Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 37: Some friends come from afar

  Chapter 37 Friends come from afar

In fact, the McAllen Group has not given up on the development of the American and Asian markets over the years. When the United States bid for the fifth-generation fighter jet a few years ago, the McAllen Group participated in the bid. At that time, they proposed a very sci-fi The U.S. military at the time was also very tempted by the concept plan of the supersonic fighter jet, but it was a pity that the Ministry of Defense chose the Stark Group's f22 fighter jet in the end.

Don’t ask why, the question is to support domestic production. In fact, another important factor that Stark Industrial’s bid failed at that time was that Tony Stark didn’t care at all at the time. The son and the leg are singing every night, and the waves are like a scorpion. The outside world does not know this. They only know that Tony Stark is a rising rookie. Stark Industries is bound to go from peak to peak under his leadership. After the failure of the Tucker industry, there was a lot of scolding on the Internet. What **** Stark is the world's first, what American technology is five hundred years ahead of the world, a bunch of elites, elites, and Russia are on the Internet. He directly packaged all the beauties hired by Stark and told them to leave, and then Obadiah told Stark very seriously that if you still want to continue to enjoy life, you can get the order, so Stark Without even wiping off the powder on his face, he made drastic reforms to Stark Industries' f22, improving performance and reducing costs.

In the second round of bidding, looking at the complete machine produced by Stark Industries, even the wind tunnel model was not produced. It’s so tempting. It can deform wings, is equipped with pulse guns, can cruise at supersonic speed, and has a range of 8,000 kilometers. The most important thing is that this fighter, code-named Night Owl, also supports head aiming. Yihe Voice Control, the person in charge who was in charge of introducing the performance at the time, also said that the system of the Yexiao fighter can recognize dozens of languages ​​and dialects.

  But in the end they still failed. The Ministry of Defense euphemistically stated that your aircraft is very advanced, but we currently use Stark’s.

After running back to Europe, the McAllen Group hadn’t figured out how to start over again. As a result, the United States began to sell f35 to its allies. This is also a product of Stark Industries. The market did not grab it and was suppressed by the other party. This is a bad news for the McAllen Group, but fortunately, the old Europe has not forgotten McAllen’s credit. France and Germany have purchased a batch of McAllen Group’s gusts, which allowed the McAllen Group to ease. Angry.

After a failure, the McAllen Group did not give up. When the Titan was just established, the United States opened the development plan for general-purpose armored vehicles. The McAllen Group came to the ocean with the m8 mobile artillery system they developed. I was defeated by the Titans again, because when designing the m8 mobile artillery system, the idea of ​​the McAllen Group was to design this thing into a light m1 tank that can be airborne, a gas turbine, a 105mm smoothbore gun, and a hunter fire control system. , If this thing is put at other times, it is estimated that the US military will also purchase it, but then Fisher directly opened it.

At that time, Fisher brought out a light wheeled infantry vehicle equipped by the US military in the advanced war plane, a 75mm automatic gun, programmable smart shells, and a 75mm titanium tungsten alloy shell with a magical damage effect. The tail stabilized armor-piercing projectile can pierce the frontal armor of the m1 tank, as well as the laser suppression sighting system and active interception system. The highly intelligent cockpit can even allow the driver to fire while driving, just as simple as a computer game.

  After entering the field test session, the m8 artillery system continued to explode embarrassment, the track fell off, the body was stuck in the mud and could not move, even in the live ammunition shooting link, because of the vibration produced by the artillery shooting, it also caused the target to miss.

  In short, the final winner became a giant, and the McAllen Group may have a shadow over this. Since then, it has concentrated on operating its own three-acre land in old Europe and no longer actively proposes to enter the American arms trade market.

  Now that the McAllen Group has proposed to cooperate with the Titans in depth, Fisher wanted to ask who gave them the courage, Liang Jingru? Do you think that Stark is not selling arms, and you have the illusion that I can do it too?

  But this man from the other side of the ocean is not at all compelling. When communicating with Fisher, he also said that it would be an honor for the giant to cooperate with the McAllen Group.

  "Do you need me to throw this guy out?" Kate looked at Fisher impatiently.

"No, no, please treat this baron well, arrange it in the Hilton Hotel, the presidential suite, take out the bottle of Lafite that I saved in 82 years, and entertain him, and then arrange a few tricks for him at night! Multi-ethnic, you know, we are not Europe, the United States is equal, and all races are the same!" Fisher gave Kate with a kind smile, and the special envoy of the McAllen Group, the guy with the French baronial title Thinking that his words moved Fisher, he spoke harder on stage.

  At night, looking at the luxurious hotels and the beauties of all skin colors lying full of indoor swimming pools, the envoy felt as if he was in heaven. Until three o'clock in the night, the Washington police knocked on the door of his presidential suite.

  "Open the door, Washington police, we got a tip, someone is looking for a lady here!"

  When the envoy rushed out of the room, he found that not only the police were standing outside the corridor, but also a bunch of reporters and videographers from the media.

In the end what happened? This was the last sentence that the envoy thought of before fainting.

That’s right. Fisher arranged all of this. Fisher did not think about agreeing to the McAllen Group’s request for cooperation. First, Fisher’s surname was Adams. This was a member of the Boston Consortium. How could it be possible to do this kind of harm to others and disadvantage oneself? Second, the matter of cross-holding is not that Fisher looks down on McAllen. The entire Titan has tens of thousands of mobile combat troops, fighters, missiles, and support aircraft that can be dispatched at any time. It’s even more the same. All employees add up to more than 600,000 people. The McAllen Group’s size is just how much. According to Fisher’s knowledge, they are only now beginning the development of Nano Devouring Worms, perhaps in other worlds. Devouring bugs are very scary gadgets, but this is the Marvel world, and high-frequency electromagnetic pulses are not advanced gadgets for these large corporations. Therefore, Fisher never thought that the Titan would agree to the party's conditions at the beginning.

    I don’t understand, there are so many things after returning home



  (End of this chapter)