Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1575: On the Maintenance and Maintenance of Te

Tony lost his mind for almost a second before finally drawing his mind away from what happened at SHIELD, and at the same time he understood what Luke meant.

His face was a little black, but he was a little suspicious: "This ... really works?"

Luke took a cup of coffee and took a sip: "There is always a little effect. If you only have five minutes of endurance, the effect is definitely obvious."

Tony gave a cough and sneered: "It won't help."

Immediately, he thought of: "Can Life One be supplied regularly? Not much."

Lu Kerao was interested: "Are the results?"

This drug, which involves changes in the human body, has been studied for several months after Tony got it, and the progress is indeed not small.

However, much of its research data is not in Tony's ability.

Time is not enough, and the task is assigned to a research team.

Luke also has a small number of experimenters here, who are basically suffering from certain diseases and can only wait for death or persistence.

They are willing to accept the experiment, and at the same time receive a considerable amount of cash-this can escape a large tax.

The poor, who are dying or are worse off, don't care about the IRS.

At present, it seems that Life One has not found any bad side effects.

This was also expected by Luke.

After all, the original version of Life One was a "medicine bath" that the Mutual Aid Society used for hundreds of years.

Such a long time, the hidden danger must have a record, Sloan will not let himself and those famous killers use it often.

Of course, there is another possibility that the hidden dangers are longer than ordinary people.

It can make people live to death without problems, even if there are hidden dangers, it is not important.

Tony nodded: "The effects of fast healing of trauma, healing of certain types of diseases, and delaying the aging of the body have been identified without any side effects being detected."

Luke nodded: "I'll say hello to you, and you can negotiate with the boss yourself."

Having said that, he turned sharply: "Are you ... you want to use it as a special medicine for lumbar muscle strain?"

Tony froze.

He really had the intention, but at least three to five years later.

He did not dare to use this kind of mysterious medicine without long-term experimental verification.

It wasn't that he suspected that Luke had a bad heart, but that he wouldn't cry to death in the event of a side effect similar to the increased strain on lumbar muscles.

After all, this thing was originally used to save lives, and it is acceptable to pay for it, but for health care, any obvious side effects are not desirable.

Luke patted his shoulder: "It's still more exercise Qi, at least I guarantee it's not bad."

After thinking about it, he added another sentence: "You can ask the boss for a life light dagger and use that to promote cultivation. It should also have a good effect."

Compared to the scientific No. 1 life, the metaphysical life light dagger only provides pure vitality, which indeed promotes the practice of gas-finishing.

luxury? nonexistent.

This thing can't appear on a large scale, otherwise a lot of people will find the owner crazy and let them "renew their lives."

In a sense, the vitality in the light dagger is omnipotent.

General terminal illness cannot be cured or can be delayed. In addition, some medical measures make it very likely that patients will fully recover or partially recover.

However, Tony even got several dozens of Life One, but there were only two life daggers. Obviously, the output of light daggers was absolutely scarce.

Hearing Luke's words at this moment, Tony was immediately delighted: "Then twelve?"

Luke: "A maximum of two. It just temporarily strengthens the effect of gas refining, delaying aging for several months, so that you don't die suddenly due to lumbar muscle strain."

Tony: ... you have strained your lumbar muscles and you died suddenly!

Luke was so concerned about Tony's sleep and lumbar strain, of course not because of Pepper.

Now young and big are one-star teammates, and their abilities can be refreshed at any time.

Now that it has become Luke's "perpetual motion technology cash dispenser", it is reasonable to ensure its operating status and work efficiency.

Tony is in good health. He can work overtime a few hours a day, and he is more efficient.

Unscrupulous exploiters are totally nonexistent.

Luke himself, a struggling man who only sleeps for two hours a day, why can't he feel that Tony can sleep more than six hours a day.

Unless you have insomnia and don't sleep every day, then you really need to maintain this technical perpetual motion machine.

Dead enemies are good enemies.

A living teammate is a good teammate.

It is in Luke's best interest to have a teammate for a day to live.

Half an hour later, Luke left with all of Tony's research data on Life One.

This is good. Tony's achievements on Life One must be shared with Luke, and Luke will always provide Life One for experiments.

After talking this time, the two sides had a tacit understanding on the issue of SHIELD.

Tony doesn't get involved, and it's not easy to get involved.

But under Luke's "explicitness", he promised to eat certain "legacy" of SHIELD at the right opportunity.

When "others" are alive, it is discussed to divide the heritage, which is the traditional artistic ability of capitalists.

The two big capitalists who made this decision have no psychological burden, they can't be cheaper Hydra!


After small entertainment after Valentine's Day, joker was unwilling to be lonely.

On February 17, two big politicians in Virginia quietly died again.

One of the cousins ​​was a businessman and the other was a mayor.

Together, they provided 5,000 experience points, and going to Xitian together was considered dead.

The survivor at the scene was the son of a businessman.

Although the second generation is only fifteen years old, he is already a little red evil.

I just do n’t know if I watch my dad and uncle wash up on the spot this time, will he be rehabilitated.

Luke didn't expect it.

It is true that there are many good people in the society, or one more experience point.

Therefore, when the first-level avatar was engaged in live game streaming in Virginia, the deity was accompany President Ginny to discuss business affairs.

From the beginning of the design of Fetion, Luke was completed according to the similar software of the previous generation. It is not difficult to add an order entry.

For other specific matters, there is a professional team under Ginny to solve it.

For example, Americans like to use checks and credit cards, and they have a natural resistance to online payments.

Those capital giants in the U.S. banking industry will not let outsiders rush into their own territory to steal such huge benefits.

You know, the right to issue US dollar bills is not in the hands of US officials, but belongs to the Federal Reserve.

The Federal Reserve has adopted a dual organizational structure of federal government agencies and non-profit institutions, thereby avoiding the centralization of monetary policy in the hands of the federal government.

Luke has no more confidence ~ ~ I don't think it will be easy to grab a meal with these people.

This thing is not like the Chinese penguins and black cats of the last life, they can do it by themselves.

Of course, it's not that hard to say.

The explosive growth of the Internet and mobile networks has given online shopping a paypal-like payment platform.

Ginny, who had been reminded by Luke in advance, took a stake in the platform in advance, and reached an agreement with Amazon, the largest online shopping platform, to jointly hold shares in this payment platform.

With this payment platform, the ordering function is not difficult to open. It can be done in one or two months, and the rest is only a matter of how many restaurants are settled in.

Luke is now just turning on a small stove in advance, and running a separate business is not difficult at all.

Ginny asked more lazily, and sent it directly to her subordinates as a trial operation project, killing two birds with one stone.

It was not easy for her to talk about business with Luke, and this trivial "private matter" was a waste of time for him to hear two minutes.