Super Anti-war System

Chapter 787: 1 person's anti-Japanese

During the strategic retreat of the Huaxia Army, the order was issued too hastily and the command was out of control. The retreat turned into a complete retreat.

During the Battle of Songhu, most commanders, especially middle and low-level commanders, were sacrificed.

Therefore, the troops have no rules and regulations at all and are in extreme chaos.

The most important thing is that when the main force of Huaxia was found to have retreated, the devils began to pursue and fight vigorously.

On the one hand, Guizi’s hundreds of planes kept bombing and firing in the sky.

On the other hand, the Devil's ground troops are also in pursuit.

In fact, according to the original plan, when the Huaxia troops retreated, they should retreat while resisting.

There are many defense fortifications in the Wufu Line, Xicheng Line, Zhajia Line and Haijia Line.

These defense fortifications have a nickname—the Oriental Maginot Line.

Logically speaking, relying on these defense fortifications to resist, there should be nothing wrong with it.

Unfortunately, before the Battle of Songhu, the Supreme Command found out.

These fortifications turned out to be tofu dregs projects.

Concrete can be crushed by hand!

The machine gun shooting hole is the same size as the doors and windows!

The bunkers are isolated, and there is no bullet-proof traffic trench connection!

More than 300 large machine gun bunkers, half of them are unusable!

Upon discovering these, Jiang Jieshi was furious.

However, as to how to deal with the responsible person, Jiang Jieshi said that it is not easy to deal with.

Also, Jiang Jieshi is only the first person in China in name.

His decree makes it difficult to reach outside Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai.

Even if the decree has passed, the warlords everywhere do not listen very much.

In the righteousness of the War of Resistance and the righteousness of the nation, these warlords all expressed that they would unite with Jiang Jieshi.

At the moment when employing people, for the sake of harmony, Jiang Jieshi is not easy to use heavy codes.

Therefore, the phenomenon that made Ye Tian sigh, happened.

During the Battle of Songhu, China killed and injured 300,000 elite soldiers at the cost of killing more than 40,000 devils.

It is a pity that most of the casualties occurred during the retreat.

The large-scale casualties of commanders and fighters at all levels, the devastating pursuit of devils, and the mere formality of national defense fortifications are the reasons for this phenomenon.

It must be mentioned that most of these fortifications are tofu dregs projects, which were reported by Ye Tianxian and Jiang Jieshi.

Is not in its place, does not seek its own government.

Playing like this is offensive.

Most importantly, it is easy to cause Jiang Jieshi's suspicion.

However, for the sake of China's war of resistance, Ye Tian still did this.

What makes Ye Tian happy is that after learning about this, Jiang Jieshi was not angry with him, but was very happy.

Moreover, before the start of the Battle of Songhu, Jiang Jieshi gave an order to have the relevant departments rebuild these fortifications.

However, time is tight and tasks are heavy. The fortifications can only be repaired in the past few years, and within a few months, they cannot be repaired at all.

For this reason, Jiang Jieshi had to order the workers and soldiers to pick up important areas for repairs.

I foresee that these national defense fortifications will not play their due role, and think that the retreat has turned into a retreat. For this reason, Ye Tian plans to play a wave of Jinshanwei sniper war!

For this Jinshan Guardian sniper battle, Ye Tian had already started planning.

Recently, many fishermen have appeared on the coastline of Jinshanwei in Hangzhou Bay.

They appeared in groups on some dangerous roads off the beaten track and were busy building houses.

Most of these houses are based on rocks on the seashore.

Most of the houses were built into two-story buildings.

They are not others, they are the 5,000 elites of Shenjiying and the nearly 10,000 elites of the Axe Gang!

The boss of Shenjiying is Tang Zhengyang, the descendant of Guiguzi.

The boss of the Axe Gang is the hero Wang Yaqiao!

The mission of the Shenji Camp and the Axe Gang is very simple, that is, under the command of Ye Tian, ​​carry out a wave of Jinshan Guards sniper battle!


Ye Tian went ashore soon after saying goodbye to Wu Yikui and Annie.

In the next three months, Ye Tian has been very busy.

Ye Tian knew that in a large-scale war involving hundreds of thousands of people, fighting against the Japanese and rescuing these ninety people would not be able to cause too much trouble.

For this reason, he either dispatched alone, or led his troops to participate in the war, specifically to pick out the lonely devils, or the small group of devils to shoot.

Take the opportunity and shoot!

If there is no chance, you have to take action to create opportunities.

The effect is very good, every time there is a harvest.

Also, Ye Tian has storage space, 92 dead men, he can move freely.

There is nothing wrong with it in terms of fascination.

In fact, after discovering that Ye Tian and the others had killed a lot of soldiers, the big devil hunted them down.

It's a pity that Ye Tian ran away alone, with too small a goal, and the devils couldn't find him.

What excited Ye Tian the most was that once, with the ability to transform, he destroyed the arsenal of the 16th Division.

What I have to say is that during this period, Ye Tian has been thinking about the mandatory tasks dispatched by the system:

The first two culprits who killed the Nanjing Massacre-King Hatohiko of Asaka Palace, or Ishine Matsui!

King Hatohiko of Asaka Palace is still on the mainland of the island country and has not come to grab the merits, thus satisfying his vanity.

What made Ye Tian depressed was that even Matsui Ishigen could not start.

Matsui Iwane's strong defense is not the most important reason.

In fact, because of the great ability to transform, Ye Tian was not afraid to assassinate this big devil, and he was convinced that he could get out of his body.

Matsui Ishigen's whereabouts are uncertain, this is the reason why Ye Tian can't start.

This big devil had already retired before, re-entered the army, and led hundreds of thousands of devils to fight, always thinking of doing meritorious service and receiving rewards.

Therefore, Matsui Iwane is very dedicated and often inspects work in various divisions.

Finding that it is very difficult to find Matsui Ishigen, in order not to waste time, Ye Tian had to continue to harass the little devils.

In addition, from various channels, combined with historical common sense, after discovering that the Huaxia army suffered heavy casualties, Ye Tian made a desperate move and chose various risky behaviors.

It's very simple, that is, often attack the big stocks of devils, such as the alliance and even the division.

Of course, in order to prevent deaths and injuries among the dead, when Ye Tian did such a thing, he did it alone.

Now, the grenade function of the fn57 pistol has the ability to automatically launch.

Within a range of 2000 meters, 500 grenades can be fired per minute.

Using anti-armor grenades, it can penetrate 100 mm steel plates and 500 mm reinforced concrete fortifications.

The devils went on offensive war without fortifications.

In addition, they rarely use Pygmy Tanks.

In order to increase lethality, Ye Tian rarely chooses anti-armor grenade in battle, and chooses lethal grenade instead.

Using kill-type grenades, the kill radius can reach 20 meters.

Because of the timing of Ye Tian's attack, when he chose the devils to march forward in line, a grenade passed, playing with them could kill dozens or even hundreds of devils.

Moreover, every time, after pouring 500 grenades, that is, one minute later, Ye Tian chose to run immediately.

Also, the devils have too many heavy artillery.

Once they found his whereabouts, a shell came, and he could easily kill him.


In this way, the time came to November 5.

Relying on his excellent night vision ability and wearing a telescope, Ye Tian suddenly discovered that the Tenth Army of Devils who had tried to land on Jinshanwei, more than 120,000 devils, had arrived!