Super Anti-war System

Chapter 834: Special prizes

The strength of the Iron and Rock Independent Detachment totals 2,200.

Therefore, this traitor force is equivalent to two infantry devil battalions.

The commander and deputy commander are traitors.

Their names are Liang Yi and Long Siyu.

Liang Yi's military rank is Da Zuo, personally in charge of the first brigade.

Long Siyu's military rank is Zhong Zuo, mainly responsible for the second team.

From the ranking point of view, Chief of Staff Kameda Mayu ranked third.

However, with his understanding of Guizi’s staff, especially Guizi’s distrust of traitors, Ye Tian is convinced that Kameda Mayu is definitely the actual boss.

Although, Kameda Mayu's rank is the same as Long Siyu, and he is also a sergeant.

That's not even counted. In the general staff, in addition to the leader of Kameda Mayu, there are five individual staff members.

In addition, the two deputy captains and six squadron captains are all devil veterans.

Only at the level of squad leader and squad leader, traitors appeared in the officer-in-charge.

However, because he was just a squadron captain before going down the mountain, his level was too low. Although he had a good relationship with the directly affiliated captain, he couldn't know much about the Tieshi independent detachment.

After reading these materials, Ye Tian frowned, not in a hurry to issue orders.

In front of his eyes, the names of several big devils emerged.

Lieutenant General Fujita Shinto, Chief of the Third Division, and Toshio Sada, Chief of Staff.

The commander of the 5th Infantry Brigade, that is, Major General Satoshi Ichiro Katayama.

The wing captain of the 6th Infantry Wing is Osakura Yoshinoji.

Thinking of the names of these big devils, Ye Tian didn't feel the pain of idleness.

Ye Tian believes that in the huge Songhu battlefield, it is necessary to find an independent detachment of iron and stone, which is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.

If you want to find them and implement the Thunder's handling methods, chances are needed.

Before the opportunity arrives, no matter how much you want to find them, it will be difficult to succeed.

With his mind turned, Ye Tian kept optimizing a plan.

The mechanized infantry regiment in my mind is under intense construction.

Time is tight and tasks are heavy.

Ye Tian believes that we must stick to the path of good soldiers.

The most important thing is to play Ningquewulan.

If the dead men are all elite soldiers and heroes, they can be driven like an arm by themselves, so as to successfully obtain various brilliant results.

There are too many people in a mess, and too many chickens do not lay eggs.

On the modern battlefield, the advantage of being more powerful in combat has gradually disappeared.

Especially when it comes to small tactical targets, if the strength of the troops is reduced, and if they can be savvy, they can often achieve good results by taking the path of sudden attacks.

Conversely, with more troops, it is easy to reveal whereabouts, so that devils or traitors can take defensive measures in time.

Now, before Ye Tian's eyes, there is a bold plan.

It's very simple, that is to capture the superior of the squadron leader Jun Shimoyama, and the wing leader of the 6th infantry wing is Osakura Yoshinoji!

If he is lucky, Ye Tian still thinks about taking the sheep along and catching a few other big devils in the joint team alive.

In addition, Ye Tian also planned to seize important signs of the 6th Infantry Wing by the way.

As we all know, the Wing is the largest single-arm combat unit in the island nation’s army.

The organization of the wing is different, and the number depends on the type of arm.

Specifically, the common wing units include infantry, cavalry, heavy equipment, artillery, and engineering.

In addition to this, there are also some special armies, such as aviation, naval forces, telecoms, and mobile units specially set up for guerrilla warfare.

In addition, there are independent mixed wing and ad hoc wing composed of infantry and artillery.

Among these regiments, the infantry regiment has the most staff.

A standard infantry wing has a strength of 3,800, which is equivalent to a large group of China, or an ordinary brigade.

Under normal circumstances, the leader of the wing is usually served by Da Zuo.

However, in some cases, such as the death of Da Zuo in battle, the transfer of Da Zuo's work, etc., the Zhong Zuo will temporarily serve as the captain of the coalition.

Among the infantry wing and the cavalry wing, the most important symbol is the military flag, also called the wing flag.

Except for these two types of alliances, there are no flags for other types of alliances.

There is a reason why the union flag is so important.

Quite simply, when the Alliance was founded, the Alliance Flag was issued by the Emperor himself!

What I have to say is that Ye Tian didn't never destroy the Guizi League when uniting with other anti-Japanese armed forces.

Unfortunately, the devils are too cunning.

Found that they are unable to return to the sky, they will burn the flag of the alliance before launching a decisive counterattack.

Therefore, so far, Ye Tian has not received a complete alliance flag.

Obviously, capturing the flag of the 6th Infantry Wing became Ye Tian's small goal.

The 6th Infantry Wing is a standard unit.

Ye Tian's goal was the 54-man headquarters.

With Xiashan Chun, the leader of the red man as the guide, Ye Tian believes that capturing a few big devils and then capturing the flag of the alliance has great hope of success.

Of course, before starting this matter, Ye Tian said that he still has things to do.

I automatically ignored the fact that they were sitting on pins and needles. In their dumbfounded, Ye Tian's thoughts moved and floated to the living area of ​​the storage space.

Soon, Magnolia Nakajima and Anriyoshi Nakamura received new orders.

It is very simple. It is to inform the Supreme Command of China, Dai Li, Shenjiying, Axe Gang, and Qinggang through the radio, so that they can pay more attention to the independent Detachment of Iron and Stone.

The most important thing is that when encircling and suppressing, you must be aware that the opponent's combat effectiveness is very strong, and you must not act rashly.

Also, Ye Tian told these units that when they discovered this traitor, they could send him a telegram.

Ye Tian thinks that since these traitors don't give themselves so much face, they must have a good chat with them.

Also, the power-ups to warn devils and traitors were all sent out.

Unexpectedly, there are still 2,000 traitors trying to deal with themselves!

It is tolerable, which is unbearable!

This lost face, if it is not recovered in the first time, it would be a violation of peace.

After finishing these tasks, Ye Tian floated towards the Yincao Difu District again with a thought.

What made Ye Tian feel good was that when he floated back again, the 24 new dead men in Xiashan Chun were all stunned.

At the same time, their faces were filled with incredible, especially extremely scared.

Frowning his brows, looking at them with a solemn expression, Ye Tian said nothing.

Can't hold Ye Tian's fierce eyes, lest they be Ling Chi too, knelt on the ground, down the mountain Chun and the others shivered with fright.

" please give me battle orders, right?"

"I'm going down the mountain, Chunjue... will definitely satisfy you!"

"Master, please... please!"


Jun Xiashan is very good at coming, although he is extremely apprehensive, but he does not forget to express his loyalty.

Naturally, because of the strong desire to survive, the rhythm of the other 23 new dead men was also driven by Jun Xiashan.

Coincidentally, at this moment, the alert tone of the Super War of Resistance System also rang.


"The host has seized another 24 dead soldiers, congratulations!"

"According to the system regulations, the host will score 500 points after the entire set!"

"In addition, the host also got a special prize!"