Super Craftsman

Chapter 569: Can't go (below)

Guo Tailai also knows that Iraq is a very troublesome country without the need for security personnel to collect intelligence.

In the Gulf War, Iraq was violently rubbed by the multinational forces on the ground, and there was no resistance.

The coalition forces won a decisive victory at a small price and devastated the Iraqi army.

On February 27, 1991, the United States announced the end of the war of liberation of Kuwait and ceased fire at midnight that day. Iraq finally accepted the ceasefire agreement in April.

Originally, Saddam’s honest cultivation was considered to be temporarily safe, but it could not stand the United States and 911, global anti-terrorism, declared war on terrorism, and then the unlucky Iraq was included in the Axis of Evil, waiting for Americans. Slow down your hand, just find an excuse, take some washing powder and rush to clean up the world.

Now the Americans have pointed to Afghanistan, carrying out military strikes against the military targets of the Taliban authorities in Afghanistan and the Qatar training camp in Osama bin Laden.

Maybe in two years, I can go to Afghanistan and turn around.

In short, going to Iraq now may be a little bit safe, but it should not be too much trouble.

The trouble is that I will go to Iraq at this time. When some people hold on, it will be very troublesome. For example, if Americans use this as an excuse, they will be confused. After all, there will be some problems in the future.

And how to go is also a problem, a bunch of people rushing past, such a group of people in the past must be as clear as the night of the bonfire, if someone has any bad thoughts, it is simply to find a standard.

Forget it, Guo Tailai is still not thinking about it for a while, first ask the security company's professional people to say it.

Go and see the results of their analysis.

After the exchange with the team's security captain Liu Zhizhuan, Guo Tailai began to ponder the work of Gusu.

Hai Ge said in the capital that the hotel has been capped. Guo Tailai is very embarrassed. He usually listens to the report. His hotel was not so close when he was in Gusu. It shouldn't be too much.

Xiaohui has been staring at this project for more than a year, and it is very hard. Guo Tailai also wants to talk to Xiaohui in the past.

The last time I did Xiaofo’s hair follicles was not done thoroughly, it was too fat, and now I have ten times the energy efficiency, and there is a larger copy of the living tissue. When the medical qualifications are met, I can help one time. Xiaohui solves the problem of hair loss.

Far away in the car, Guo Tailai saw the three buildings with sailboats.

The building is surrounded by green protective nets and towering scaffolding. The construction workers are walking around from time to time, very busy.

When I arrived at the construction site, Guo Tailai saw Xiaohui, who had not seen it for a year.

Xiaohui, now, is not the same as when he just finished the Justice Square Technology Headquarters in Beijing.

At that time, he was still a normal engineering manager, but now Xiaohui’s head is wearing a yellow safety helmet, a healthy bronze with a sun-faced appearance, and his clothes are dirty and looks like an ordinary Construction is general.


He called in advance, Xiaohui was waiting for him here, and met Guo Tailai. Xiaohui greeted him and smiled.


Guo Tailai punched Xiaohui’s chest and had a punch. The same face was an intimate smile.

He has already seen it in advance, Xiaohui is full of porcelain muscles, no less work, Zhang Lao’s only grandson can make this way with heart, we don’t know where to go from those who are ruthless. went.

Xiaohui took Guo Tailai, let them wear a safety helmet and walked into the construction site to take a look.

Guo Tailai is very satisfied with the current progress.

I ate a meal with Xiaohui and promised to solve his hair problem completely next time. This is different from Xiaohui.

Back in the studio, Guo Tailai did not start building the car right away.

In the capital city, Guo Tailai listed a purchase list and handed it to the company.

The materials have not been in place these days, so don't do it right away.

To build a car, you must buy enough raw materials.

This time, the car has a little more. I will give a commuter to the sister-in-law. I will test Zhao Xiangbei and the base five. It is of course different to treat the old man. I have to have four civilian luxury versions of the Knights XV. In addition, two Kaibohe war shields to be made to Dongfeng Gao, the high-end bulletproof suv of Lao Maozi, can let their seniors get the prototype and discuss whether they can do it.

Add up to twelve cars, and all of them are bulletproof cars. The various raw materials to be purchased are very sensitive.

That is, Guo Tailai's studio, replaced by other ordinary car manufacturers, I am afraid that this list will be taken out, will definitely lead to the investigation team.

Taking advantage of the empty space of procurement, Guo Tailai can really consider taking a trip to Iraq.

So after I came back, I immediately asked the security company's evaluation results.

The domestic rotation is led by Liu Zhizhuan and He Jianhua, deputy general managers of the security company. Their bodies are injured and their situation is not at their peak, so they are only responsible for domestic security.

Guo Tailai went abroad, usually Zhang Zhenhai, who was retired from the Central Security Bureau.

Zhang Zhenhai is in a state of peak and has rich experience. Guo Tailai suspects that this is the state specially sent to him to protect him.

As for the other central security guards who retired, they were responsible for training and skill training, and trained these warriors into qualified bodyguards.

"Boss, if there is no reason for it."

Liu Zhizhuo has been shaking his head: "The evaluation team does not recommend you to go to this dangerous country."

At this time in Iraq, in addition to the problems of war and policing, etc., Guo Tailai will go there, and there may be some religious shuns. If he is not careful, he will offend the locals.

Anyway, from a security perspective, it is never recommended.

The most crucial thing is actually a bit, Guo Tailai's identity.

In the previous attacks in Europe, according to Charles' analysis, some people, such as Saddam Hussein, were inconvenient to go to Geneva, so they would also try to kidnap Guo Tai to serve them.

Going to the site of Saddam, what should I do if I encounter such a thing?

Can Guo Tailai go after the Americans have finished cleaning up Saddam?

However, it seems that I have cleaned up Saddam Hussein and it is still a muddy quagmire! It’s not necessarily safer to go now, so I’m still in Saddam’s town.

Is that going or not?

Guo Tailai made a fuss, but the next moment, Guo Tailai suddenly remembered something and jumped directly.

After the Iraq war, the Iraqi National Museum was directly ransacked. I don’t know how many things disappeared without a trace. At that time, where did you go to find the nano-robot on the treasure of the town hall?

If you look at it like this, it seems that you can’t go.

Otherwise, the clues on this side will be broken. Guo Tailai can only wait a few years to go to Afghanistan. Is this still enough?

"I have a reason to go."

Guo Tailai no longer said anything more: "Do a plan, study how to go?"