Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 120: Rumlow's Magical Adventure (1)

  Chapter 120 Rumlow’s Magical Adventure (1)

   "One, two, three, four!" After the nuclear bomb, which was unusable by emp's electronic system, was installed with a mechanical timer, it was put on the train by a black-clad Aegis special team.

   "Sir, the nuclear bomb is loaded!"

   "I see, let's go, time waits for no one!" Brock Rumlow looked at the heavily guarded high-speed train around him, and then silently put on his helmet.

As the commander of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Task Force, Rumlow has performed many missions for S.H.I. He had never performed this kind of task, let alone set up bait for three foods with higher teeth.

  "Are the high-level brains all shit?" Thinking of the Dunton teachings of his elder brother Pierce before he set off, Rumlow suddenly had a trace of doubt about his beliefs.

   "Look carefully at these guys and see if you can tame these things for our use!" Pierce said.

   Tame your horse's legs! When he saw the big guy ten kilometers away on the plane, Rumlow directly sent a message to his big boss.

  "According to reliable information, this is a mother. Try to get some biological samples. It would be better if there are eggs from it!"

   "I..." Rumlow on the train has the heart to want to throw his mobile phone, what's the matter? S.H.I.E.L.D. is not the U.S. Army. The best weapon in their hands is the rpg27 rocket launcher. In addition, they are M4 and M249. There is no armored vehicle or air cover. Should I use the M4 bayonet to perform surgery on the monster?

"Rumlow, you are our ace fighter. Remember that God (Nine) Shield (Head) Game (Snake) is not afraid of sacrifice, and the tenacious style of fighting bravely. If there is difficulty, you must go up. If there is no difficulty, you must go up. The organization waits. Good news for you! Long live the Hydra!"

  Although he knew that mental weapons were a common tactic used by Lao Lao, Rumlow decided to carry out the mission seriously. After all, he was also a member of Hydra.

  After taking the nuclear bomb from Nevada, the train dared not stop all the way, and drove to San Francisco with great effort until the evening.

   "Sir, the investigator said they lost Mutto!" An officer carefully handed the report to Rumlow.

   "No, I put such a big monster, and you lost it when it got foggy?" Rumlow only felt a headache. The team was friendly. How to fight this wave?

   "Have you contacted the garrison ahead?"

   "No, the radio did not respond. We may have entered Mutto's interference zone and lost contact with the rear!"

   "Damn it!" Rumlow looked at the fog outside the window and smashed the table angrily, "First figure out where we are! Order the train to slow down, and the first team will come with me!"

  After the diesel locomotive creaked and braked, Rumlow put on his gear and jumped off the train with a weapon. According to the satellite map, there should be a US military company waiting to meet them at the exit of the tunnel one kilometer in front of them.

"Sir, I suddenly have a bad feeling!" After walking for a long time in the dense fog with visibility less than two meters, Rumlow saw the American company, or the traces of their existence, the Hummer and Armored vehicles were overturned, tanks were squashed, houses were terrible, and there were many dead bodies.

   "Damn it!" Rumlow rummaged through the ruins and found some documents. After confirming that he was less than a hundred kilometers away from San Francisco, he planned to go directly without responding.

   "Boom, boom..." Just as he was about to return, suddenly there was the sound of monsters and soldiers firing in the thick fog.

   "Damn it, train!" Rumlow grabbed his rifle and ran back along the railway line staggeringly.


  Three minutes ago

  "Did you hear any sound?" A special Aegis soldier on guard suddenly asked his comrade next to him curiously.

   "What sound?" The comrade-in-arms puzzled, "You can't hear hallucinations, right?"

   "No, it's like something flapping its wings!" As the soldier said, he raised the m4 in his hand and turned on the flashlight to take a picture above his head.

   "Huhu~~" This time almost everyone heard that voice.

   "What is it?"

   "I don't know, there's something above my head!" A sniper suddenly saw that there was a huge shadow passing over his head, but after a flash, he could not see clearly.

  "Let's launch a flare!" The commanding officer felt that this was not a solution, so he ordered his men to light up the sky and see what was going on.

  "Ang~~" Three red flare flares pierced the dense fog and flew into the sky. Under the shining of red light, a soldier finally saw something.

   "It's Mutto!" As the soldier warned, he raised the m4 in his hand and pulled the trigger against Mutto who was diving down.

For a while, the gunshots were loud, and even more so that he directly picked up the rocket launcher and launched it into the sky. In the face of the incoming fire, the male Muto was not afraid of it. While his sharp mouthparts took a nuclear bomb away, his sharp and strong forelimbs Two ravines were pulled out on the ground, engulfing many Aegis soldiers.

"Drive, let the train drive!" The commander looked at the nuclear bomb strapped to the flatbed and knew that Muto's purpose was these. He immediately ordered the locomotive to start. The diesel locomotive powered by fuel would naturally not be afraid of Muto's emp impact. But it was naturally impossible for Muto to let his rations leave, so he simply landed on the ground and slapped the bugs to death while enjoying supper.

  "Hurry up, hurry up!" Rumlow wanted to regenerate two legs at this moment. Mutto, who attacked the American army, didn't go far. He should have realized it earlier. Now I don't know what happened to the men on the train! Rumlow, who was thinking about this as he ran, suddenly realized that something seemed to rush out of the fog.

  "Damn it, run!" Looking at it, Rumlow found that he was familiar with the thing. It was the locomotive he had been riding on. At this moment, the locomotive was creaking along the railway with the fire.

The position of Rumlo and others at the moment was on a viaduct that crossed the canyon. The Aegis soldiers who could not reach both sides of the road had to drop their equipment and heads and ran forward. Then, Muto descended from the sky and broke one of the viaducts. After intercepting, several soldiers had no time to brake and fell directly into the thick fog.

Rumlo, with wolves in front and tigers behind, listened to the screams of his subordinates, and then looked at Muto, whose eyes were shining with red light and making a sneer, his heart crossed his eyes, his teeth closed and he bit from the bridge. Jumped down, and then the burning train also smashed under the bridge from the fracture.

  (End of this chapter)