Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 737: Why is there still something down there?

  Why is there still something under Chapter 737?

   "So, this is the end of the fight?"

   "It's over! It's not over!"

  Mechanical Godzilla is gone, but for the sake of insurance, Atlas Armed Forces will search the Apex company building carefully, especially to confirm whether the data center is safe.

   And looking at the standing positions of King Kong and Godzilla, Fisher estimated that the two guys might fight again, but the two big guys just stared at them, and then King Kong lost the axe.

  Master will not accompany you!

Looking at King Kong, and then at the two Astlans, Godzilla spit out a sigh of heat with disdain, and decisively chose to turn around and leave. Its shadow on human creation is still there, and it was chased by air fire before. After three months of fighting, he had to get a shot when he emerged from the sea, and he was almost hitting ptsd.

   Seeing Godzilla leave, King Kong was obviously relieved, and then raised a **** in the direction Godzilla left.

   "This is what your daughter taught?"

   "No, no! Absolutely not!" Looking at King Kong's vulgar sign language, Dr. Andrews wanted to beat the emperor staff on Skull Island one by one.

  "Do you have any thoughts on its placement?"

  "We are going to send it back to the ground, where it has its home, and it must be happy to stay there too! In addition, the investigation of the underground world also needs it!"

   "Yes, but I personally think that Dr. Serizawa should return to his post, what do you think?"

   "This is natural, and now we can just kick out the few standing bureaucrats!"

   "Then I wish you all the best in your work!"

   "What about the work here?"

   "Leave it to us, at least we have to clean up the battlefield!"

The correctional battalion troops with extensive experience in the aftermath of the work quickly approached the field. Their task was to eliminate all unexploded ordnance and confirm that there would be no safety hazards. In addition, there were medical personnel from the Atlas Third Fleet and the landed Marine Corps. An open space was opened outside the city of Mumbai, and then the large albatross transport boat, the main force of the fleet, reached the surface with various facilities. It only took half a day to complete the construction of a very standard battlefield hospital, although Fisher thought about it. Install an engine for the house and let it fly by itself, but the speed is too slow, or the transport plane is hoisted fast.

After the construction of the   hospital was completed, Atlas built six more standard battlefield canteens. At this moment, assistance from Médecins Sans Frontières and the United Nations also rushed to Mumbai.

  The civilians who survived the disaster can barely drink a sip of hot porridge and eat a piece of flying cake at this moment. As for the Indian army who came to rescue the disaster? The Modi government sent another 30,000 people to the north in the name of the collusion between Seris and the monsters. As for Mumbai, the New Delhi government stated that the disasters in the area are completely trivial and the people of Mumbai can solve them on their own!

In addition, a live news room was opened in New Delhi. The old fairy personally read the results of the investigation of the Mumbai incident and announced that under the leadership of the wise New Delhi government, Mumbai had not suffered much loss, and the casualties were expected to not exceed 500. The economic loss was less than 20 million.

Not to mention how this statistic came about. When Fisher arrived in Mumbai, King Kong and Godzilla had been fighting all night, and then he had another day and one night with Mechanic Godzilla. In fact, Atlas came in. At that time, it was the third day. There were no buildings over six floors in Mumbai. Ninety-seven areas in the urban area were completely razed to the ground, and the loss of personnel was countless. In these three days, Fisher He didn't see any people from New Delhi at all.

After waiting for seven days, the UN personnel had changed twice, and the special envoy of the New Delhi government was sitting on a speeding car and arrived late. When getting off the car, the special envoy named Singh told the UN Humanitarian Rescue Team and Borderless. The doctors’ organization criticized them, accusing them of surpassing the Indian government to distribute supplies to civilians, and they also organized a request to purchase local supplies from India.

  Such stupid officials were naturally ridiculed, but with the arrival of a Sikh infantry regiment, the Indian officials had support, and the confidence to speak was even stronger.

  After the Indian army entered the city, the first thing it did was neither to comfort the victims, nor to rescue the disaster, but to rush to the Apex company building quickly and prepare to receive the opponent’s assets in accordance with the command’s order.

However, after the soldiers rushed into the ruins, they found that there were no useful things left on the scene. Atlas confirmed that all the data had been destroyed and detonated an emp device, destroying all equipment. This is not true. Fisher wants to embezzle or something, he is completely disinterested in Apex's data, completely destroying it without leaving a backup is to prevent individual smashing experts from coming out in the future.

  The only problem is here. Among the equipment destroyed by Atlas, the freezing equipment of the Apex underground base, that is to say, those skeleton monitor lizard eggs that were in a low-temperature freezing state are now thawed.

The Atlas troops that received the order only destroyed the data and ran away. They neither explored the facilities below nor installed radar. So when the reckless Sikh riflemen broke in, they were catching up. The skeletal monitor lizard egg hatches.

Although the final size can be more than 60 meters, the skeleton monitor lizard that has just hatched is no more than one meter in size. It looks like a dog. As the most brave Sikh pikeman in the Indian army, he was shocked. , But the weapons in his hand are not for dry food. Lee Enfield, Insace, and Bren light machine guns rang together, sifting dozens of newly hatched skeleton monitor lizards.

   "What, these monsters are just like this!"

  The Sikh commander wearing a turban poked the corpse on the ground with his ancestral machete, and then laughed.

   "Bring a few home, we can taste these things in the evening! I want to use them to drink!"

  Several soldiers stepped forward, preparing to endure the nausea and carrying the corpse. As a result, one soldier found that the top of his head was falling, and when he raised his head, he found that there seemed to be dozens of big, hideous mouths on the gloomy ceiling.


  In the roar, the juvenile forms of countless skeletal monitor lizards fell from the air, and then the massacre of these unlucky Sikh infantry began.

It cannot be said to be a one-sided slaughter. At least the Lee Enfield rifle is enough to kill these larvae, but the problem is that the skeleton monitor lizards are not stupid. They go around the ceiling and underground, constantly relying on sneak attacks to destroy the will of the Sikh infantry. , When the commander was bitten off his throat, the infantry company immediately fell into a state of collapse.

    Now it is quite convenient to certify social security for the elderly in different places.



  (End of this chapter)