Super Craftsman

Chapter 445: A few good news (below)

"Fat, Lamborghini's new car, is it the one you developed?" Guo Tailai did not leave for Switzerland, he received a call from his sister. division

When the sister's phone rang, Chu Fei was also there. Seeing Guo Tailai's unnatural expression, Chu Fei was very clever to kiss Guo Tai, and then quietly walked out of the room. She is reluctant to let Guo Tailai be in the middle of the dilemma. "

Yes. "Guo Tailai has some embarrassment in her heart, but I still hear the voice of my sister is still happy from the heart."

"I will know!" Zhao Wei’s voice sounded full of pride: "You are awesome! Fat man!"

Guo Tailai’s face immediately showed a smile. Other people's praise, 10,000 sentences can not match the sentence of the sister. "

Is Chu Fei’s injury cured? "The sister did not accidentally care about the injury of Chu Fei. In the country, she can also see the news and photos of the Chinese Miss World Miss China. I am also worried that I am only in the army. I can't think of it.

“Okay!” Guo Tailai replied honestly: “She has been hiding with me recently, waiting for the right time to appear in the public.”

Ok! "Sister Shou seems very satisfied with Guo Tailai's confession: "Then take care of her, don't bully her!" ""

Will not. Guo Tailai replied again with a guilty conscience.

"The last time you said about the private jet, I asked you about the relevant department." Zhao’s phone is mainly telling Guo Tailai about the private jet: "According to the "Huaxia Civil Aviation Law" and "Hua Xia Flight Basic Rules", the principle The above is to allow units or individuals to own private aircraft. In 1997, there were already companies in the country that owned private jets."

What conditions do I need to meet to purchase a private jet? Guo Tailai was overjoyed and asked again.

No more conditions are required for purchase. Zhao Xiao smiled and said: "But I want to ask for it from heaven. First, the airworthiness permit issued by the Civil Aviation Administration of China, the radio license, and the nationality registration certificate are required. Second, the pilot must undergo strict training to obtain a flight driver's license. As for the third, it is necessary to apply to the air traffic control department for the flight airspace and flight plan, and then fly before it can be approved. ”

These are basic requirements. No matter which country is likely to be a similar request, it is impossible to let your private plane take off casually. Perhaps some airspace within a certain height range of some countries is open, but it is not yet available in China. "

How long do you have to apply in advance? Guo Tailai asked a key question. It is necessary to obtain an airworthiness certificate and a flight driver's license. The car must have a driver's license on the road, not to mention the plane."

Under normal circumstances, it is one week in advance, one story at a time. "Zhao Wei really consulted the detailed regulations and quickly replied: "But if it is you, the leader of the Air Force said, it is still a matter of one report, but the time can be adjusted to one day in advance. If you are in a hurry, you can apply within two hours. ”

This is the biggest care for Guo Tailai. Guo Tailai thought for a long time that she didn't know how to express her gratitude. She could only say to Zhao Wei: "Sister, thank you for the leadership of the Air Force."

In the future, you have the opportunity to thank you face to face! "Sister Xiaoxiao smiled and seemed to be sure that Guo Tailai would definitely have the opportunity to meet the Air Force leaders face to face."

Ok! Listening to the voice of the sister, Guo Tailai is another kind of happiness and satisfaction, but he still thinks of a problem and can’t help but ask: "Sister, if, I mean, if I build a plane myself, is there any? Is it possible to obtain a domestic airworthiness certificate? ""

Normal application! "Zhao Wei seems to have already expected Guo Tailai to ask this question: "According to the regulations, as long as you are qualified, do you think the domestic card will be you?" You still consider whether you will give you an airworthiness certificate abroad! ”

"No hurry." Guo Tailai said with a smile: "Get it slowly."

The problem is very far away. It is not a matter of time to build a plane. Guo Tailai is just asking. It is very likely that Guo Tailai first bought a ready-made plane to fly, and there is no need to worry about the airworthiness certificate. "

Ok! Zhao Wei also knows this fact, so he is not very anxious to help Guo Tai to implement it. After a pause, Zhao Wei suddenly said very officially: "There is something, I think you should know." ”

"What?" Guo Tailai asked casually.

"Varyag." Zhao Yu’s words in this time are also full of pride in his own fat man: "One more month, before New Year's Day, I will definitely return to China."

“Really?” Guo Tailai is overjoyed!

In the dream of the future, the Varyag will not be dragged to China until March 2002. At the end of 2000, Guo Tailai was also very happy when he was at least a year ahead of his dreams. when

However, returning to China does not mean that the transformation will begin soon. How to arrange this is something to be considered by the purchasing company and the official and military. However, it can be done more than a year earlier, which is definitely better than delaying more than a year. First return to the country, the bag is safe, so as not to have a long night dream.

It seems that the two officials in Turkey are still very energetic in their country! As long as the relevant departments maintain this line, there may be opportunities to win more national interests. This

It is really good news. Guo Tailai is happy, but also thinks of the aircraft carrier deck steel project of Zhengfangfang Technology. The project has been completed, but Guo Tailai did not report it immediately because of some previous events. Since the sister told me this good news, Guo Tailai can also use the good news to return the sister.

"Sister Sister!" Guo Tailai first shouted a teacher, and after the same tenderness of Zhao Wei, Guo Tailai said the news: "The aircraft deck steel project researched by the company has been completed, including Production line research and development."

Really? "Zhao Yu is overjoyed. She knew the research and development project in Guo Tailai's company, but the progress was not very clear. Now I finally know the good news that the research and development progress has been completed. I can't help it for a long time: "I will report to the superior immediately. ”

"Wait, sister!" Guo Tailai rushed to stop Zhao Wei: "Reporting can let the superior know, but should there be a team doing similar research in China? What if the technical route is not unified?"

Tailai’s aircraft deck steel formula is biased towards the US technology, and the Varyag’s aircraft carrier deck must be made of Soviet Union. Unless the entire deck is re-routed, technical consistency must be considered. Another problem that Guo Tailai is worried about.

"Isn't the superior to let you do the squid?" Zhao said with a smile: "This is a very good stimulus! Rest assured, the superior will coordinate, you let the company prepare the technical information, wait for the negotiation!"