Super Craftsman

~: The 260th Moscow (on)

Within ten meters of Guo Tailai, it is a humanoid instrument for detecting the lens. Whether it is a camera lens or a sniper lens, Guo Tailai can see it. Of course, the sniper within ten meters is a bit of a play, but the ** lens, Guo Tailai is a bit unambiguous. "

Mr. Morris. Guo Tailai turned to Mr. Morris of Rolls-Royce and smiled and asked: "I have said in advance that the fitter's workshop does not let you go?" ”

"Of course!" Mr. Morris replied very clearly: "Mr. G, don't be too hearty. This **, Mr. G can take it at any time."

Rees said as he walked over, stepped on a ladder and reached out to pull the data line behind the ** out of the socket, and then easily adjusted the direction. "

When you work, you can take ** off. Morris went on to explain: "But when you leave, you can connect the data cable, so that these two will be included in the Rolls-Royce security system, lest you are not there, What is the loss of things. ”

Well, Guo Tailai touched the chin, this explanation Guo Tailai can accept. The two ** are not hidden, but the square is in the place where he can step on a stool, and he can handle it at any time. Maybe he is telling the truth! "

Ok, then keep it! Guo Tailai nodded and did not refuse.

Looking down, this fitter workshop and assembly workshop Guo Tailai was very satisfied, and the materials were also delivered one after another. Guo Tailai was ready to start work. Mo

Mr. Rees asked Guo Tai to come to his office for a cup of coffee, Guo Tailai readily accepted. When Mr. Morris’s secretary put the coffee and went out, and there were only two of them left in the office, Mr. Morris asked Guo Tailai: “g, can you discuss one thing?”

White coffee for no reason, there must be something, Guo Tailai is not surprised, rushing Morris made a gesture of please, indicating that he continues.

"In the car of Mr. Gu Lian, can you ask for one more than the one you can create?" Morris carefully asked: "Can you please assemble it yourself?"

Guo Tailai is a bit stunned. The engine itself is not assembled. The entire car must be assembled by itself. Although this does not cost Guotai too much time, but in addition to the gearbox, other parts of Guo Tailai do not assemble their own assembly, it seems that there is not much difference? The senior engineers of Rolls-Royce are also the masters of assembly!

“Why?” Guo Tailai asked her doubts: “I personally assembled, and at most, a gearbox can perform a little better. What is the difference between others?”

Of course! Morris's face suddenly burst into a mysterious smile: "You can assemble a car with a t-mark at the rear of the car." Of course, only you can assemble it yourself. ”

Is the exclusive model of Rolls Royce? As long as you assemble it yourself? Guo Tailai thought for a moment and seemed to have no loss. He nodded: "Yes!"

There is no design of this, Guo Tailai will not ask for more, even the price will increase how much will not ask, labor costs do not matter, then a little bit does not mean anything.

"Mr. Gulian’s car will be unique.” Morris smiled. “We won’t even add a bit to the price. But everyone will know that anyone who has helped Mr. G will be unique. Gift."

This made Guo Tailai listen to the light, Morris's words are good. As long as people who have passed out to help themselves will have a reward, it will be much simpler if they encounter something similar to the Louvre. I waste a lot of time for myself, but I can get this benefit and do it!

"Thank you!" Guo Tailai said to Morris. He should have heard the idea that he had something difficult to do, such as the Louvre. The direct purpose was definitely to increase the satisfaction of Rolls-Royce customers, but it also indirectly gave Guo Tailai the benefits. Guo Tailai is very grateful. Two

The pleasant handshake, this thing is settled. Guo

When Tailai began to work quietly on the Rolls-Royce side, Lin Jiayi and Christina’s four patent attorneys also rushed to Italy and began negotiations with Pagani. It mainly solves Guo Tailai's design fee and production fee, and replaces the previous patent certificate agreement of the initial draft with the official text. Gram

Ristina is going crazy this year. Guo Tailai is on the Italian side. In just two months, he has produced more than forty important patents and more than one hundred common patent technologies. Let the company's bunch of patent attorneys run non-stop.

This is not the case. The Justice Square Technology in Shanghai is also not a fuel-efficient lamp. There are more than a dozen new materials, even lubricants, which involve more than 30 kinds of processes. Unbelievable. This

Some of these also require registration. At the beginning of this year, the newly recruited lawyers are not enough, and they have to increase their manpower. The lawyers in the company are now divided into two parts, one is dedicated to the patent registration, and the other is to specifically infringe the lawsuit. This is not the time when Zhao and his work are going to school. Zhang Jie is holding up his sleeves. In China, there is no more professional patent attorney than Christina.

Lin Jiayi, in accordance with her advice to Guo Tailai, set up a Justice Square Investment Company in addition to Justice Square Technology, which is responsible for managing investment affairs. For example, the shares of the two companies, Abu Baba and Little Penguin, are in the name of the investment company. Similarly, Lin Jiayi will also help Guo Tailai put the 5 percent stake in Pagani in the name of the company. In this way, I am afraid that the company under the name of Guo Tailai must establish a unified management of the group company. each

In a kind of negotiation, Lin Jiayi became a trapeze in the country and was busy flying. Sometimes Lin Jiayi also laments that he should be Guo Tailai's management assistant. How can the assistant not work with the boss, how is the world flying?

Guo Tailai’s side is all right. The Rolls-Royce is ready for everything, and what to give, so it took only one day to complete the titanium engine, and then it took another day to build the gearbox. The chassis body suspension hub and the like took a day, and the rest was assembled. The reheating of the paint and some spare parts took two days, and Guo Tailai rested for two days before continuing to work.

In fact, the engine completed Guo Tailai and the gearbox was also the same, so it took only one day to install the whole car. All the parts have been prepared in advance, all of which are hand-made. Compared with other models, this car has only one more accessory, which is a titanium t-mark created by Guo Tailai.