China Front Army includes the Shanghai Dispatch Army and the 10th Army. UU reading

In addition, there are corresponding auxiliary units, such as communications units, railway units, aviation units, engineering units, and depot units.

The commander of the Central China Front Army is General Matsui Ishine, who is mainly in charge of the six divisions of the Shanghai dispatch army.

The commander of the Tenth Army is Lieutenant General Yanagawa Heisuke.

The Tenth Army has three divisions under its jurisdiction, all of which are reinforcements from the local area.

In addition to these three divisions, the Tenth Army also governs the Independent Mountain Artillery Regiment, the Field Heavy Artillery Brigade and other units.

In this way, the total strength of the Tenth Army reached 120,000.

And the total strength of the entire Central China Front Army is as much as 400,000!

The formation of the Central China Front Army, especially the Tenth Army's reinforcement from the island countries to Shanghai, was a turning point in the Battle of Songhu.

In order to deal with this turning point, Ye Tianming knew that it was very dangerous, but planned to make a big move!