Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 538: Project Orion!

  Chapter 538 Orion Project!

   "Yo, Wanda did a good job!"

Fisher was holding his coffee and waffles while watching the news report from South Africa by the beautiful female reporter in front of him. It said that the United States had once again smashed an attack by the terrorist organization Hydra. This is obviously an official reporter who will take care of everything. The credit is all credited to the wise American soldiers and their commander Brigadier General Tarbert, and only one thing is mentioned about the reunion.

   "With the collaboration of the Avengers superheroes............"

But Fisher was not surprised. After all, the military now wants to build Tarbert and his troops into an elite organization similar to S.H.I.E.L.D., but completely obeys the Pentagon’s command. Russ ordered a lot of high-tech equipment, such as sentinel mechas, smart tactical helmets, and messy things.

Of course, Fisher would not believe the words of the reporter. You must know that he got the action report half an hour earlier than the Pentagon. It was very clear that the Scarlet Witch had completed 27 heavily armed Hydras in the first battle. Among them, six of them were mentally broken by her illusions. For the second half of their lives, they had to live with a diaper and a pacifier. In addition, there were all kinds of broken heads, broken blood, broken bones, and bruises. They stayed at Kama Taj for so long. , Wanda knows how to make a person lose the ability to fight as quickly as possible.

   "Actually, I think it would be better for her to serve in Atlas troops. We can create a special assault force for her to cooperate with her ability!"

Also in the same room with Fisher were several of Fisher’s newly promoted combat staff. Gideon and others who had been in the Special Forces and Marine Corps for a while, they also saw the scene at the time. Battle video, these Atlas elites naturally put themselves into it, to see what measures they have to deal with in that situation.

"No, no, she is not the same as us! Atlas is an army. We build a war machine that kills people without blinking. What is required is controllability and 100% obedience! They will not be promoted here. Personality, only Fulian is suitable for her!"

   "Also, don't envy her human strength, because you don't know what price they paid when they gained strength!"

  Fisher took out a document from his desk and threw it on the small square table in front of a few people.

   "Look at the New Year gift I prepared for you!"

   "Project Orion?"

  Looking at the bronzing letters on the cover of the file, a murderous Spartan helmet and the two crossed halberds below, Gideon felt the weight of the folder.

   "Strengthen the fighters! Has our human experiment been successful?"

  Seeing the design ideas proposed in the document, the first reaction of several staff members was that the repair operations of the previous Hydra soldiers were successfully completed.

   "Almost, half done!" Fisher motioned to the other party and then turned back.

"Our first step only repaired the damaged brains and organs of the soldiers. As for the strengthening and transformation, it is still in the theoretical preparation stage. The snake demon soldiers are in the first phase, and your mission is to select the second phase from the combat troops. Candidates! As for mass production, it will not start until the third phase!"

   "Is there a life-threatening change in the transformation?"

"Maybe, maybe not. In the previous gene repair operation, three of the snake demon soldiers died. Therefore, the human body's rejection should be given priority in the reconstruction operation. I will arrange for the biological department to cooperate with you! Make sure that unnecessary The loss is reduced to a minimum!"

   "Understand, sir, if the remodeling operation is successful, how should the new super soldier be named?"

   "Thundercasting soldiers?"

   "Sir, please think twice!"

   Seeing that the boss started to think about the name again, the staff immediately began to persuade Fisher, and for this reason, Israel would not hesitate to step down.

   "There are Spartan helmets on the file, so why not call us Spartans just like that world!!" A staff member suggested.

   "Yes, just like the three hundred Spartan soldiers led by King Leonidas, the transformation of the soldiers must be one enemy to one hundred. Let's call it Sparta!"

   Seeing that everyone liked the name, Fisher could only approve it.

   "Since everyone thinks so, let's call it Thunder Warrior!"


  The staff were confused, but seeing the boss's firm attitude, and the name of the Thunder Warrior sounded very domineering, they had no choice but to give up their plan to continue.

The plan has been drawn up, and Atlas internally began to implement it vigorously. All personnel, ground combat troops, logistics, technicians, and pilots all first conducted a wave of internal screening, selected a part of the elite, and then by the biological department. These personnel will be screened again to select those who are suitable for transformation, and then conduct preliminary fitness training. On the other side, the first stage of transformation surgery for the snake demon soldiers is also scheduled.

  Although it is a cannon fodder experiment, Atlas has also invested a lot of money on these soldiers. Everyone has a special medical team responsible for ensuring that their vital signs are in a normal state at all times during the transformation.

The entire transformation operation will last for three weeks. First they will make adjustments in the genetic cabin to confirm the limits of the transformation, and then they will receive neurochip implantation to ensure their ability to adapt to the body after the transformation is completed, and then It is a kind of induction therapy, which strengthens their bones and muscles, followed by organ modification. For example, strengthening the lung tissue allows the user to absorb more oxygen, the heart pumps more powerfully, and even the pupils will have a corneal implant. Entering objects will strengthen their vision adaptability, for example, they can quickly adapt to changes between strong light and darkness.

Finally, there are the circulatory system and the endocrine system. This modification allows them to obtain more nutrients from food. Coupled with the micro-nano medical robots implanted in the body, they can recover from injuries faster, or similar to breathing back to blood. The role of, by obtaining a large amount of energy in a short time, the fatal injury can be controlled or turned into a light injury in the shortest time, and the light injury can be completely healed.

  Of course, after this whole process, the experimenter will also get a passive bonus. First, their body's immunity will be enhanced, and then their life span will also be increased to a certain extent, which is also considered an invisible benefit.

  As for the adverse effects, this has not yet been discovered, but Fisher has also taken measures to deal with this impact, which is why he named these modified fighters as Thunder fighters.

  (End of this chapter)