Super Chief

Chapter 650: Fugitive colonizer

Before the War of Alone, the number of British colonists living in the New World of North America exceeded two million.


   Among these colonists, most of them are people who can't get along in the British mainland, otherwise they would not leave their homes or even risk their lives across the Atlantic to come to this continent.


  The richness of the New World gave these colonists hope. They all believed that in such a good environment, as long as they worked hard enough, they could lay a foundation here with their own hands. Don't dare to say that you are rich and expensive, but it is no problem to maintain a food and clothing.


These colonists originally thought that if they left their homeland, they would be able to escape the exploitation of the big men, but unfortunately, even if there was an Atlantic Ocean between the two, the great men in their homeland would still not let them go. .


   Those nobles and big men are like leeches, lying on these colonists and desperately drawing blood from them.


   The wide and deep Atlantic Ocean cannot stop the scalp-numbing laws, let alone the desperately demanding taxes. Britain, which has defeated Spain, the Netherlands, and France, has become the most powerful country in Europe. With its invincible fleet that traverses the ocean, it firmly controls the colonists far away in the New World.


  Especially after the end of the Seven Years' War, this kind of exploitation intensified, which eventually led to the colonists in the colonies beginning to resist.


In fact, even if the Boston tragedy occurred, even if there was the Boston Tea Incident, even if the British authorities issued five unbearable decrees in a row, but at the beginning, these colonists did not want to achieve independence through war. .


   The so-called Continental Congress that led the colonial colonists to fight against the United Kingdom, in fact, could not represent the vast majority of ordinary colonists at all. Who were the members who made up the first Continental Congress? Those were all big figures who were superior to North American colonists, such as bankers, plantation slave owners, and wealthy merchants...


   The fifty-five representatives of the entire twelve colonies are all of this kind, and how can these fifty-five great figures represent more than two million colonists?


   These people formed the Continental Congress, the fundamental purpose of which is their own interests, not for the interests of the colonists.


  There is no doubt about this!


   Because these people passed the "Declaration of Rights" during the first Continental Conference. And what is this high-sounding declaration for? Quite simply, this declaration only asked the British government to abolish various economic restrictions and five high-handed laws on the colonies; reiterated that no taxes should be levied on the colonies without the consent of the colonial people, required the colonies to exercise autonomy and withdraw the British garrison. If Britain does not accept these requirements, the North American colonies will begin to boycott British goods, and at the same time prohibit the export of any goods to Britain.


   It can be seen from this declaration that the representatives of the so-called colonists who made up the Continental Congress paid more attention to their economic interests. Because if the laws and regulations promulgated by the British authorities are not abolished and there are excessive taxes and taxes, these people will suffer the most.


   And the Continental Congress was formed. They didn't want to fight for independence at the beginning. They even submitted the "Peace Petition" to the King of England, saying that the colony was still "loyal" to the King...


   If it weren’t for Lexington’s wiping off the gun, maybe this war of independence would not be fought.


  Politics has always been the ugliest and darkest on the planet.


   The Continental Congress cannot represent more than two million ordinary colonists, and most of these more than two million ordinary colonists do not want war.


   Because the wars that have occurred over the years have scared these ordinary colonists.


   In the past few hundred years, in order to make Britain stronger, the British have successively launched countless wars with the Spanish, the Dutch, and the French...


   Fighting back and forth, the strength of Britain is indeed getting stronger and stronger, and the noble lords in the country have indeed made a fortune, but the cost of war is all on the people. The most important thing is that the soldiers who died in the war were mostly children from ordinary people's homes...


   It is precisely for this reason that more and more British talents will travel across oceans to the New World. On the one hand, they are evading domestic levies and taxes, on the other hand they are also evading countless wars. Because no one knows whether there will be a new war breaking out tomorrow, and once a new war really breaks out, then the noble lords will recruit soldiers among the common people, and then these soldiers will be sent to the battlefield to sacrifice...


  No one wants to lose his life for no reason, so no one wants to be a soldier.


   After these colonists fled to the New World of North America, although they were still oppressed, at least there would be no war, and family members would never die because of war.


   However, the outbreak of the War of Independence made the vast majority of colonists living in North America feel desperate.


  Most of them don't like to be separated from the rule of the British king. Compared with those harsh taxes and harsh laws, they don't like war.


   has always been like a comb for soldiers and a grate for bandits. Once a war breaks out, not only the dead, but ordinary people within the scope of the war will suffer even more tragic things. For example, being robbed by soldiers and bandits, for example being killed inexplicably...


  Who would like to watch his hard-earned family business be taken away by others? Who wants to die in the hands of soldiers or bandits somehow?


   Therefore, under such circumstances, more and more colonists began to flee west with their families.


Because they all know that only by escaping the battlefield can they be able to save their lives and the family business that they have worked so hard to and these colonists also know that they are in the mountains to the west and beyond. To the west, there is a more extensive and fertile land, and the most important thing is that there is a powerful Indian tribe there. That tribe is so powerful that even the British, Spanish, and French dare not provoke them.


Only when the war just broke out, many colonists were afraid to flee west. They were also worried that the powerful tribe would turn them into slaves or even cut off their scalps. There were only some people who really couldn't get along. Try to flee west.


   What I didn't expect was that those who fled first not only did not lose their lives or become slaves, on the contrary, they lived well there. And although there are taxes there, they are far lower than those of the colonies. The most important thing is that you don’t have to worry about losing your wealth or even your life there...


   So, in the three years since the outbreak of the War of Independence, more and more white colonists began to migrate westward. Sometimes there is even a whole migration from one village to another.


   For these white colonists, Stone Bear welcomes them with both hands.