Super Chief

Chapter 191: Little bear

"When we saw this female bear and the wolf pack, three wolves had been shot to death by the female bear, and two wolves were injured. However, there were more than ten wild wolves in that pack. Wolf, the female bear was also seriously injured under the attack of this pack of wolves." Da Shan looked very excited, after all, it was a great honor to be able to hunt a bear. Even if the bear was severely injured when it was hunted, it is better to hunt a bear than to hunt any other animal.

"My brothers and I took action. We killed the bear, and the remaining wild wolves were scared away by us. So we pulled this bear, these wolf corpses, and this little bear cub. come back."

Hearing Da Shan say this, Shi Xiong completely understood what was going on.

If the wild wolves in winter are terrible, then a pack of hungry wolves with green eyes can only be described as horror.

Especially the wolves of the New World of North America, they are the serious North American gray wolves, the largest canines in the world.

The North American gray wolves at this time were not nearly extinct as they were killed by humans more than two hundred years later. In the New World of North America in this era, the North American gray wolves are the top predators, and their tracks are all over the North American continent.

If you haven't seen a North American gray wolf, then you really can imagine how powerful a male weighing 90 kilograms and a female weighing 60 kilograms.

When later generations talk about dogs, it is estimated that the first thing people think of is the Tibetan mastiff or kangau and other fierce dogs, especially after a certain horse surnamed great **** in later generations simply said "one mastiff fights three wolves, two mastiffs enemy and one tiger". , The Tibetan Mastiff is even more mythical.

Many netizens followed this sentence even more, so "Five Mastiffs Fighting God, Ten Mastiffs Genesis" also appeared...

The Tibetan mastiff is very fierce. This is true, but to say that one mastiff fights three wolves is pure nonsense.

Not to mention the North American Gray Wolf, even the Mongolian Wolf, the younger brother of the North American Gray Wolf, cannot be defeated by a Tibetan Mastiff.

In terms of size, the Mongolian wolf may be smaller than the Tibetan mastiff, but in other respects, the Tibetan mastiff is completely at a disadvantage compared to the Mongolian wolf. Especially in the most critical bite force, the Tibetan mastiff is completely defeated.

The bite force of the Tibetan mastiff is only about 280 pounds, while the bite force of the Mongolian wolf can generally reach 700 pounds. What does this mean? If the Tibetan mastiff bites the Mongolian wolf, it may be able to bite the Mongolian wolf, but as long as the Mongolian wolf bites the Tibetan mastiff, it is basically dead or severely injured.

Not to mention the North American gray wolf, which is more fierce than the Mongolian wolf.

The hordes of Timberwolves are extremely terrifying. They may not dare to provoke North American black bears or larger brown bears easily, but if they are extremely hungry, wolves dare to touch these two bears.

This is clearly the case. The female bear who had just given birth to her cubs was overwintering with her baby, but unfortunately she encountered a pack of hungry wolves with green eyes.

An adult brown bear can deal with five or six wild wolves, but if the number of wolves exceeds ten, let alone brown bears, even polar bears have to run.

If this female bear does not bring her cubs, the female bear can run without being able to fight. But the two baby bears who were just born have become the biggest Achilles heel of this female bear. So this female bear was badly injured by these wild wolves in order to protect her children, and eventually took advantage of Dashan and them.

This is no way, this world is so cruel, the weak and the strong!

Bai Yun gently pulled the stone bear, and whispered: "That bear cub is so pitiful..."

Shi Xiong thought for a while, stretched out his hand and patted the back of Bai Yun's hand, and then said loudly, "Brother Dashan, what do you plan to do with this living bear cub?"

Whether it is the bear cub or the female bear or the dead wolves, it is now the prey of Dashan and his brothers. According to regulations, although these prey must be turned over to the tribe, Dashan still has the largest one. Distribution rights.

"What else, eat it after peeling it off." Da Shan replied, but he immediately realized that something seemed a bit wrong, and quickly pinched the skin of the bear cub's neck and lifted it up and asked. Said: "Guardian, what do you mean..."

Shi Xiong smiled and nodded, "Brother Dashan, if possible, I would like to exchange things for this bear cub in your hand."

As soon as he said this, everyone around him was stunned. They obviously didn't understand why this big man wanted this bear cub. The warriors of the tribe have not never hunted bears with cubs, but as long as they are hunted, they usually kill them for meat.

"I just feel sorry for this little bear. Brother Dashan, you should know my name is Dali Xiong, and I am also an orphan, so when I saw this little guy, I couldn't help but think of myself. So, I want to exchange things with you for this little guy, because I don't want to kill it."

Dashan stammered and asked: "You, do you want to feed this bear cub?"

Shi Xiong nodded affirmatively.

"But I don't know how to raise this thing, this is a bear, just in case it grows up..."

Shi Xiong waved his hand and said, "Brother Dashan, you don't have to worry about that. I want to use what I have for this little guy. Do you agree?"

Dashan looked at the white cloud standing next to the stone bear, with a faint look on his face, and said with a smile: "You don't need to change it. You brought so much salt to our tribe, and last time you Killing so many wolves in the wild has stayed in the tribe. If I exchange with you again, it would be too unreasonable. Guardian, since you like this little guy, I will give it to you."

As he said, Da Shan held the little bear with his eyes still open and handed it over, and Shi Xiong quickly took the little guy with his hands.

It is estimated that the little guy was born for half a month at most, and he was about thirty centimeters in length, and his eyes had not been opened yet.

Shi Xiong carefully handed the little guy to Bai Yun beside him, and Bai Yun quickly put the little guy in his arms. The temperature is still too low for this little guy, I am afraid it has been tossed out just now.

Shixiong smiled and said to Dashan: "Brother Dashan, thank you. I will build a big bow for you based on your strength. It is smaller than my bow, and I will hit you with 20 arrows by the way. Stainless steel. What do you think?"

Hearing these words, Da Shan's face immediately bloomed with joy, and he nodded repeatedly.

Dashan is a **** archer in the tribe, and he naturally loves good bows and arrows very much. He had seen the power of the big bow held by Shixiong. Such a good bow is naturally very attractive to a sharpshooter.

However, Shixiong's bow requires too much force to open the bow, and Dashan simply can't afford it.

Now I heard Shi Xiong say that a bow and arrow like that was built specifically for him, and it was built according to his own strength, that would be a great thing.

Dashan couldn't refuse such an exchange condition.

Shi Xiong saw that the faces of the brothers beside Dashan showed envy, so he smiled and said: "Looking back, I will give each of your brothers a steel knife. It is still very good for self-defense."

Those few people immediately became like Da Shan.

Now I am envious of becoming the crowd watching around...

When walking back with Bai Yun, Bai Yun asked Shi Xiong, "Are you really going to raise this little guy?"

"What? Do you have the heart to throw this little guy away? Didn't you just say that this little guy is still pitiful?"

"No, I just think it is so small, how do you raise it?"

Shi Xiong scratched his head, but he forgot the stubble. Although this little guy is very cute and cute, he hasn't been weaned yet.

So Shi Xiong asked, "Are there any wild sheep, bison, or red deer caught in your tribe? It's best to bring young ones."

Bai Yunbai whited the stone bear and said, "You treat our tribe like yours and can raise so many animals. Our tribe doesn't raise these at all. They all come back to eat meat after hunting outside. Neither will we. Raise those things."

These words baffled Shi Xiong.

However, the sound of dog barking in the distance made Shi Xiong's expression happy, "Baiyun, is there any **** in your tribe who has just given birth to a puppy?"

North American Indians have started keeping dogs a long time ago, and dogs are the most loyal companions of the Indians. There are many dogs in the Gaoshu tribe. Of course, there are no golden retrievers and Labrador dogs in this dogs raised by the Indians are all native dogs.

"Well, this seems to exist." Shi Xiong said so, and a smile appeared on Bai Yun's face. She didn't want this little bear cub to be starved to death like this.

It was completely dark when he returned to the tribe, but even so, Bai Yun quickly found two **** who had just given birth to puppies.

What only made Bai Yun depressed was that when she brought the little bear cub to the **** and was going to let the little bear eat the dog's milk, the **** immediately exploded.

The originally docile dog seemed to be crazy, and snarled frantically at the little bear whose eyes had not been opened. If it weren't for the dog's owner to pull it, it is estimated that the **** would have killed the little bear in one bite.

No way, who made this little bear cub still carry the breath of a she-bear.

The brown bear is a fierce animal standing at the top of the food chain. It is far from a creature like a dog. Although this little bear cub hasn't even opened his eyes, it has a strong sheer-bear breath on its body. When asked about this breath, it would be strange if the **** doesn't explode.

This dog must not be fed, so Shi Xiong asked Bai Yun to continue to hold the bear cub, and then walked to the next house.

But when he arrived at the next house, Shi Xiong didn't let Bai Yun go in. He walked in, and after a short time, he walked out with two stone bowls. One of the two stone bowls is yellow-orange-orange urine, exuding a pungent smell, and the other is a milky white liquid, exuding a scent of milk.

"This is the bitch's urine and milk. This little bear can only be accepted by the **** if it is contaminated with these urine and milk."

As Shixiong explained, he poured these two bowls of liquid with different flavors on Little Bear, and he didn't dislike it, and he shivered from the cold...