Super Craftsman

Chapter 144: Barrel (top)

"The law of robbing." Guo Tailai replied with a low head and no head. Zhao

He was anxious to the north, but he still had no way to take Guo Tailai’s argument. Yes, it is indeed illegal to rob, but what is the difference between such a high price and robbing? "

Of course there is a difference. "Guo Tailai Zhen Zhen said with words: "What I want is the after-tax price. I am paying taxes according to the regulations. I will never evade taxes and tax evasion." Grab the tax payment? ""

..." Zhao Xiangbei is completely speechless. What else can he say?

After a few sighs, Zhao Xiangbei frowned: "What if it is a foreign customer?"

"It’s still one million after tax.” Guo Tailai still replied with no heads up: “But it’s changed to dollars.”

"How can you pull the business out of such an outrageous price?" Zhao Xiangbei said with dissatisfaction. "

I haven't planned to pick up business recently! Guo Tailai finally looked up: "That is Uncle Zhao, you are changing, do you think I care about him?" "

Is it so good to open a price that is so ridiculous? Zhao Xiangbei smiled bitterly. fat

The current state of the child is like a person who has no desire and no desire. If he has no desire, Zhao Xiangbei does not know how to make Guo Tailai submit.

"Sniper gun barrel, a few masters hands, that is, the speed is slower than you." Zhao Xiangbei pondered a bit, still opened his mouth.

This time, Guo Tailai was too lazy to answer, just looking down. Zhao Xiangbei glanced at it and was scared by Guo Tailai's tricks.

Guo Tailai's hands are moving very fast and very regular. Uniform speed, the same action, every time the smashing block is the size of the bee head, uniform, regular shape, just a short time, Zhao Xiangbei has not finished a quarter, Guo Tailai is already the first The second half of the two skeletons. This

The dead fat man swallowed his mouth while he was licking, as if he had never heard the words of Zhao Xiangbei in the ear, so Zhao Xiangbei could not laugh.

The master can do it, but the result is not known as the accuracy problem or other problems, and it never meets the design requirements, so I found the fat man here. If the master can do it, still use the fat man?

“Can you be cheaper?” Zhao Xiangbei knew that if he didn’t talk, the dead fat man could always be boring, and the one million business in his eyes could be more attractive to the old soup lamb without a teacher’s day.

"Southern Group?" Guo Tailai looked up and looked at Zhao Xiangbei. "

Well, barely count it, a research institute. Zhao Xiangbei replied.

Look at the sister-in-law Ding Ayi and Zhao Shushu, take a 5% off. Guo Tailai replied, once again, he was busy.

"The two guns are half a million." Zhao Xiangbei sighed and said his own reserve price: "In addition, you have any requirements, you can ask."

500,000 after tax? Guo Tailai raised his head and asked. "

500,000 after tax. "Zhao Xiangbei nodded."

There is an ancient tomb. Guo Tailai finally had a smile on his face and said to Zhao Xiangbei: "It should have been stolen, but it is estimated that nothing has been lost. Can Zhao Shushu let your friend help?" ”

“Related to acupuncture?” Zhao Xiangbei heard the tomb. He suddenly frowned and asked. "

Yep! Guo Tailai is not concealing anyway. Anyway, Zhao Xiangbei will definitely help him hide it. He acknowledges that he does not have to worry about anything. The key is that Zhao Xiangbei sometimes can promote the official forces to do these things, which is much more convenient than Guo Tailai."

what is inside? Well, how do I say to Lao Zhang? Zhao Xiangbei asked again. This ancient tomb has to contact Professor Yan Dazhang, it is best to know what is there to make Professor Zhang interested.

""The Analects of Confucius." Guo Tailai quickly answered one sentence. Of course, when answering, Guo Tailai did not forget the work in his hand, and quickly took the third squat. It

Former Guo Tailai did not figure out what the ancient tomb was. After searching the information, he found it in the memory of the future dreams and discovered that the tomb should be a big one. In the Western Han Dynasty, the emperor's sea fainted tombs, there are countless funerary objects, and the value of the city, the "Qi An Talks" found in the world is even more shocking, as long as the study of academics, will never let such an opportunity.

I believe that Professor Zhang is not likely to resist such temptations, but this time the archaeology must be larger and longer, and Guo Tailai is unlikely to be waiting there. However, Guo Tailai believes that Professor Zhang, such a professional, will completely open the sea faint cemetery and find all the things. This

It is more efficient than Guo Tailai to be alone, and will never destroy these precious historical materials. This is the domestic, Guo Tailai can never be excavated in Myanmar in general and unscrupulously.

Zhao Xiangbei obviously does not understand what the "The Analects of Confucius" means for people in history and academia, so there is no excitement at all. Just ask Guo Tailai: "What do you need after successful exploration?"

Excavated bamboo slips, within five meters. Guo Tailai did not say much, and expressed his own requirements in a concise manner. Basically, like the last Leifeng Pagoda, they did not touch the items, as long as they were observed at close range.

Zhao Xiangbei also heard Guo Tailai's explanation last time. He knows that Guo Tailai intends to absorb the "air mass" attached to it. He nodded and said nothing.

This time, Zhao Xiangbei began to smash the second one, and Guo Tailai’s fifth one has already finished. Looked at the weight, Guo Tailai had another one, and made up a double number, so it was divided into two bowls, slightly slowed down, and Zhao Xiangbei finished together. old

The mutton stewed by the master's soup is indeed delicious. Guo Tailai and Zhao Xiangbei ate their eyebrows. Even if Zhao Xiangbei, who doesn't like to eat noodles, eats a lot of mouthfuls of oil, it is very refreshing. Guo

Tailai calculated the mistakes. The six donkeys were not divided into two bowls, but three bowls of sea bowls. With sugar garlic and chili sauce, Guotai came to the heat and pulled it. The big summer eats sweat, the fat t-shirt is like washing, but it is delicious. Beautiful drops are very!

“Materials and drawings?” Meimei’s eating a mutton foam, Guo Tailai patted his belly, and enjoyed the delicious aftertaste happily. He did not forget the design drawings and materials for Zhao Xiangbei’s barrel. Just two guns, just go back and eliminate the food, you can finish it. "

The material has been sent to the studio. Zhao Xiangbei took out a few drawings from his briefcase and handed it to Guo Tailai.

Guo Tailai took the drawings and scanned it in detail and returned it directly to Zhao Xiangbei. The design has been remembered and there is no need to bring it.

After sending away Guo Tailai, Zhao Xiangbei pondered for a while and called his friend, Zhang Zhenghua, professor of history at Yanda, the last time Leifeng Tower helped.

"What do you say? "Qi's Analects?"" Professor Zhang listened to Zhao Xiangbei's words and screamed directly. His tone was urgent and he could not fly along the telephone signal: "Where?"