Super Craftsman

Chapter 928: Simulation confrontation continued

Sometimes, the radar monitors only a general trajectory and cannot see the real situation, but the Eagle 203 is not the same. He can experience it himself, and he can even see it from a few angles.

The two MiG 29 pilots, one male and one female, were not wearing anti-static clothing.

This mission was originally a simple transition mission. It was the black bird 01 who temporarily proposed that he wanted to fly a supersonic speed. As a result, he did not know what nerves were on the air traffic control side, and even allowed the two parties to simulate confrontation directly.

Of course, the transition task without twists and turns did not simulate the confrontation cool, Eagle 203 immediately agreed.

But as soon as he entered the confrontational state, Eagle owl 203 discovered that the black bird 01 was just a lunatic.

Who's seen anyone who doesn't wear an anti-wear suit casually dares to make a maneuver to break the 7g overload?

Normal pilots can only withstand an overload of 4g without wearing anti-wear, and it is best not to exceed 8g when wearing anti-wear. Otherwise, the pilot will have gray vision and black vision if it exceeds a certain positive overload. In severe cases, it may even occur. Cerebral ischemic syncope.

But Blackbird 01 has made several consecutive maneuvers with overloads of more than 7g, as if it is not affected at all. How powerful is the vascular pressure to prevent brain ischemia?

Normally, anti-loading compression is needed to withstand this powerful blood pressure. Isn't it high blood pressure?

Can hypertension be a pilot?

How strong is this body?

Bone, muscle, internal organs, blood vessels, brain, without anti-wear to withstand such a large overload, maneuvering with a small angle and high-speed interception is even forbidden for anyone to do. It is said that the overload action that has exceeded the body limit may be overloaded After 10g, Blackbird 01 still made it easily, the purpose is to firmly point the nose to yourself, and then say to yourself in the headset: "Da Da Da! You have been hit."

Such a dangerous action should reasonably cause damage to the body.

With the rough technology of Lao Maozi, there may be some problems with large overload maneuvers. Previously, Su-27 was a famous osteomalacia, and it was not easy to do certain actions at all.

But the MiG-29 looked no problem, and it still flew so flexible.

Neither a certain skin is lifted due to the huge speed, nor some parts are broken due to huge overload. How to fly and how to fly is flexible and creepy.

How much do you need to know about the structure of the aircraft to challenge the limits so brazenly?

Although there are no alarms that are constantly locked by the radar, and I do not experience that kind of horror and tension, but when I listen to the communication headset, there will always be a "click" sound every ten seconds. Crazy.

The most desperate thing is that the Eagle 203 has not had a chance to start the gun once it has begun to fight.

That is to say, from the beginning, Eagle owl 203 was chased by Blackbird 01. Even if Eagle owl 203 can see the shadow of MiG 29 on its own radar screen, in the intense battle, he also simply It was impossible to lock the MiG-29 behind it, and the missile was useless, purely beaten.

How can the Eagle 203, which has always claimed to be an excellent pilot, endure?

"Blackbird 01, you didn't wear anti-loading clothes, wouldn't you consider the physical ability of Blackbird 02?"

At this time, Ying Ying must have understood that the physical fitness of Blackbird 01 is absolutely powerful, but can the female warrior in his back seat also be able to withstand this level of overload with him?

Maybe it has already passed out after several maneuvers, and Eagle 隼 203 had to utter a voice to remind Blackbird 01, so that he should not be so excessive.

"I'm fine, thank you, Eagle 203!"

What surprised Eagle 203 was that he had just reminded him that the quiet voice of Blackbird 02 was heard in the headset.

Zhao Yanyan didn't have any twists and turns, not even a bit of quick panting, which made Yingying 203 stand up while listening to almost all the hairs.

What kind of perverts are there in the MiG 29?

Without wearing an anti-load suit, flying out of such a large overload of maneuvering, did not even change the breathing frequency?

Also surprised were the officers in the air traffic control office. They did not know that Blackbird 01 and Blackbird 02 did not wear anti-loading clothes, and thought they were normal pilot configurations! After listening to the reminder of Eagle 203, I realized that the two had not overloaded the maneuver with a load of 10g without wearing anti-static clothing.

This is too exaggerated, right?

Which army's ace pilot?

The trump card may not be very accurate. There is no such thing as a golden helmet. Maybe this physical quality should be an astronaut?

Although full of curiosity, none of the air traffic control officers asked the two service units. Maybe after the simulation confrontation is completed, you can report to your superior. Maybe the superior will be interested and pull the two pilots into it. force?

"Change me to attack!"

When Guo Tailai once again issued a "da da da" simulated attack sound, Eagle 隼 203 could not bear it anymore.

As an excellent pilot, he was crushed and beaten all the way, it was too shameful, but no matter what he did now, he couldn't get rid of the MiG 29 behind him, and could only put forward this request with great humiliation.

"it is good!"

Guo Tailai agreed without hesitation.

As soon as the Eagle Falcon 203 gritted his teeth, a Cobra maneuver came in the current flight direction on the spot, the nose was raised, the speed dropped sharply, and the MiG 29 was brought to the front.

He did not use this trick just now in the simulation confrontation, because when using this trick, the fuselage was raised. For the rear MiG 29 cannon, the field of view is the largest, which is the largest target of the cannon.

Sure enough, when he made this move just halfway up the nose, he heard the familiar "Da Da Da" sound of Black Bird 01. Such an obvious target is really handsome, and it is not easy to attack, I'm sorry for the moment I passed by?

However, with this, the MiG 29 flew to the front, and when the J-10 flew again, it had already become the pattern of the MiG 29 before the J-10.

For his own offensive, Eagle 203 immediately politely, wanting to pull back a few games.

It's too shameful that the previous simulated battle didn't win a game. The opponent still had an aircraft without radar, fire control, and missiles. Is it tolerable, unbearable?

After driving up, accelerating, and chasing, Eagle 隼 203 looked at the MiG 29 who was extremely flexible and could not lock in a short time, and quickly chased up.

Before waiting for him to chase within one kilometer, Eagle owl 203 saw that the MiG-29 in front seemed to stop suddenly in the air. The nose did not move, and the tail slammed suddenly. The turning action suddenly turned the nose toward himself.

Originally chasing each other, suddenly it became face to face.

"Leaves fall!"

With a scream from Eagle 203, he even saw such a famous tactical maneuver: "How is that possible?"

The plane flew too fast in the air. After a few seconds, the two sides flew past each other. Before the Eagle 203 nose was turned, the MiG-29 turned again at a small angle and turned quickly.