Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 140: The US team makes a movie

  Chapter 140 The US team makes a movie

  Brooklyn, New York

  Captain America Memorial

  Looking at a team of boy chickens, ah no, the boy scouts wore uniforms and shuttled through the museum under the leadership of the big brother. There were waves of complex emotions in the heart of Steve Rogers, dressed in disguise.

  If I came back then, I'm afraid my grandson will be this old too.

   "I want to be Captain America!" said a child jumping up and down.

   "I am Captain America!"

  I don’t know who started, a bunch of raw melon eggs from 6 to 16 years old took out their diy helmet shields from the pockets of their schoolbags, and then they fought to become Captain America.

   "Okay, okay, everyone, stop arguing, you are all Captain America!" At this time, the counselor on the side stood up and said loudly and comfortingly.

   "yeah! We are all Captain America!" A group of peas happily bypassed Steve's long legs and big hips, and rushed into the depths of the museum.

   "These kids are so noisy, aren't they?" a blonde big wave counselor said to Steve with a smile.

   "Ah, yes, it's very noisy!" Steve was a little incoherent when he saw the beautiful women start a conversation, but his shy appearance made the beauties on the opposite side even more happy. Sister me, you're welcome!

   "I'm Lisi, the Boy Scout instructor!" The beauty stretched out her right hand generously.

   "Uh, my name is Steve, Steve Barnes!" The US team, who didn't want to reveal their identity, used the surname of a good friend in desperation.

   "Oh, Steve, you and the captain have the same name!" The female counselor pointed to the statue standing beside her, but felt that the statue looked familiar, as if she had seen it there.

   "Huh? What about people?" When she turned around again, she found that the man named Steve had disappeared.

   "You idiot, that girl obviously wants to ask you!" In the museum, when Steve was carefully watching the glorious deeds of himself and Sergeant Barnes, a white-haired old security guard mocked.

   "I know! It's just, I'm not sure, I really fit this world!" Steve put on his baseball cap, afraid that he would be recognized again.

  "You young people have a lot of things, especially stars like you!"

   "Me? A star?" Steve smiled, how am I like a star?

   "It's concealed, and the hat is so low, it's either a star or an actor!" The old security guard walked away groaningly.

  "Are you an actor?" After another glance at his good friend, Steve left silently. He figured it out. It would be nice to live a different life style!


   "Sir, the captain went to California to make a movie!"

"I..." Nick Fury waved his hand weakly. Forget it, let him go to make the movie. As long as Coulson follows, he is busy dealing with Stark's affairs now, and there is no time to accompany a bunch of rich people. People are fooling around.

   And after some disguise, Natasha also successfully mixed into Kate’s secretarial team and replaced a person who left because of marriage leave. With these two generals, he was not worried about anything.

On Fisher’s side, the movie was made purely because of his relatively boring and leisurely time. This Captain America’s Military Service was completely remade by him based on Chaplin’s military service, although it is a children’s comedy. But from the director to the scene, they are all professional teams in Hollywood, and the captain who joined in halfway, although he has not received professional training, but he is flexible, quick thinking, and even some of the actions performed by the bit skills are wonderful.

The U.S. Army’s entry into the army is divided into three parts. The first is to play Xiaoxi in Europe, the second is to play Xiaomo in Italy, and the third is to play Xiaodong in the East. The costumes and props of the actors are 100% restored, and even Fisher has found a battalion of the California National Guard to come over to appear as a soldier.

  Even Coleson also played a role in it. He is the most loyal little follower of Captain America, holding the m1928 Thomson and battling down one team after another.

Of course, I have never seen blood in the middle of the movie. The dialogue and narration of the characters are also carefully designed. Although the lines are short, they all tell the various principles of educating children. Even in the fight, the US team and the villain I also stop from time to time, akimbo to explain some dangers that may arise in life and countermeasures. In short, the whole movie is fun and educational. It uses various ways to attract children's eyes to explain the rules they don't like to listen to. At the same time, it tells them that sometimes parents don't let them do certain things for their own good.

Fisher's large sum of tickets went down, and the filming of the film was extremely smooth. The three episodes of the 150-minute movie were shot for only three weeks, and then the tapes were sent to Iraq, where the Titan’s supercomputer would Finish the next editing, special effects, and layout matters.

   "Thank you, Mr. Fisher!" Coleson, who finally took off his suit, took two bottles of Corona beer and handed it to Fisher.

   "The captain now has a lot of smiles on his face, and he can also tell us some jokes at ordinary times. Well, yes, he can now use the computer proficiently! These are all your credit!"

  "This is not my credit, but you yourself did not properly handle the communication relationship with the captain!"

   "???" Coleson was puzzled.

"You usually treat people like 80-year-old old men, and you are afraid that they will bump into anything you do. Although he has been frozen in the ice for 70 years, he is still a young man with a strong spirit. How can he be free for a day? So, did you let him hit a punching bag or something? Come to my side and look!" Fisher took a sip of the wine bottle, and then pointed to the temporarily repaired boxing ring next to the camp wagon, Fisher The team of bodyguards brought was being beaten round by round.

   "Keep him busy, let him participate in your work, don't just idle all day, so as to better integrate into society!"

   "But the chief's order... is to protect the captain!"

"A punch can kill three of your captains, you protect you? Agent Coleson, the captain is not only a hero, he is also a person. This is what a friend should do!" Fisher slapped Agent Colson on the shoulder earnestly, and then took off his jacket. He was also ready to compete with the American team in the ring.

As for Coleson, he was still sitting in place and slowly trying to figure out Fisher's words. In fact, Coleson knew about his director's Avengers plan, and the captain and Iron Man must have been included in this list. , There will definitely be more people entering, so how to unite these people must be done by S.H.I.E.L.D.!

  (End of this chapter)