Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 760: Disaster always slows me down!

   Chapter 760 Disaster always slows me down!

Ghost agents, this is the killer of the human camps in the Kepulu region. They are all extremely sensitive to ghost energy. The physique of ghost agents allows them to pass through walls, run at high speed and jump over high obstacles. Things.

In addition, they have magical abilities such as remote telepathy, mind transfer, and even mind control. With various equipment on their bodies, harsh environment survival suits, c20 rifles and invisible equipment, every ghost is in the dark. Hunter.

They have undergone severe training and are proficient in various combat missions, including assassinations. Back then, Sarah Kerrigan, the strongest agent of the Federation, assassinated Mengsk’s family. Later, when Sarah Kerrigan came to Mengsk. In the camp, Mengsk unceremoniously betrayed the opponent, allowing Sarah Kerrigan to be captured by the Zerg, and then transformed into the Zerg Blade Queen.

In fact, this is also a foolish account. Because of the power and horror of ghost agents, any person in power will impose a lot of restrictions on them. Brainwashing and erasing memories is even more commonplace. When Kerrigan turned to Mengsk at the time, he didn't know what he used to be. What did you do, but now it is too late to say that people can't come back from the dead, and the Kepulu region is not like Marvel, which can use coordinates to pierce time.

  Now, Fisher’s stealing technology plan naturally also includes the training methods of ghost agents. As for the regular Marines, forget it.

  As for the ghost of whom to steal, it goes without saying that children only make choices, but Fisher wants them all.

Of course, this is all about stealing a barracks. Fisher is going to get Yumoyan directly. This country with a population of only 2.1 billion is a great human resource supplement for Atlas. It is small, small in population, but rich in resources, highly qualified personnel, and has a very complete industrial base. It only needs a little operation to become a stable rear area.

   "Jack! Prepare the car, let's meet the speaker!" Fisher rubbed his hands in excitement, ready to give all the senior officials to Quanyou in one breath.

"Yes, sir!"

  The captain of the guard had no doubt about him, and he didn't even notice that there was a strange robot beside Fisher.

Facing the arrival of Fisher, the speaker thought that the other party was here to persuade him to support the shipbuilding plan, so he cordially took Fisher by the hand and prepared to enter his tea room. The two said something that they could not move to the table. For example, if Umoyan does not expand the fleet, then the empire will not necessarily come back to fight, but once Umoyan expands the fleet, then the empire will definitely come to attack and other internal words.

  And Fisher also pretended to be taught, followed the speaker into the small black room, and then it was time for loyalty.

  The mental seal directly penetrated into the speaker's head, making the former dizzy. However, as the psychic power completed his ideological transformation, the speaker with a golden light flashed in his eyes and knelt down to Fisher.

   "Then what, you will call the congressmen one by one later, I don't bother to run over and look for them one by one!" Fisher ordered.

"Understood, sir, I'll do it right away!" The speaker who is over sixty years old suddenly ran a lot better than the twenty-year-old boy. People called over one by one.

The councillors didn’t know why the speaker called them over. They thought something serious happened. They went into the small black room one by one, and then Fisher pinched the neck and patted the thought stamps one by one. It took less than a day, especially The Moyan Council already has the surname Fei.

Of course, not just the congressmen, but also the dozens of ghost bodyguards they carried. Although ghosts are good at manipulating the soul, as the saying goes, those who play with the human heart must play with the human heart. The slightly elementary spiritual power is at the root. Not Fischer’s opponents, but these ghosts have experienced some mental shocks after being brutally entered by Fischer, causing many people to breathe diazepam (that is, high-energy gas with extremely high purity). Slowly, a few ghost agents resisted a bit fiercely, causing their phantom energy levels to drop a little, and it took a long time to slow down.

  However, Fisher still has a ghost force of his own, and with the foundation, then development and growth will not be a problem.

After controlling the parliament, Fisher directly erected the portal and the time-space bridge on the parliament building, and then the ground troops were stationed. They will gradually replace the defensive positions of the Yumoyan Guardian Army. It is worth mentioning that the StarCraft World There is also a very powerful technology in the middle, and that is the mobile base of the human camp.

Of course, unlike what we saw in the game, the largest human building is not the main base. The largest mobile building is Star Harbor. When it lands on the ground, it can be used as a huge maintenance base for aircraft repairs and supplies. , But the battlecruiser cannot be stopped, and when it takes off and enters space, it can directly become a space station protected by heavy armor, and at this time, it can provide supplies for the battleship.

  After obtaining the data, Fisher simply packed a whole set of base facilities directly, stuffed it into the time-space bridge, and handed it over to the scientific team at the other end to study.

Because of the rich harvest, Fisher even forgot to mock Mengsk. After working for a week, he suddenly received a report from the Marines of the Third Division and found intermittent unknowns in Yumoyan. Aircraft signal.

   "Ah this! No, Mengsk wouldn't be so stingy, right? I just scolded him and sent a killer to the door?"

  Fisher estimated that it should be a transport plane that jumped over from the battlecruiser. After all, the Atlas fleet has now been deployed in the galaxy border zone, and no unknown spacecraft jump signal has been found.

   "It's okay, I don't believe that she will still be able to put the muzzle out of me!"

The confident smile on Fisher's face suddenly solidified. The warning from the psychic made him cold. The next second, he subconsciously opened the shield with his backhand, and then a 20mm multi-purpose high-explosive armor-piercing warhead stopped. up in the air.


The regiment staying next to Fisher was also taken aback. The drone it set up did not find the enemy's position at all. Holding the explosive sniper rifle, it quickly stopped in front of Fisher, using its own high power spectrum. The investigative camera inspected the building outside the building over and over again, but found nothing.

   "The target was not found, and the ballistic trajectory is uncertain. How did he do it?"

"This is the power of the ghost agent!" Fisher pinched the unexploded bullet that he had stalled for time, looked at the small hole in the glass window, then closed his eyes and used psychic energy to trace back. Let’s look at the source of the warhead.

  Yo, it's her!

  (End of this chapter)