Super Anti-war System

Chapter 992: Midnight ghost

The night is getting deeper and deeper, because there have been many big explosions, and within the huge encirclement, an extremely strange atmosphere is revealed everywhere.

The devils were so terribly shocked, but they couldn't find the enemy.

Therefore, while depressed and angry, the devils are all neurotic.

At this moment, all the devils opened their eyes wide and raised their ears.

Naturally, when encountering a suspicious area, following the orders of commanders at all levels, the devils would not mind firing bullets for a while.

Also, to eliminate the danger in its budding state, this is definitely an act of benefit and no harm in terms of self-protection.

Compared with saving lives, wasting some ammunition is nothing.

Following the devils silently, Ye Tian wanted to laugh when watching these devious performances.

However, thinking of the small goals in the plan, Ye Tian had to try his best to control his smile, and has been deliberately looking for mobile phone clubs.

At this moment, Ye Tian had already put on the devil's military uniform.

What I have to say is that this time, in order to prevent being suspected by the devils, Ye Tian wore the uniform of an ordinary devils.

The status of Guizi second-class soldiers is too low, and the status of first-class soldiers is higher, but it is not much higher.

Considering this, Ye Tian changed into a sergeant uniform.

In fact, it is not the sergeant who is one rank higher than the first-class soldier, but the corporal leader.

The corps leader is also the leader of the combat team, and his rank is corporal.

If necessary, the corps leader can lead several devils in small-scale battles.

The sergeant is also called the deputy of the squad, that is, the deputy squad leader, and his rank is sergeant.

And Cao Chang is also called the squad leader, that is, the squad leader, and his rank is sergeant.

The corps leader is in charge of a combat team, and Cao leader is in charge of a squad.

Therefore, the corps chief and Cao chief are both high in status and both have real power.

On the other hand, the sergeant did not take on specific combat tasks.

For this reason, in order to prevent the devils from doubting, Ye Tian played as a sergeant.

What I have to say is that even if he plays the role of the sergeant, Ye Tian is not very willing to let the devils see himself.

Also, play Midnight Ghost on devils, it's best not to let them see.

For this reason, Ye Tian continued to follow a group of devils silently.

This is a devil infantry squadron with a strength of about 200 men.

This devil army has four units under its jurisdiction:

The 19-person squadron headquarters includes a lieutenant squadron leader, 4 health officers, order soldiers, horns, messengers, etc.

The three infantry squads are all 54 men.

Each infantry squad has five units under its jurisdiction:

One machine gun group, equipped with two crooked handle light machine guns, each crooked handle light machine gun is composed of four people, namely the commander, the shooter, and two deputy shooters with ammunition;

A grenadier group is equipped with two big killers, that is, the grenadier known as the nemesis of the machine gun, and each grenadier is composed of two;

There are three rifle classes, each with 13 devils.

These 13 devils are the squad leader, 4 machine gunners and 8 riflemen.

Each squad is equipped with a crooked light machine gun, which is managed by the four machine gun shooters.

These four devils are all equipped with self-defense pistols, but not equipped with 38 large cover rifles;

The remaining eight devils are pure rifle soldiers, each holding a 38-big cover rifle.

Looking around, he found that there were no other devil troops within 500 meters, and Ye Tian nodded slightly.

Locking the Devil Squadron again, Ye Tian narrowed his eyes and followed all the way.

At this moment, the squadron did not gather together, but dispersed in the form of squads.

For the sake of safety, Ye Tian didn't rush to the squadron directly, but stared at a squad.

Obviously, this class is the one behind.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Tian quietly approached the target.

This time, playing midnight quietly, Ye Tian planned to catch it alive.

In other words, Ye Tian planned to capture the target directly to the Yincao Difu District.

Nowadays, with the increasing of total points, this function has also been improved.

Specifically, as long as the target is within 15 meters of him, Ye Tian can recover it like lightning.

Of course, the effective distance is also 15 meters when it is sent to the outside world.

Soon, when Ye Tian advanced more than ten meters, all the members of this devil squad appeared within the effective distance.

Cursing his lips, Ye Tian thought.

In an instant, these 13 devils disappeared in place.

What I have to say is that in the Yinsao Jifu district, under the organization of Tojo Tojo, Chikawa Shiro, Sugihara Ichiro, Shigeto Chiaki and others, the dead are already ready to accept newcomers.

For safety's sake, after capturing this devil squad, Ye Tian also made a big move.

Very simple, Ye Tian used the Disguise Technique and transformed into this sergeant.

Now, using Yi Rong Shu, Ye Tian can use it for five hours in one day.

In fact, while trailing all the way, Ye Tian did not forget to turn on the other two functions:

Early warning function and invisible body armor function.

After using the early warning function, whenever there is a danger within 1000 meters, the system will immediately make an early warning signal and give accurate warning data.

The invisible body armor function is the same as the disguise function, and the effective time is five hours.

After using these functions, Ye Tian has even more confidence.

Very easily, Ye Tian captured another squad alive.

Then, Ye Tian made persistent efforts.

Soon, the last class of this devil team became Ye Tian's trophy.

Naturally, Ye Tian's next target was the four bullet grenadiers, eight machine gunners, and the team leader.

In fact, at this time, the 13 devils gathered together had long felt something was wrong.

Yes, there has been no information from those three classes, which is very abnormal.

These three classes are not very far away from me.

The most important thing is that I can't see them.

Even their flashlights and torches cannot be seen.

what's the situation?

Thinking of the weird beasts that appeared just now, for a moment, these 13 devils looked at each other with incredible expressions all over their faces.

In addition, their eyes widened, one more frightened than the However, soon, these 13 devils breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out that their comrade-in-arms, a sergeant, suddenly climbed up from under a soil slope.

Seeing this sergeant, the team leader's face sank and shouted loudly.

"Kun Ogawa, where did they go to work?"

Before the team leader's words finished, for a while, the other 12 devils all looked at him intently.

At this moment, these 13 devils are full of question marks.

Obviously, they are all waiting for a reply.

In fact, this sergeant is not someone else, but Ye Tian.

Ye Tian breathed a sigh of relief when he realized that the team could be captured alive immediately.

While walking towards these 13 devils with a smile, Ye Tian suddenly thought of a good idea.