Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 31: Covert action

  Chapter 31 Secret Operation

   "Sir, I'm just an ordinary pilot, I haven't fought land warfare!" Fisher didn't have to guess, and Saren Couch's purpose was clear at a glance.

   "General Cole Francis didn't say that. This is an order!" Saren Coch's face was serious, with a tone that could not be denied.

   "Okay, sir!" Fisher can only express his obedience to the arrangement, "but I hope to get all the equipment I may need!"

  "You will get all our current weapons and equipment. After you disarm the air defense system, the Olympus Mountain will enter the field immediately, and the future of Mars is in your hands!"

  "Please rest assured, sir, long live Mars!" Fisher tensed his facial muscles with all his strength, and resisted to stop laughing. The future of Mars rests in his hands. How blind these Martians are.

   However, Sarenkochi was moved by Fisher's awe-inspiring expression. If it were not to maintain his own image, he would give Fisher a hug.

  But this short stare is enough. Fisher's golden psionic energy has planted seeds in Sarenkochi's mind, just waiting for a time to blossom and bear fruit.


In fact, after the raid was prevented, the UNSA military has rushed to interrogate the spies arrested on Mars. Facing the terrible conditions in Geneva, these interrogators who were so full of fire would naturally not be able to give the other party any preferential treatment. The tap water, coupled with the torment of not being allowed to sleep, soon a few spies became soft because they couldn't bear it, and poured out everything they knew.

It’s just that the unsa interrogator’s headache is naturally the Martian spy leader who was captured by Reyes, Archie Minria, this guy is like a stone in the toilet, smelly and hard, he hasn’t eaten, drank or slept for three days. I have the energy to greet my parents with the interrogators. If it hadn't been for Admiral Ryans' orders not to hurt him, I'm afraid Rhea would have become a pile of human trash.

  In addition, unsa's sweep of the ruins of the city of Geneva continues. There are still some remaining Martian soldiers and robot troops in the huge city. Therefore, the unsa search and rescue forces are fighting and searching for surviving civilians.

   "Sir, Geneva is not very safe yet, or you should withdraw first!" An officer stood nervously on the top floor of the Unsa building. After hesitating again and again, he spoke to the silent Admiral Reins.

   "No, I'll just stand here, let me see the one who doesn't open his eyes came to me!"

   "But, you are also responsible for commanding the entire unsa fleet!"

  "There is only one aircraft carrier left in the fleet. I believe Reyes is the prisoner. Geneva is not very safe. You can send him to Berlin as soon as possible. The federal prison there is well-defended and safe!"

   "But..." The officer wanted to say something, but was stunned by the black-faced Ryans back.

   "Well, I will arrange it now!"


"They are moving!" In the ruins of a building less than three kilometers away from the unsa headquarters, Fisher, wearing a dark tactical cloak, was lying motionless among the bricks and rubble, beside him. There are also more than a dozen Martian commando soldiers in the same costume.

   "Attention, they are out!"

  In the telescope, Rhea wearing yellow engineer clothes was framed by two heavily armed heavy assault troops out of the UNSA headquarters building and stuffed into a six-wheeled armored vehicle.

   "Do you want to do it?" a soldier next to Fisher asked in a low voice.

   "No, this is their defensive place. Let's take a detour and go ahead to intercept them!"

For this rescue and attack, Mars was paid for, and directly invested in two experimental crow transport planes with jump engines. Fisher and the others bypassed the lunar defense line and disguised the crow transport planes as wreckage falling to the ground. The fragments arrived in Geneva.

   "Sir, they are on the viaduct!" The Martian soldier who replaced Fisher and the others sent a report.

   "Follow them and drive them to the expected ambush!" Fisher took the PDA, drew a few times on it, and marked the pursuit route.

  In the rain curtain that almost obscured the starlight, two armored vehicles roared over the wreckage and rushed onto the viaduct that was still intact.

   "Enemy attack!" As the unsa vehicle escorting Rhea accelerated, it frantically asked for help from nearby friendly forces. The armored vehicles belonging to the Mars Commando also accelerated and shot at the **** vehicles ahead.

  The dazzling fire and the deafening sound of guns went straight into the sky. Seeing that the **** was about to drive off the viaduct, the two concrete pillars supporting the bridge surface exploded.

  The **** truck creaked and slammed heavily against the ground amidst the click of a click, smashing the occupants inside.

   "Fast, they reacted!" Fisher strode to the height of the ruins, looking into the distance, in the dark night, a little bit of light was quickly approaching.

  The Martian commando soldiers quickly used heavy demolition tools to disassemble the armored vehicle, and then pulled out the **** Rhea from the inside.

   "Sir, are you all right!"

"Don't worry about me, I still have a task, you guys hold me the chasers!" Rhea breathed a sigh of relief, took a pistol from a commando soldier and started to move, and at this time the unsa jackal who was in charge of the guard The fighter plane has arrived above the ambush site.

  "Free fire!" Fisher shouted to order all the soldiers to start shooting, while he shot and chased Rhea, only a few combat robots followed him.

Fisher knew exactly what Rhea was going to do. It was nothing more than detonating the time bomb that had been laid on the air defense system long ago, destroying the AA electromagnetic railgun, and then activating the transmitter installed in the body to wander high in the sky. The Olympus of the United States was attracted, but Fisher didn't intend to let the other party do this. Anyway, the Star Torch was almost fully charged, so give the other party some more fire and then leave.

  Just because he was not familiar with the terrain, Fisher quickly lost Rhea's figure, and even the combat robots were sent to search for unsa soldiers to fight because they might reveal his position.

"Where is this guy?" Just when Fisher was at a loss, a jackal fighter jet spraying sparks turned and fell to the ground. Fisher, with excellent eyesight, saw the spray spray on the jackal fighter pilot. A pair of graffiti and mother-in-law under the cabin, Fisher recognized that it seemed to be the new captain of the Unsa Retribution aircraft carrier, Reyes himself, he must have come for Rhea, and Fisher did not hesitate to follow Up.

    So what's the point of talking about past relationship history when a bunch of people don’t sleep at night? Over and over again, holding the shredded food that others have eaten. Two more completes, good night everyone



  (End of this chapter)