Super Craftsman

Chapter 695: Assassination (below)

The three armored buses of the Central Guard Bureau brought great shock to the two officers of the Russian Presidential Guard.

It is better and more comfortable than the red flag T-head. It also has the function of office and rest. What is even more surprising is that there are counter-attack weapons. When necessary, an armored bus is a 96-seat mobile. fortress. Although not as safe as a tank, at least all of the light and heavy weapons below a certain caliber are immune.

The most unbelievable thing is that if important people stay in a double-decker bedroom and a safe house, the vast majority of ordinary anti-tank missiles can only destroy the outer layer of bulletproof car body, the inner layer of bulletproof layer. Plus the thick Kevlar flexible ballistic material will hold the explosion and impact firmly between the outer car body and the inner car body.

This is the protection of the double-layered red flag T-head, whether it is a broken armor or an armor-piercing projectile. After passing through the first layer of bullet-proof layer, the chance that the piece can penetrate the Kevlar and the second layer of bullet-proof layer is always rare. of. Unless the armor-piercing projectile penetrates the bullet-proof layer of the outer layer nearly vertically, then the precision of good luck penetrates the second layer of bullet-proof layer that is tilted at an angle with the outer bullet-proof layer.

RPG? If you are lucky enough to penetrate the flexible grill armor at a probability of one-third, and the metal jet penetrates the first layer of bullet-proof layer, you can only look at the second layer of bullet-proof layer. After the metal jet penetrates a layer of bulletproof layer, can it fly another few tens of centimeters to penetrate the thick Kevlar layer and penetrate the second layer of bulletproof layer?

The pop-up grille armor on the roof, as well as the counter-attack weapon with a grenade launcher and a light and heavy machine gun, and the invisible assembly position of up to four small air defense missiles, the remote-controlled weapon is simply overwhelming.

"This is the car we want!" After knowing the specific performance of the armored bus, the officers of the Russian Presidential Guards found a huge treasure.

It is impossible for the bodyguards of these presidential guards to be unhappy. The great emperor can almost be said to be the top figure in the world who often encounters assassinations. The pressure of the Presidential Guard, which is responsible for the safety of the Emperor, is not the general pressure.

When they traveled to Yalta in August 2000 to participate in the CIS summit, Chechen extremists teamed up with the terrorist forces in the Middle East to plan a team that attacked the Emperor. It was captured in advance by the Russian intelligence agencies. After the Emperor Pu’s return to China, the two Chechens drove their car to the Grand Emperor’s car and were knocked over by the Emperor’s bodyguard.

Just this year, on January 10, when Emperor Pu’s visit to Azerbaijan was in danger of being bombed. Of course, the few people know about this are still exposed to the outside world. As for the lack of exposure, they are still secretly handled. I don’t know how many times.

The safety of the Red Flag T-head has made the soldiers of the Presidential Guard confident, but after watching the armed bus, they are simply ecstatic. With this armored bus, at least Pu Dadi can be said to have peace of mind in the country.

detail? The details of this car are almost never modified. At most, the angle of inclination of the inner bedroom is slightly changed. Don't be the same as the ones in China, and the weapon configuration installed on the roof. As for the vehicle electronic display system, do you want to translate it into Russian? This is already a minor problem. Anyway, it now supports Chinese and English. There are enough English presidential guards to use it.

These changes almost do not require Guo Tai to specifically modify what configuration. The angle of rotation is an adjustable rotating angle device on the bottom of the car. Within a certain range, how many degrees do you want to adjust? As for the weapon configuration, there is a standard weapon bracket, and Guo Tailai will give them a series of Russian weapons brackets, which can be replaced at any time.

Just an oral introduction is definitely not enough to convince the officers of the Presidential Guard, they want to see the actual results. Under the circumstance, Guo Tailai can only let people drive their own car to the shooting range. This will be the parents are abroad, the car just happens to be used by Guo Tailai.

All kinds of light and heavy weapons took turns, really guys. The armor-piercing projectiles under 35 millimeters are obviously immune. The Soviet-made RPG-7 rockets hit ten rounds, and only four of them penetrated the grille armor and penetrated the outer bullet-proof layer, but that was all. Russia's own AT-4 anti-tank missile hit three rounds, the outer bullet-proof layer was all pierced, and the outer surface of the inner bullet-proof layer was also horrible, but the missile's explosion did not affect the inner bullet-proof layer.

After so many attacks and devastations, the two boxes of eggs placed in the bedroom and safe house were unscathed.

It was not until the red arrow of China was out of the horse that it came to the end of the ragged car that had been bombarded. The static anti-tank missile that reached the depth of 1100 mm penetrated the inner layer and exploded.

Too strong! This is a bus, it is clearly a tank! But where is the tank so comfortable with the bus? Can the tank have the space for this bus? As long as you don't open the battlefield, you don't have to worry about security.

The world's most expensive tank is only a million dollars, but how expensive is this armored bus? Not counting Guo Tailai's manual, less than 30 million US dollars, do not let you take a look. These expensive composite ballistic materials alone are enough to be daunting.

Not only are the Russians stunned, but even the officers and soldiers who have been physically tested by the Central Guard Bureau. The previous three cars are called Guo Tailai's test samples for the above. Who is willing to test like this? Now, in the case of a Russian bid, I know the true safety performance.

"We need two cars first." The officer in charge of the communication came with instructions. After witnessing the specific safety performance, I couldn't wait to place an order: "The sooner the better! The bulletproof layer is thickened again. The layer is a little thicker, and the total weight of the empty car is added to twenty-five tons. Is there a problem?"

Of course, there is no problem. As long as someone pays the bill, it will be fine. The weight of the thickened ballistic layer is five tons, and the price of the material is increased by five million dollars.

Under the urging of the Russian side, Guo Tailai did not idle all the time in October, and rushed to produce two armored buses. The Russians demanded very urgent, and even could not wait to use the sea to send from the port of Modu to St. Petersburg, directly used two Il 76 military transport aircraft, and hurriedly shipped back to Russia.

In order to make the height of the cargo tank of three meters to four five can hold a four-meter-high car, Guo Tailai had to remove the top-level weapon frame and pop-up grille armor, which was barely opened. When it is time to reach the ground, the people of the Presidential Guard will install it themselves.

Guo Tailai did not know why the guys of the Presidential Guard were so anxious, but when Guo Tailai rushed to build his own three buses, he suddenly saw the news.

On the evening of November 28th, the team was bombed on the road of the house where Pu Dadi returned to the suburbs from the Kremlin.

About forty kilograms of high-energy explosives were detonated on the side of the road where the team traveled, and the Great Emperor was unscathed.

As soon as the news was reported, the world was awkward.