Super Chief

Chapter 509: Daughter of the Earth

To be honest, for the Iroquois, Stone Bear does not have that complicated mood. His soul comes from later generations, let alone Iroquois. Any Indian tribe in this era does not matter to him. of.

However, in how to treat the Iroquois, the stone bear must also respect the opinions of most people in the Cherokee tribe.

Undoubtedly, since the Iroquois traveled long distances to settle in the Great Lakes region in the early 13th century, and then began farming in the 14th century, the population of the Iroquois has greatly increased. The strength of the Roques has also increased tremendously.

Before the 15th century, the Cherokee were actually a branch of the Iroquois.

The Iroquois is a typical matriarchal society, and they follow the matriarchy system, so the Iroquois is very special for the election of the leader, that is, the chief.

The chief of the Iroquois is not a son of the father’s inheritance, because in the eyes of the Iroquois, the chief’s son belongs to another clan, not the direct clan, so after the death of the previous chief, the tribe followed Instead of electing the son of the previous chief as chief, he often elects his brother as chief, or elects his sister's son as chief. All people, men and women, will participate in the election.

In fact, the ancestor of the Cherokee was the son of an Iroquois chief. But this son did not have the right to inherit the position of chief of the Iroquois, so the Cherokee became a side branch of the Iroquois.

This is like the Longhair Cattle Tribe, the Pumpkin Bay Tribe, and the Daqingshan Tribe to the Gaoshu Tribe.

According to Chinese customs, the Cherokee and Iroquois are actually a whole family, and they are also the kind of family with a close blood relationship!

But later at the end of the 15th century, the Cherokee, who had grown to a certain extent, were even driven out of the Great Lakes area by the Iroquois and the Delaware...

This has to be said to be a tragedy, but the North American Indian tribes in that era were so cruel.

The Iroquois and the Delawares launched a war against the Cherokees. The wise Cherokees did not choose to resist, but moved south. Although this was very useless, it kept the Cherokee's strength.

In the mid to late sixteenth century, around 1570, the other tribes of the Iroquois, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca and Ka After the Yuga formed the Iroquois League, their strength became more and more powerful. Then, the powerful Iroquois Alliance killed the Delawares. Except for a few Delawares who fled into the wilderness to the north, the Great Lakes region except Lake Superior in the northwest was controlled by the Ojebwa. In addition, other areas are basically under the control of the Iroquois Alliance.

By the end of the seventeenth century, the Iroquois Alliance had reached its peak. As the Tascalola joined the Iroquois Alliance in 1722 and became the sixth tribe of the Alliance, the Iroquois Alliance became the northeastern United States and Canada. The most powerful aboriginal force in the east.

The current population of the Iroquois Alliance is close to 200,000, and it is the second largest tribal alliance in the entire New World of North America after the Cree people living in midwestern Canada.

For such a tribe, the Stone Bear is not worried. Not to mention that the Cherokee tribe now controls such a large territory. The population of its subordinates is close to 1.5 million. Just relying on the Grim Bear Army, the Stone Bear has absolute The certainty of the Iroquois smashed out the **** of the Iroquois.

However, the attitude of the tribes towards the Iroquois was something that Stone Bear had to consider.

After all, the Cherokee and Iroquois are a whole family. Even now, what the Cherokee says is exactly the same as what the Iroquois says.

Therefore, Shi Xiong stood on the top floor of the Giant Bear Palace blowing the spring breeze and considered it for a long time before deciding to give this option to Hongyun.

Hong Yun is the spiritual leader of this tribe, and it is most appropriate for her to handle this kind of thing.

"Abba, my sister is looking for you..." There was a tender voice and a low growl behind him. Shi Xiong didn't need to look back to know that it was his son Hekal and Tep who came to find him. Up.

Turning around, Shi Xiong was a little bit dumbfounded.

Five-year-old Hekal rode on Tep’s wide back as usual, but there was a little guy in front of him. It was Tatalie, who was just over a year old, the second child of Stone Bear. A delicate girl who is indistinguishable from a porcelain doll.

Shi Xiong smiled and walked for two steps. He picked up his son and daughter one by one, and then Tep sat on the ground in relief, staring at his dad with two small eyes. In other words, it means "please caress."

Shi Xiong smiled and raised his son Hekal to his neck with one hand. The little guy sat on his neck skillfully, grabbing Shi Xiong's hair with both hands, laughing with joy. Shi Xiong's other hand was supporting the girl, and the other hand was free, and then he slapped Tepp's head severely, and Tepp hummed comfortably.

"Be careful, don't fall the child." As expected, Green Skylark walked out of the house with this voice.

"Don't worry, how could I fall our baby? Is it a baby?" Shi Xiong raised the girl to his face, and asked with a smile, while kissing her with a big mouth full of stubble, Tatari He smiled and pushed Shixiong's face with his little fleshy hands, and protested vaguely: "No kiss, no kiss, prick..."

The girl's sweet and glutinous voice almost melted Shi Xiong's heart...

Green Skylark came over and wanted to take over the girl. After taking over the girl's face, she held Baba's neck with her little hand and didn't let go. The angry Green Skylark murmured a few words in dissatisfaction.

"Haha, the girl is a relative with her father, you can't be jealous of this." Shi Xiong smiled and teased the Green Now the Green Skylark has completely become a charming young woman. Especially with the birth of a girl, she has an unspeakable demeanor.

Seeing the dissatisfied expression, Tatari seemed to be mad, pouting her mouth and smearing Shi Xiong's big face.

Tatari means "daughter of the earth" in Cherokee. Like her brother Hekal, she is named after the earth.

The fault is the stone bear, and I dare not use such an atmospheric name to name the child.

But who allowed Shi Xiong to lead his tribe to lay down such a large territory? He is now the first chief in the entire Cherokee history. Even if you look at all the tribes of the North American Indians, no one can do such a feat as a stone bear.

The current Cherokee chief, the Great Bear, is recognized as the "King of the Earth", and his children are naturally qualified to be named after the "Earth"!

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